Obama a Cult. Followers will need to be deprogrammed

It's so sick. Check this out

"Friend --

If you're someone who cares about seeing a campaign focused on substance between now and November 2012, I need you to become a part of one of our most important teams.

It's called AttackWatch.com, and it launches today.

Here's the deal: We all remember the birth certificate smear, the GOP's barrage of lies about the Affordable Care Act, and the string of other phony attacks on President Obama that we've seen over the past few years.

There are a lot of folks on the other side who are chomping at the bit to distort the President's record. It's not a question of if the next big lie will come, just when -- and what we're prepared to do about it.

AttackWatch.com is exactly what it sounds like: a resource that allows us to nip these attacks in the bud before they show up on the airwaves and in emails -- and then fight back with the truth.

By signing up, you'll be on the front lines -- you'll hear about false claims as soon as they come up, and we'll count on you to spread the truth to your friends and personal networks and let us know about new smears whenever you hear them.

Will you sign up now to be a part of AttackWatch.com?

Yes, I want to be on the team that fights back.

Not right now, but I'll donate $5 to fund the 2012 campaign and support this work.

I remember the smears from 2008 well, and I'm sure you do, too.

They didn't just attack Barack Obama and Joe Biden. They went after everything this movement is built on, and everyone who supports it.

This time, they're not just out to personally attack the President -- they're also out to mislead Americans about the record of accomplishments that he's compiled. Just the other day, a Republican financier actually quoted Saddam Hussein in telling a group of millionaire donors that defeating President Obama will be "the mother of all wars."

We're launching AttackWatch.com today to make sure we're ready for the attacks we know are coming -- and armed with the ability to fight back quickly.

Sign up for AttackWatch.com now, and let's get the facts out:

Get the facts. Fight the smears. — AttackWatch.com | Join Attack Wire



Jim Messina
Campaign Manager
Obama for America"

I like this new tone of civility. Obama has done a fantastic job of bringing it about





(Images: EIB)​
Nixon and McCarthy EARNED their hatred.

I think Obama has done a pretty good job of earning it too!

Yes indeed.

By being black (kenyan muslim Marxist ACORN terrorist), or averting a depression, or reforming the worst, most corrupt health and financial systems ever?- sure, a real hater. Just like Nixon, subverting the constitution, "secret plan" to win the election and kill 20,000 more in Vietnam, ruining the lives of many innocent "communists" with McCarthy. YOU ARE BRAINWASHED. tyvm
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You just couldnt get more stupid: Tea Party Patriots - Official Home of the American Tea Party Movement

Just like Jim Jones, right? *waiting for the bu...bu...but*

bu bu...bu...but...that's different!

and when Conservatives set up media response teams, that's different too.

The difference is that conservatives are doing it - and therefore it's wholesome and good like the 1950's (well, if you were white at least).



THAT'S So fucking spookily similar to asking your legions of mindless zombies to turn anyone in who speaks ill of Obama.

The Legacy of Pol Pot - Photo Essays - TIME

So, you got owned and all you can do is deflect? Typical. The Tea Party calls itself a movement. So, which is it - is a movement a cult or just a movement? You can't have it both ways.

You're really stretching here, Frank. Nobody is asking anybody turn people in; the Obama team is (wisely) using the new media to fight the right-wing smear machine. What's wrong about Obama wanting to fight the GOP lies?
The Tea Party has done a poor job of deprogramming Bushbots.

It wasn't the intent. They went for an upgrade.

BushVersion 2. O aka TeaParty_beta.1.0

-Hateful and vitriolic hyperbole with no grounding in reality.
-A fallback feature that reloads America c.1920 or America c.1780
-A codetalk feature to hide your racist rants.
-A reload of solution TaxCut_9.0.0.1r and DeReguLationBot_v01.02.07v
-A Graphic program with these signs:

A. Dont_tread_on_me_flag.jpg
B. Obama_Joker_bat01v2.jpg
C. Obama_WitchDoctor_kenv2.jpg
D. Dont_Retreat_Reload.jpg
E. Obama_Watermelon01.jpg
F. RaceCard01.jpg
H. We_came_unarmed_this_time!.jpg

Surprisingly enough..it doesn't use to much cpu or memory!
Who else calls themselves a "Movement"? Guys like Jim Jones.

Also look at the paranoia, they want an enemies list, this is one of the stated, but lying, reasons the Left gave for their hatred of Nixon and McCarthy

You just couldnt get more stupid: Tea Party Patriots - Official Home of the American Tea Party Movement

Just like Jim Jones, right? *waiting for the bu...bu...but*

bu bu...bu...but...that's different!

and when Conservatives set up media response teams, that's different too.

The difference is that conservatives are doing it - and therefore it's wholesome and good like the 1950's (well, if you were white at least).

What the fuck are you talking about??

Obviously you're delusional...

Let me translate that email for you..

"Obama is dear leader, dear leader is perfect, all dissent about dear leader is lies, report all lies to us"

I get tons of emails from the right wing - I've never seen anything like that...

Democrats are fucking delusional...
You just couldnt get more stupid: Tea Party Patriots - Official Home of the American Tea Party Movement

Just like Jim Jones, right? *waiting for the bu...bu...but*

bu bu...bu...but...that's different!

and when Conservatives set up media response teams, that's different too.

The difference is that conservatives are doing it - and therefore it's wholesome and good like the 1950's (well, if you were white at least).

What the fuck are you talking about??

Obviously you're delusional...

Let me translate that email for you..

"Obama is dear leader, dear leader is perfect, all dissent about dear leader is lies, report all lies to us"

I get tons of emails from the right wing - I've never seen anything like that...

Democrats are fucking delusional...
Obama is trying to recapture what he had. It isn't going so well for him at all. Even some of his rats having all the cheese they could stomach are jumping ship.
You just couldnt get more stupid: Tea Party Patriots - Official Home of the American Tea Party Movement

Just like Jim Jones, right? *waiting for the bu...bu...but*

bu bu...bu...but...that's different!

and when Conservatives set up media response teams, that's different too.

The difference is that conservatives are doing it - and therefore it's wholesome and good like the 1950's (well, if you were white at least).

What the fuck are you talking about??

Obviously you're delusional...

Let me translate that email for you..

"Obama is dear leader, dear leader is perfect, all dissent about dear leader is lies, report all lies to us"

I get tons of emails from the right wing - I've never seen anything like that...

Democrats are fucking delusional...

The guy who said ^^^ this ^^^ calls Dems delusional....

bu bu...bu...but...that's different!

and when Conservatives set up media response teams, that's different too.

The difference is that conservatives are doing it - and therefore it's wholesome and good like the 1950's (well, if you were white at least).

What the fuck are you talking about??

Obviously you're delusional...

Let me translate that email for you..

"Obama is dear leader, dear leader is perfect, all dissent about dear leader is lies, report all lies to us"

I get tons of emails from the right wing - I've never seen anything like that...

Democrats are fucking delusional...

The guy who said ^^^ this ^^^ calls Dems delusional....


Yer cute little smiley ornament doesn't refute a thing the poster stated.
What the fuck are you talking about??

Obviously you're delusional...

Let me translate that email for you..

"Obama is dear leader, dear leader is perfect, all dissent about dear leader is lies, report all lies to us"

I get tons of emails from the right wing - I've never seen anything like that...

Democrats are fucking delusional...

The guy who said ^^^ this ^^^ calls Dems delusional....


Yer cute little smiley ornament doesn't refute a thing the poster stated.

You're right - my cute little smiley doesn't refute a thing he said - reality refutes everything he said. Good ole sane, rational reality.
Oh it's an invitation to join Obama's re-election campaign.

Sorry, why is this a cult as opposed to any other politician who's running for re-election?

Unchristian, Antichrist, yada yada. More of the same Obama-as-false-prophet dog whistle to the theocon crowd.
Think again. Or, more accurately, think the first time.

"Obama is, of course, greater than Jesus."

-- Politiken (Danish newspaper)

"No one saw him coming, and Christians believe God comes at us from strange angles and places we don't expect, like Jesus being born in a manger."

--Lawrence Carter

"Many even see in Obama a messiah-like figure, a great soul, and some affectionately call him Mahatma Obama."

-- Dinesh Sharma

"We just like to say his name. We are considering taking it as a mantra."

-- Chicago] Sun-Times

"A Lightworker -- An Attuned Being with Powerful Luminosity and High-Vibration Integrity who will actually help usher in a New Way of Being"

-- Mark Morford

"What Barack Obama has accomplished is the single most extraordinary event that has occurred in the 232 years of the nation’s political history"

-- Jesse Jackson, Jr.

"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."

-- Barack Obama

"Does it not feel as if some special hand is guiding Obama on his journey, I mean, as he has said, the utter improbability of it all?"

-- Daily Kos

"He communicates God-like energy..."

-- Steve Davis (Charleston, SC)

"Not just an ordinary human being but indeed an Advanced Soul"

-- Commentator @ Chicago Sun Times

"I'll do whatever he says to do. I'll collect paper cups off the ground to make his pathway clear."

-- Halle Berry

"A quantum leap in American consciousness"

-- Deepak Chopra

"He is not operating on the same plane as ordinary politicians. . . . the agent of transformation in an age of revolution, as a figure uniquely qualified to open the door to the 21st century."
-- Gary Hart

"Barack Obama is our collective representation of our purest hopes, our highest visions and our deepest knowings . . . He's our product out of the all-knowing quantum field of intelligence."

-- Eve Konstantine

"This is bigger than Kennedy. . . . This is the New Testament." | "I felt this thrill going up my leg. I mean, I don't have that too often. No, seriously. It's a dramatic event."

-- Chris Matthews

"[Obama is ] creative imagination which coupled with brilliance equals wisdom . . . [He is] the man for this time."

-- Toni Morrison

"Obama's finest speeches do not excite. They do not inform. They don't even really inspire. They elevate. . . . He is not the Word made flesh, but the triumph of word over flesh . . . Obama is, at his best, able to call us back to our highest selves."

-- Ezra Klein

"Obama has the capacity to summon heroic forces from the spiritual depths of ordinary citizens and to unleash therefrom a symphonic chorus of unique creative acts whose common purpose is to tame the soul and alleviate the great challenges facing mankind."

-- Gerald Campbell

"We're here to evolve to a higher plane . . . he is an evolved leader . . . [he] has an ear for eloquence and a Tongue dipped in the Unvarnished Truth."

-- Oprah Winfrey

“I would characterize the Senate race as being a race where Obama was, let’s say, blessed and highly favored. That’s not routine. There’s something else going on. I think that Obama, his election to the Senate, was divinely ordered. . . . I know that that was God’s plan."

-- Bill Rush
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^^^Oh I see whats going on. You just quote a Danish newspaper(WTF?) and a bunch of glowing comments you dont like from nobodies and a few artist and use that to claim that everyone thinks he's a messiah. I get what you're doing now..
You want to see a cult? Take a look at Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal al-Saud and Rupert Murdoch. They own a cult media outlet.
You just couldnt get more stupid: Tea Party Patriots - Official Home of the American Tea Party Movement

Just like Jim Jones, right? *waiting for the bu...bu...but*

bu bu...bu...but...that's different!

and when Conservatives set up media response teams, that's different too.

The difference is that conservatives are doing it - and therefore it's wholesome and good like the 1950's (well, if you were white at least).

What the fuck are you talking about??

Conservative movements. What the fuck are you talking about?

Let me translate that email for you..

"Obama is dear leader, dear leader is perfect, all dissent about dear leader is lies, report all lies to us"

I get tons of emails from the right wing - I've never seen anything like that...

Democrats are fucking delusional...

Let me translate your post for you: "I'm a fucking tongue-tide rightwing koolaid drinker and I can't see beyond the rim of my own glasses - therefore, I just recite rightwing talking points"
Yer cute little smiley ornament doesn't refute a thing the poster stated.

The poster didn't "state" anything. He posted drunk ramblings of a rightwing mouthpiece trained to pee on the grass every time Michelle Bachman mentions her 27 children.
Yer cute little smiley ornament doesn't refute a thing the poster stated.

You're right - my cute little smiley doesn't refute a thing he said - reality refutes everything he said. Good ole sane, rational reality.

You and reality are bitter enemies, JoseFuck....

Normally, I wouldn't see your posts because I have you on ignore, but I was scrolling down the page without being signed in, so I was able to see your post. I just have a question and then you can go back to ignoreland. Do you address posts to me just to read your own words, because you like to take cheap shots at somebody who isn't listening, or is it because you're so lonely and desperate that you're really only crying out for help?

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