Obama Achievement List

I think the demise of Greece helped shine a little light on it.

Downgrading of the US credit rating....
That was a pretty good indication we should probably stop spending so much money.

S&P gave Lehman Bros. a grade A credit rating even as they were filing for bankruptcy.

Obviously their credit ratings are spot on.

I remember when my wife and I applied for a mortgage and found out my credit rating was 811 and her's lower 700's - even though we both had no bad marks and despite the fact at the time she was making twice as much $$ as me.

So credit ratings - obviously they are meaningful. Just not much.

I'm sure your personal finances were scrutinized just as closely as the US government when they downgraded our credit rating....

That makes perfect sense...:cuckoo:
Downgrading of the US credit rating....
That was a pretty good indication we should probably stop spending so much money.

S&P gave Lehman Bros. a grade A credit rating even as they were filing for bankruptcy.

Obviously their credit ratings are spot on.

I remember when my wife and I applied for a mortgage and found out my credit rating was 811 and her's lower 700's - even though we both had no bad marks and despite the fact at the time she was making twice as much $$ as me.

So credit ratings - obviously they are meaningful. Just not much.

I'm sure your personal finances were scrutinized just as closely as the US government when they downgraded our credit rating....

That makes perfect sense...:cuckoo:

Well Jeez if they looked at the U.S. Government as closely and carefully as they did Lehman you know it must be correct.

Now maybe you can explain why interest rates on U.S. Treasuries went DOWN the day after the downgrade. Last time I checked, if you had bad credit, you had to pay HIGHER rates of interest - not less. Is that no longer true?
S&P gave Lehman Bros. a grade A credit rating even as they were filing for bankruptcy.

Obviously their credit ratings are spot on.

I remember when my wife and I applied for a mortgage and found out my credit rating was 811 and her's lower 700's - even though we both had no bad marks and despite the fact at the time she was making twice as much $$ as me.

So credit ratings - obviously they are meaningful. Just not much.

I'm sure your personal finances were scrutinized just as closely as the US government when they downgraded our credit rating....

That makes perfect sense...:cuckoo:

Well Jeez if they looked at the U.S. Government as closely and carefully as they did Lehman you know it must be correct.

Now maybe you can explain why interest rates on U.S. Treasuries went DOWN the day after the downgrade. Last time I checked, if you had bad credit, you had to pay HIGHER rates of interest - not less. Is that no longer true?

The downgrade could add up to 0.7 of a percentage point to U.S. Treasuries' yields over time, increasing funding costs for public debt by some $100billion, U.S. securities industry trade group SIFMA said.

Read more: US loses AAA credit rating: S&P's downgrade could lead to hiked interest rates | Mail Online

Downgrading of the credit rating by one credit rating agency doesn't mean an instant rate hike.

But with 1.5 trillion dollar annual budget deficits it won't be long.

Like I said it's a warning sign you are spending way too much f'in money.
YES GASOLINE HIT $4.00 here.....GO Obama, acheive your goals! Get those energy prices up there, its good for us lower income americans!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]

Chu: I deserve higher grade than A- for gas prices | Campaign 2012 | Washington Examiner
obama energy secretary chu said:
Times Tough for Energy Overhaul - WSJ.com In a sign of one major internal difference, Mr. Chu has called for gradually ramping up gasoline taxes over 15 years to coax consumers into buying more-efficient cars and living in neighborhoods closer to work.

“Somehow we have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe,” Mr. Chu, who directs the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal in September.
In summary, President Obama has accomplished more in three years than either Bush accomplished in twelve

In summary, you have one answer: Blame Bush.

Actually, you are right, Obama passed Bush two weeks ago $4.94 trillion for Obama $4.90 for Bush
National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Now, where does our current debt come from?
History of the United States public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Pew Center reported in April 2011 the cause of a $12.7*trillion shift in the debt situation, from a 2001 CBO forecast of a cumulative $2.3*trillion surplus by 2011 versus the estimated $10.4*trillion public debt we actually face in 2011. The major drivers were:
Revenue declines due to the recession, separate from the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003: 28%
Defense spending increases: 15%
Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003: 13%
Increases in net interest: 11%
Other non-defense spending: 10%
Other tax cuts: 8%
Obama Stimulus: 6%
Medicare Part D: 2%
Other reasons: 7%[38]

Bush adds more to Obamas debt than Obama does

Using your logic a large portion of Bush's debt comes from Clinton.......so lets just stick to the raw facts of debt added under each president instead of trying to deflect away from the fact that in under 4 years obama added more to the debt than bush did in 8 ;)
Yes because Clinton leaving Bush a 200billion surplus means it is Clinton fault that the deficit skyrocketed under Bush. You're as stupid as they come

And clinton's tax and regulation policies are what led to the decline we were experiencing just before 9/11. Don't be a dolt ;)
Oh I got another one.....

How about somehow introducing the IRS to the American public's healthcare?

That has got to be a great accomplishment.

I'm sure this definitely helped employ people....

LiveLeak.com - Signs Pimping the Stimulus Bill Cost Taxpayers $1 Million in Ohio Alone?


One MILLION dollars? OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKKHSAE1gIs]Dr Evil in 1 million Dollars - YouTube[/ame]

So you wish to remain stupid.

No problem stupid you shall remain.
I'm sure your personal finances were scrutinized just as closely as the US government when they downgraded our credit rating....

That makes perfect sense...:cuckoo:

Well Jeez if they looked at the U.S. Government as closely and carefully as they did Lehman you know it must be correct.

Now maybe you can explain why interest rates on U.S. Treasuries went DOWN the day after the downgrade. Last time I checked, if you had bad credit, you had to pay HIGHER rates of interest - not less. Is that no longer true?

The downgrade could add up to 0.7 of a percentage point to U.S. Treasuries' yields over time, increasing funding costs for public debt by some $100billion, U.S. securities industry trade group SIFMA said.

Read more: US loses AAA credit rating: S&P's downgrade could lead to hiked interest rates | Mail Online

Downgrading of the credit rating by one credit rating agency doesn't mean an instant rate hike.

But with 1.5 trillion dollar annual budget deficits it won't be long.

Like I said it's a warning sign you are spending way too much f'in money.

Over time?
LOL! How much time? Will it be before my grandfather is dead? He's got a lot of money in fixed income and could definitely use a higher interest rate.

Its funny, but I'd expect if my credit rating went down, the interest rate I'd have to pay on a new loan would jump up immediately. Maybe you can explain why the market for treasuries is so woefully inefficient.

I've got to say - it never ceases to amaze me. Dailymail tells you that investors woke up the next morning, saw the credit rating reduction and said "I think I'll bid treasuries up today, but slowly, over time, I'll bid them down" Are you really that stupid?
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Well Jeez if they looked at the U.S. Government as closely and carefully as they did Lehman you know it must be correct.

Now maybe you can explain why interest rates on U.S. Treasuries went DOWN the day after the downgrade. Last time I checked, if you had bad credit, you had to pay HIGHER rates of interest - not less. Is that no longer true?

The downgrade could add up to 0.7 of a percentage point to U.S. Treasuries' yields over time, increasing funding costs for public debt by some $100billion, U.S. securities industry trade group SIFMA said.

Read more: US loses AAA credit rating: S&P's downgrade could lead to hiked interest rates | Mail Online

Downgrading of the credit rating by one credit rating agency doesn't mean an instant rate hike.

But with 1.5 trillion dollar annual budget deficits it won't be long.

Like I said it's a warning sign you are spending way too much f'in money.

Over time?
LOL! How much time? Will it be before my grandfather is dead? He's got a lot of money in fixed income and could definitely use a higher interest rate.

Its funny, but I'd expect if my credit rating went down, the interest rate I'd have to pay on a new loan would jump up immediately. Maybe you can explain why the market for treasuries is so woefully inefficient.

I've got to say - it never ceases to amaze me. Dailymail tells you that investors woke up the next morning, saw the credit rating reduction and said "I think I'll bid treasuries up today, but slowly, over time, I'll bid them down" Are you really that stupid?

You're too easy...

Over time is what the experts said not me.

This isn't personal finances we are talking about.

Just admit it, its hard defending an unemployment rate that hasn't been this bad for this long since the Great Depression, a budget deficit that is unimaginable that your hero ran up, gas prices that are soaring and it's not even summer yet....etc....

I could go on forever....
He made the "N" word a household word among non-blacks again.


I've never heard the" N" word used so damn much among so many people until Obama became president and started up with this commie agenda of his. I think he's turned even MORE people into racists than before he was elected. A damn day doesn't pass now without some more stupid RACE crap on the front page.

The downgrade could add up to 0.7 of a percentage point to U.S. Treasuries' yields over time, increasing funding costs for public debt by some $100billion, U.S. securities industry trade group SIFMA said.

Read more: US loses AAA credit rating: S&P's downgrade could lead to hiked interest rates | Mail Online

Downgrading of the credit rating by one credit rating agency doesn't mean an instant rate hike.

But with 1.5 trillion dollar annual budget deficits it won't be long.

Like I said it's a warning sign you are spending way too much f'in money.

Over time?
LOL! How much time? Will it be before my grandfather is dead? He's got a lot of money in fixed income and could definitely use a higher interest rate.

Its funny, but I'd expect if my credit rating went down, the interest rate I'd have to pay on a new loan would jump up immediately. Maybe you can explain why the market for treasuries is so woefully inefficient.

I've got to say - it never ceases to amaze me. Dailymail tells you that investors woke up the next morning, saw the credit rating reduction and said "I think I'll bid treasuries up today, but slowly, over time, I'll bid them down" Are you really that stupid?

You're too easy...

Over time is what the experts said not me.

Yeah - the exact same experts that had Lehman rated as an "A" they day they filed for bankruptcy. BTW - I'd like to applaud you for your independent thought. Takes a lot of guts to stand up and say "Huh? I don't have to explain anything, experts man! Experts!"

This isn't personal finances we are talking about.
Its the same fucking money market idiot. Have you ever bought a government bond? Would you buy it for less interest than you thought it was worth just because the federal budget isn't personal finance?

Just admit it, its hard defending an unemployment rate that hasn't been this bad for this long since the Great Depression, a budget deficit that is unimaginable that your hero ran up, gas prices that are soaring and it's not even summer yet....etc....

I could go on forever....

I'm sure you could, anything to avoid having to defend your absurd position that investors will pay more for government debt than they believe it is worth.
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Over time?
LOL! How much time? Will it be before my grandfather is dead? He's got a lot of money in fixed income and could definitely use a higher interest rate.

Its funny, but I'd expect if my credit rating went down, the interest rate I'd have to pay on a new loan would jump up immediately. Maybe you can explain why the market for treasuries is so woefully inefficient.

I've got to say - it never ceases to amaze me. Dailymail tells you that investors woke up the next morning, saw the credit rating reduction and said "I think I'll bid treasuries up today, but slowly, over time, I'll bid them down" Are you really that stupid?

You're too easy...

Over time is what the experts said not me.

Yeah - the exact same experts that had Lehman rated as an "A" they day they filed for bankruptcy. BTW - I'd like to applaud you for your independent thought. Takes a lot of guts to stand up and say "Huh? I don't have to explain anything, experts man! Experts!"

This isn't personal finances we are talking about.
Its the same fucking money market idiot. Have you ever bought a government bond? Would you buy it for less interest than you thought it was worth just because the federal budget isn't personal finance?

Just admit it, its hard defending an unemployment rate that hasn't been this bad for this long since the Great Depression, a budget deficit that is unimaginable that your hero ran up, gas prices that are soaring and it's not even summer yet....etc....

I could go on forever....

I'm sure you could, anything to avoid having to defend your absurd position that investors will pay more for government debt than they believe it is worth.


You're too easy...

Over time is what the experts said not me.

Yeah - the exact same experts that had Lehman rated as an "A" they day they filed for bankruptcy. BTW - I'd like to applaud you for your independent thought. Takes a lot of guts to stand up and say "Huh? I don't have to explain anything, experts man! Experts!"

Its the same fucking money market idiot. Have you ever bought a government bond? Would you buy it for less interest than you thought it was worth just because the federal budget isn't personal finance?

Just admit it, its hard defending an unemployment rate that hasn't been this bad for this long since the Great Depression, a budget deficit that is unimaginable that your hero ran up, gas prices that are soaring and it's not even summer yet....etc....

I could go on forever....

I'm sure you could, anything to avoid having to defend your absurd position that investors will pay more for government debt than they believe it is worth.


Notice how you didn't defend the unemployment rate or gas prices? Also, I could get into how personal finances are completely different than a credit rating of a country and how it effects interest rates but it would probably soar way over your head. Hint..The US has more than enough nukes to completely wipe out life on earth as we know it. P.S.- Don't think that China is loaning us billions of dollars to help us out, they have their best interests at heart. I better stop before your head starts spinning.

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