Steve Bannon Warns Maga Prosecution

Obama started that shit and we're going to finish it.

"Voting is the best revenge"

"If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun."

And how about that Harry Reid changing the Senate rules on filibuster? That one sure came back to bite you Demotards on the ass, didn't it?

Progs at that time believed that within a several year period they would have total control. Reid was evil personified. Rememer Hillary on election night in 2016. She knew the fix was in. It was not enough as they took Trump lightly. They made sure in 2020. So, we were given a reprieve for a short period of time and the Supreme Court, and some judges nominated from the Senate the life vest. Even any Republican frauds in the Senate could not mess that up enough to destroy the nation without being pointed out. I wonder how much scrutiny Trump went through all of the Supreme Court Candidates he was given to choose from. With the RINOS we would have a 3/3/3 Supreme Court.
Do you agree with this? Is this retribution? Is it something you support? Why or why not. I think Democrats who appear to have committed crimes should be on investigated, prosecuted and jailed

Bannon vowed that Trump’s political opponents and federal law enforcement authorities would face blowback if Trump wins a second term as president.

You are going to be investigated, prosecuted and incarcerated,” Bannon said

Political retribution is one MORE reason not to elect they venal old fuck
Do you agree with this? Is this retribution? Is it something you support? Why or why not. I think Democrats who appear to have committed crimes should be on investigated, prosecuted and jailed

Bannon vowed that Trump’s political opponents and federal law enforcement authorities would face blowback if Trump wins a second term as president.

You are going to be investigated, prosecuted and incarcerated,” Bannon said


As if the blob wouldn't do it anyway if he hadn't been convicted of 34 felonies (so far).

Trump is garbage.
There is nothing whatsoever in the posted video that quotes Bannon saying that or saying anything at all. I suspect this is more fake talking point put out by dishonest pols and/or media to generate fear that if Trump is President he'll put people in jail. They're all saying it now so I know it is a coordinated smear campaign since he (Trump) is clearly on the record as saying the exact opposite.
Yet, amazingly, provide no citation.
Do you agree with this? Is this retribution? Is it something you support? Why or why not. I think Democrats who appear to have committed crimes should be on investigated, prosecuted and jailed

Bannon vowed that Trump’s political opponents and federal law enforcement authorities would face blowback if Trump wins a second term as president.

You are going to be investigated, prosecuted and incarcerated,” Bannon said

Let's say the 2020 election was stolen
So, let's say something happened that we have no evidence off and something that was adjudicated as being baseless.

Then let's ignore other stuff that happened that is not being contested as factual. Stuff like forging electoral votes for entire States, and pressuring the Vice-president to accept them as real, resulting in the storming of the Capitol, an event where over 70 cops got injured with the stated purpose of stopping the certification.

In that, completely fictitious world, Republicans abusing power to go after perceived enemies is like "stealing hubcaps."
Do you agree with this? Is this retribution? Is it something you support? Why or why not. I think Democrats who appear to have committed crimes should be on investigated, prosecuted and jailed

Bannon vowed that Trump’s political opponents and federal law enforcement authorities would face blowback if Trump wins a second term as president.

You are going to be investigated, prosecuted and incarcerated,” Bannon said

I don't support it, but I'm also not very concerned about it, unless substantial changes are made in how the criminal justice system works.

As it is now, even if Trump takes power and is capable off weaponizing the DOJ. That DOJ still needs to be able to prove their case in a court of law.

I have no doubt it will be obnoxious, expensive, and done in bad faith. On the other hand their are limits, tightly regulated limits to what a corrupt DOJ can do.
I don't support it, but I'm also not very concerned about it, unless substantial changes are made in how the criminal justice system works.

As it is now, even if Trump takes power and is capable off weaponizing the DOJ. That DOJ still needs to be able to prove their case in a court of law.

I have no doubt it will be obnoxious, expensive, and done in bad faith. On the other hand their are limits, tightly regulated limits to what a corrupt DOJ can do.
You're looking very Mac-ish to me right now. :dunno:
Do you agree with this? Is this retribution? Is it something you support? Why or why not. I think Democrats who appear to have committed crimes should be on investigated, prosecuted and jailed

Bannon vowed that Trump’s political opponents and federal law enforcement authorities would face blowback if Trump wins a second term as president.

You are going to be investigated, prosecuted and incarcerated,” Bannon said

MAGA is about rage. So anything goes.
You're looking very Mac-ish to me right now. :dunno:
It's not about being Mac-ish (although he'd probably agree), it's about paying attention and knowing how the system actually works.

Abusing the DOJ like you guys CLAIM Biden's doing undoubtedly sounds good to you and in a rally setting. Here's what's actually required and how it will and has played out.

First, you need to find someone in the DOJ who's willing to ignore every legal ethical standard in the process exposing himself to professional and in extreme cases criminal consequences. That's not that hard in a large organization there's always someone willing to take personal risks for professional advancement.

Then that person needs to actually find something they can charge.

Then they need to first convince a Grand Jury, and then a judge that that prosecution has merit. And finally a jury. If all those hurdles are met, there's still the appeal process.

I honestly don't care if someone actually goes to jail after that process has been navigated. The way I see it. It simply means that a jury found you guilty of a crime.

None of this is theoretical. Because for all you guys' bitching about "weaponizing the DOJ", the DOJ under Barr failed at all these things during the Trump administration.

McCabe was investigated but there were ultimately no charges issued because the Grand Jury refused to indict. Barr was called out by a judge for lying about the Mueller report. Durham secured one minor guilty verdict and 2 aquittals. Trump has gotten about a dozen lawyers working on his behalf, disbarred or charged.

So go ahead, take your best shot. What will ultimately happen is that more lawyers working for Trump will go to jail and you guys will cry some more about the "rigged justice system"

It's NOT that easy to simply abuse the legal system.
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Do you agree with this? Is this retribution? Is it something you support? Why or why not. I think Democrats who appear to have committed crimes should be on investigated, prosecuted and jailed

Bannon vowed that Trump’s political opponents and federal law enforcement authorities would face blowback if Trump wins a second term as president.

You are going to be investigated, prosecuted and incarcerated,” Bannon said

He owes it to the country to see to it they go down for RICO violations and not let the vermin get away with their treason and criminal syndicate operations. He will be neglecting his duties if he fails to hunt these vermin down and lock them up.
Do you agree with this? Is this retribution? Is it something you support? Why or why not. I think Democrats who appear to have committed crimes should be on investigated, prosecuted and jailed

Bannon vowed that Trump’s political opponents and federal law enforcement authorities would face blowback if Trump wins a second term as president.

You are going to be investigated, prosecuted and incarcerated,” Bannon said

Yeah, it is very amusing to see Democrats howling about Trump's threat to do to them exactly what they have done to him and other Republicans. I guess it's okay for Democrats to weaponize the justice system against their political opponents, but it's not okay for the Republicans to do so. What stunning hypocrisy.

Democrats started this awful misuse of the justice system. They have no right to whine if they lose the election and Trump does to them exactly what they've done to Republicans.

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