Obama Achievement List

Oh this is good.

The op is too lazy or afraid to actually list President Obama's sizable list of accomplishments but that's okay because they're right there in my sig.

Then, "crusader (my ass) Frank" outright lies and the rest of the ditto-heads line up with their bobble heads bobbing up and down.

Once again,

:offtopic:.. Ya know.. you could start your own thread.. just sayin

Or, you could answer my challenge.

Oh, its okay. I've issued this challenge many times before but you numbnuts run away like scaredy little babies cuz you know the damn pubs have don't not a fucking thing for the USA in a hell of a long time.

I tell you what ... if any of you actually come up with even one frickin link to even ONE Repub accomplishment, YOU start a thread. You know and I know and all the rest of the forum knows that ain't gonna happen so - :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Oh this is good.

The op is too lazy or afraid to actually list President Obama's sizable list of accomplishments but that's okay because they're right there in my sig.

Then, "crusader (my ass) Frank" outright lies and the rest of the ditto-heads line up with their bobble heads bobbing up and down.

Once again,

:offtopic:.. Ya know.. you could start your own thread.. just sayin

Or, you could answer my challenge.

Oh, its okay. I've issued this challenge many times before but you numbnuts run away like scaredy little babies cuz you know the damn pubs have don't not a fucking thing for the USA in a hell of a long time.

I tell you what ... if any of you actually come up with even one frickin link to even ONE Repub accomplishment, YOU start a thread. You know and I know and all the rest of the forum knows that ain't gonna happen so - :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

In order to be treated reasonably you have to be reasonable, perhaps you should try that for a change. You seem emotionally charged up to say the least...:D
:offtopic:.. Ya know.. you could start your own thread.. just sayin

Or, you could answer my challenge.

Oh, its okay. I've issued this challenge many times before but you numbnuts run away like scaredy little babies cuz you know the damn pubs have don't not a fucking thing for the USA in a hell of a long time.

I tell you what ... if any of you actually come up with even one frickin link to even ONE Repub accomplishment, YOU start a thread. You know and I know and all the rest of the forum knows that ain't gonna happen so - :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

In order to be treated reasonably you have to be reasonable, perhaps you should try that for a change. You seem emotionally charged up to say the least...:D

You did a Google search and couldn't find even ONE link to even ONE Repub accomplishment.

Ya wanna know how I know that?

Two things -

1) you're hiding behind a really lame excuse,


2) there is not link to a Repub accomplishment.

Or, you could answer my challenge.

Oh, its okay. I've issued this challenge many times before but you numbnuts run away like scaredy little babies cuz you know the damn pubs have don't not a fucking thing for the USA in a hell of a long time.

I tell you what ... if any of you actually come up with even one frickin link to even ONE Repub accomplishment, YOU start a thread. You know and I know and all the rest of the forum knows that ain't gonna happen so - :badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

In order to be treated reasonably you have to be reasonable, perhaps you should try that for a change. You seem emotionally charged up to say the least...:D

You did a Google search and couldn't find even ONE link to even ONE Repub accomplishment.

Ya wanna know how I know that?

Two things -

1) you're hiding behind a really lame excuse,


2) there is not link to a Repub accomplishment.


With Democrats controlling the Senate (stalling House passed legislation), the Presidency and bent on obstructionism what would you expect exactly. Now be reasonable..:lol:
In order to be treated reasonably you have to be reasonable, perhaps you should try that for a change. You seem emotionally charged up to say the least...:D

You did a Google search and couldn't find even ONE link to even ONE Repub accomplishment.

Ya wanna know how I know that?

Two things -

1) you're hiding behind a really lame excuse,


2) there is not link to a Repub accomplishment.


With Democrats controlling the Senate (stalling House passed legislation), the Presidency and bent on obstructionism what would you expect exactly. Now be reasonable..:lol:

Bent on obstructionism. Now THAT is funny.
Worst job recovery in modern history? What are you smoking? The economy has created over 4M private sector jobs in two years. That's some of the best job creation in recent history.

This is widely known to everyone save the Obama pole smokers. There are many, many sources for this information if one had the intellectual curiosity to investigate:

The Worst Economic Recovery Since the Great Depression
....Which only goes to show.....

.....he doesn't mess-around.​

Still ignoring the facts, as if you cared to be honest...we all know better

record debt
record deficits
no budget
killed NASA
gas $4-5 gallon
first ever credit downgrade
Americans on a budget Obama sends GSA to Vegas and loses billion in Green Energy gambles
Awwwwwwwwwwwww.....how quaint.....Porky Limbaugh's list....void of any-and-all details/facts.

What ya' need is the FULL LIST....as in....

1) Do you deny we have had record debts?
2) Do you deny we have had record defecits
3) Do you deny that congress under obama has not passed a budget?
4) Obama did not kill off nasa, he shut down some large nasa programs though.
5) Do you deny gas is ~ $4.00/gallon for regular?
6) Do you deny we got a credit downgrade under obama?
You are wrong and I was wrong too. He has added more debt than bush Jr but less debt than all those presidents I listed combined.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual

Bush Added 4.65 Trillion
Obama has added, as of right now, 5.59 trillion.

C'mon rightwinger, man up like I did and admit you were wrong ;)

Actually, you are right, Obama passed Bush two weeks ago $4.94 trillion for Obama $4.90 for Bush
National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Now, where does our current debt come from?
History of the United States public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Pew Center reported in April 2011 the cause of a $12.7*trillion shift in the debt situation, from a 2001 CBO forecast of a cumulative $2.3*trillion surplus by 2011 versus the estimated $10.4*trillion public debt we actually face in 2011. The major drivers were:
Revenue declines due to the recession, separate from the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003: 28%
Defense spending increases: 15%
Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003: 13%
Increases in net interest: 11%
Other non-defense spending: 10%
Other tax cuts: 8%
Obama Stimulus: 6%
Medicare Part D: 2%
Other reasons: 7%[38]

Bush adds more to Obamas debt than Obama does

Using your logic a large portion of Bush's debt comes from Clinton.......so lets just stick to the raw facts of debt added under each president instead of trying to deflect away from the fact that in under 4 years obama added more to the debt than bush did in 8 ;)
Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DN_sRhaehw4]The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world that he didn't exist. - YouTube[/ame]
In summary, President Obama has accomplished more in three years than either Bush accomplished in twelve
In summary, President Obama has accomplished more in three years than either Bush accomplished in twelve

if you consider damaging America and lowering the living standard of all americans through the devaluing of our dollar accomplishments......................

Well considering the devaluing of the dollar occurred under Bush and has stabilized under Obama anyone who thinks devaluing is bad would blame republcians for ti and give praise to obama for the end of its decline
C'mon rightwinger, man up like I did and admit you were wrong ;)

Actually, you are right, Obama passed Bush two weeks ago $4.94 trillion for Obama $4.90 for Bush
National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Now, where does our current debt come from?
History of the United States public debt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Pew Center reported in April 2011 the cause of a $12.7*trillion shift in the debt situation, from a 2001 CBO forecast of a cumulative $2.3*trillion surplus by 2011 versus the estimated $10.4*trillion public debt we actually face in 2011. The major drivers were:
Revenue declines due to the recession, separate from the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003: 28%
Defense spending increases: 15%
Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003: 13%
Increases in net interest: 11%
Other non-defense spending: 10%
Other tax cuts: 8%
Obama Stimulus: 6%
Medicare Part D: 2%
Other reasons: 7%[38]

Bush adds more to Obamas debt than Obama does

Using your logic a large portion of Bush's debt comes from Clinton.......so lets just stick to the raw facts of debt added under each president instead of trying to deflect away from the fact that in under 4 years obama added more to the debt than bush did in 8 ;)
Yes because Clinton leaving Bush a 200billion surplus means it is Clinton fault that the deficit skyrocketed under Bush. You're as stupid as they come
record debt
record deficits
no budget
killed NASA
gas $4-5 gallon
first ever credit downgrade
Americans on a budget Obama sends GSA to Vegas and loses billion in Green Energy gambles

Killed NASA?

Its still there. His budget proposes a 21 % cut in funding for planetary exploration. DIDN'T YOU MORONS WANT TO REDUCE SPENDING?

Instead of sending people to Mars, the Obama plan would focus on a “lower cost program” that would use robots, not humans, to explore our galatic neighbor.


Sorry but what conservative in their right mind would agree with that?

The Obama plan bets on America’s burgeoning commercial space industry by investing nearly one billion dollars into private attempts to blast mankind into the final frontier.

Outsourcing of government jobs to private industry? Yeah, right wingers are totally opposed to that! The government can always do it better, right?

This is the proof that you will hate him no matter what he does. Cut spending - increase spending, white wine, red wine - doesn't matter, you hate him.

BTW I had no idea the President got to set the price of gas.
Last edited:
You have to love those graphs that take data in proportion to how the creator wants the outcome to look.

I'm not sure how you could claim the data about initial unemployment claims is anything but, well...

Initial unemployment claims. The chart isn't distorted. it isn't logged. It's just the facts, clearly represented.

I agree with you....

As time went by more people got so discouraged they said f' it why look for a job.


One for Obama
You have to love those graphs that take data in proportion to how the creator wants the outcome to look.

I'm not sure how you could claim the data about initial unemployment claims is anything but, well...

Initial unemployment claims. The chart isn't distorted. it isn't logged. It's just the facts, clearly represented.

I agree with you....

As time went by more people got so discouraged they said f' it why look for a job.


One for Obama

Oh I got another one.....

How about somehow introducing the IRS to the American public's healthcare?

That has got to be a great accomplishment.
You have to love those graphs that take data in proportion to how the creator wants the outcome to look.

I'm not sure how you could claim the data about initial unemployment claims is anything but, well...

Initial unemployment claims. The chart isn't distorted. it isn't logged. It's just the facts, clearly represented.

I agree with you....

As time went by more people got so discouraged they said f' it why look for a job.


One for Obama

Obviously when Obama took office we should have altered how we measure unemployment to make him look worse.
I'm not sure how you could claim the data about initial unemployment claims is anything but, well...

Initial unemployment claims. The chart isn't distorted. it isn't logged. It's just the facts, clearly represented.

I agree with you....

As time went by more people got so discouraged they said f' it why look for a job.


One for Obama

Oh I got another one.....

How about somehow introducing the IRS to the American public's healthcare?

That has got to be a great accomplishment.

I'm sure this definitely helped employ people....

LiveLeak.com - Signs Pimping the Stimulus Bill Cost Taxpayers $1 Million in Ohio Alone?

I agree with you....

As time went by more people got so discouraged they said f' it why look for a job.


One for Obama

Oh I got another one.....

How about somehow introducing the IRS to the American public's healthcare?

That has got to be a great accomplishment.

I'm sure this definitely helped employ people....

LiveLeak.com - Signs Pimping the Stimulus Bill Cost Taxpayers $1 Million in Ohio Alone?


One MILLION dollars? OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cKKHSAE1gIs]Dr Evil in 1 million Dollars - YouTube[/ame]

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