Steve Bannon Warns Maga Prosecution

Poor poor Crooked Donnie and his cohorts.

Just gather yer evidence, present it to a Grand Jury and get them to indict, then give the accused their day in court.

Ain't that America?

Or does the Crooked Benedict Donald think he can throw his detractors in Jail like his idol, and very strong man, Puti-bear does?
Yes, have your tantrum.

And enjoy diddling your strawman.
You're in denial. And I suspect you know it. The two party shit show you support is destroying the country - driving division and bringing out the worst in the electorate. The sooner we reject it the better.

But you keep shilling for it regardless. Shameful.
You're in denial. And I suspect you know it. The two party shit show you support is destroying the country - driving division and bringing out the worst in the electorate. The sooner we reject it the better.

But you keep shilling for it regardless. Shameful.
I find your false equivalence to be useless horseshit.

You opted to fashion a strawman by which you imagine I was saying one party is not misguided.

Go waste someone else's time with that low IQ nonsense.
I find your false equivalence to be useless horseshit.
The horseshit is your claim that I'm making a false equivalence. I'm making no equivalence. They're not the same. They're shitty in entirely different ways. But neither is worth a vote and each would be a mistake to elect.

You don't like hearing that, but it's true. The frustrating fact is that more than half the country agrees, but they're in thrall to the insidious lesser-of-two-evils scam that you shamelessly perpetuate. YOU are fucking the country for partisan gain.
The two party shit show you support is destroying the country
Hasn't the two party show been playing now for two and a half centuries? Still not destroyed.

"The bitterness and rivalries seen in the partisan 1796 campaign got worse in the 1800 rematch between Adams and Jefferson. At one point in that race, Jefferson’s supporter, notorious pamphleteer James Calendar, claimed that Adams was a hermaphrodite, while Adams’ people said Jefferson would openly promote prostitution, incest, and adultery. That 1800 race ended in a tie fueled by deeply partisan tactics and more plotting by Adams, Hamilton, Jefferson, and Burr. Jefferson was chosen over Burr in the House runoff election after Hamilton decided to support the man he once railed against as Phocion."
Hasn't the two party show been playing now for two and a half centuries? Still not destroyed.
It has, but the damage has been radically amplified by ubiquitous media, particularly social media. The inherent flaws on plurality voting are now dominating the process and driving greater and greater division.
It has, but the damage has been radically amplified by ubiquitous media, particularly social media. The inherent flaws on plurality voting are now dominating the process and driving greater and greater division.
We've always had a partisan media too. No the difference is the caliber of the politicians, nearly all politicians on both sides of the isle. Andrew Jackson really got screwed over. But he graciously conceded and came back fighting. Nixon also had a case in 1960 but conceded to tamp down the emotions of his ardent supporters. Nearly all the losers did, except for one. He said he would do it in 2016 if he lost, and did it in 2020 when he did lose.
The horseshit is your claim that I'm making a false equivalence.
Your unqualified both sides ism is precisely that. By any standard of reason or language.

But if you now say there isn't equivalence, and it isn't what you intended, I believe you.
It's "precisely" a copout to justify your partisan death spiral.
I never did that. You should spend more time paying attention and less time whining and lashing out.

And if you can learn to qualify your statements better, you will be able to articulate your thoughts much better.
Like Joe Biden does. Karma's a bitch
Wasn't it a Grand Jury who indicted the Criminals and a Jury of Citizens saw the evidence and made the convictions? The President didn't direct the DOJ's action. Unlike Puti-bear who has his enemies thrown in cages or just has them murdered. That's who Benedict Donald admires (and longs for) for his strong action like that.
Well, lots of Democrats are afraid of "blowback" if (when) Trump takes the White House.

I promise President Trump won't stoop to their level and prosecute thes people on "trumped up" charges, but I do think it's long past time we apply the same rules to Democrats that they use on "us."

Let's throw them in jail for 3 years while we look into what we can charge them with
There are no charges that's why nothing will happen, traitor.
We already have an Attorney General whose policies are based on revenge for losing a seat on the Supreme Court. Rudy did a great job cleaning up NYC, maybe he could to the same thing to the blood-sucking ticks embedded in the government. I still think he deserves the job, after all those assholes put him through.

Rudy has been disbarred and may be going to jail. He's unqualified now.

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