Oath breaker pleads guilty to seditious conspiracy.

No what I want is a new immigration law that spells it all out how to handle illegals.

The right wing doesn't want a new law because they can use it as a political issue every two to four years.

Make a new law that is solid on how immigrants are handled.
Anyone who is in the USA illegally can be deported.
You see what's going on at the border? New legislation is what is needed. In my view.

I've been watching what's going on at the border for thirty-seven years. What's happening there isn't happening because we don't have new laws. It's happening because we haven't been enforcing the laws we already have on the books.
What I support is e verify. Check every employers
Now let's get back on the subject of seditious actions.
Yes let get back on track. Unless you guys want to start an immigration thread. Let's keep talking about the seditious conspiracy by the oath breakers.

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