Steve Bannon Warns Maga Prosecution

Well, lots of Democrats are afraid of "blowback" if (when) Trump takes the White House.

I promise President Trump won't stoop to their level and prosecute thes people on "trumped up" charges, but I do think it's long past time we apply the same rules to Democrats that they use on "us."

'Where are all of the arrests?': Trump demands Barr lock up ...​

Politico › news › 2020/10/07 › trump...

Oct 7, 2020 — Donald Trump mounted an overnight Twitter blitz demanding to jail his political enemies and call out allies he says are failing to arrest ...
Let's throw them in jail for 3 years while we look into what we can charge them with
Yeah, it is very amusing to see Democrats howling about Trump's threat to do to them exactly what they have done to him and other Republicans. I guess it's okay for Democrats to weaponize the justice system against their political opponents, but it's not okay for the Republicans to do so. What stunning hypocrisy.

Democrats started this awful misuse of the justice system. They have no right to whine if they lose the election and Trump does to them exactly what they've done to Republicans.
I suggest you read post 57.

Jist being "bring it", I welcome all the justifications that will occur when reality don't fit your fantasies.

Trump will undoubtedly try. He might even find an AG willing to go along. However when the open corruption you are suggesting ends in a courtroom it will fail. Like it has in the past.

Courts don't look kindly on bad faith lawyering. Jenna Ellis, John Eastman, Lin Wood, Rudi Guilliani, Sidney Powell, Kenneth Cheseboro, Michael Cohen, Jeffrey Clark, the list of lawyers getting in serious trouble for working for Trump is long and sleazy.
Well, lots of Democrats are afraid of "blowback" if (when) Trump takes the White House.

I promise President Trump won't stoop to their level and prosecute thes people on "trumped up" charges, but I do think it's long past time we apply the same rules to Democrats that they use on "us."

Let's throw them in jail for 3 years while we look into what we can charge them with
The charges were not trumped up.

They are legit.

34 counts of falsifying business records in the first degree.
Both sides-ism

Can't even consider the possibility that both parties are misguided, eh? Close that mind up tight, otherwise the "other side" will get you!

Here's the truth: neither of your "sides" is going to win. You won't ever eliminate Republicans, and they won't ever eliminate you. Consensus is the only thing that works. Not majority rule, and certainly not a plurality. But an agreement that government only adopt policies that all sides can accept.
Ah the cheap, 10 cent conman bait and switch.

Of course I was referring to false equivalence.

This is lost on the "I say everything sucks, then I can never be wrong" club.
Chickenshit. You can't even be honest. That's when you should really be questioning your premises.
Do you agree with this? Is this retribution? Is it something you support? Why or why not. I think Democrats who appear to have committed crimes should be on investigated, prosecuted and jailed

Bannon vowed that Trump’s political opponents and federal law enforcement authorities would face blowback if Trump wins a second term as president.

You are going to be investigated, prosecuted and incarcerated,” Bannon said

For what?
Well, lots of Democrats are afraid of "blowback" if (when) Trump takes the White House.

I promise President Trump won't stoop to their level and prosecute thes people on "trumped up" charges, but I do think it's long past time we apply the same rules to Democrats that they use on "us."

Let's throw them in jail for 3 years while we look into what we can charge them with

So you want a criminal dictatorship, just like Trump.

Nobody has thrown him in jail - yet, but it's coming.
I wonder how Garland will like 4 months in a federal cooler, with no reduced time for good behavior.
I wonder how Bannon will like his stay in Rikers when he gets transferred there as he goes on trial in N.Y. for conspiracy, fraud & money laundering?

One consolatiom for Stevie Boy is that the place is loaded with Trump's "best people" from J6 & Weisselberg. He'll fit right in.

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