Obama Achievement List


^Capped monthly student loan payments and allowed 6 million students to consolidate their debts.

^Eliminated abstinence-only funding

^Limited food ads directed at children aimed to increase healthy choices and decrease the desired consumption of unhealthy foods

^Started race to the top; provides money to states for using methods to try to improve education.

^Obama’s education Department has made a rule that will cut off government funds going to low performing for –profit-college whose students leave with high debt ratios, and low job prospects.

^Eliminated private banks from federal student loans saving 100 billion.

^Expanded funding for Head start by 4.3 billion creating 90,000 jobs and creating 9 dollars in benefits for every dollar invested.

^Reformed school lunches to make them healthier; which has shown to decrease absences by 15%, increase test scores by 5% and decrease child obesity by 18%.

^Increased funding for upper education, by more than 70 billion a year.

^Singed in new tobacco regulations limiting tobacco companies’ ability to make tobacco products more addictive, advertise, and adding ingredients that make their products more attractive to kids.

--------------------------------Economy other

^Put forth tariffs on foreign goods coming from countries who have tariffs and “un-fair” trade policies (such as dumping, and predatory prices)

^Put tariffs on Chinese solar cells

^Freddie Mac will grant a 1 year mortgage payment breaks for homeowners who have become unemployed

^Extender minimum wage and overtime laws to include in-home care workers for 2 million workers.

^Eliminated the presidential coins which will save 3 billion every 10 years

^Expanded “federal marketing order/check-off program” to include Christmas trees, which creates $5.7-$14.4 dollars in benefits for commodious growers for every dollar spent

^Provided employers a tax cut of 230 dollars per year for workers who use public transportation.

^Expanded unemployment benefits

^Passed patient reform which reduced the time it takes to get a patient through.

^Provided around 10,500 in aid for 5 years to homeowners to refinance their mortgages.

^Created NEI to provide support programs for SME’s in exporting.

^Allowed around 2 million home owners to refinance their mortgages.

^Improved access to credit for small business, and exporters.

^Barred government contracts going toward firms who have violated tax laws.

^Included antitrust laws to include meat companies, and meat packaging companies.

^Invested 50 billion into high speed rail which produces a benefit cost ratio of over 2:1

^Obama increased AmeriCoprs spending by 4 billion a year creating 8 billion in economic benefits.

^Has decreased the long term deficit (20 year period) by around 2 trillion dollars.

^Increased WIC spending by 500 million creating more than 1.5 billion in benefits.

^Reformed government contracting allowing bids saving 40 billion yearly.

^Mortgage restructuring which helps homeowners restructure their loans and payments to prevent foreclosures. Helping lower mortgage payments for 700,000 people.

^Extended the government national flood insurance program (30 times more efficient then private insurance).

^Reduced large salaries of government officials including Foreign Service workers, senior executives, and Judges.

^Reduce funding for inefficient faith based groups (have 25% more wasteful administrative spending then other government programs of equal skill)

^Signed into law Build America bonds which allowed states to invest 181 billion dollars into infrastructure projects and save around 3 billion on borrowing costs.

^Created “Pay-for-success bonds”, government bonds that grant private companies money for projects only if there are able to prove that they have improved people’s lives.

^Increased WAP (weatherization assistance program) by over 100%. WAP so far has saved the country a net of 3 billion dollars a year since 1975.

^Got BP to pledge 20 billion of its own money to help pay for the Oil disaster.

^Placed tariffs on Chinese tires and other products.

^Cut salaries of white house aides down to 100,000.

^Increased NASA funding by 5% and provide them with 4 billion in extra funds

^Put foreclosed properties owned by Fannie and Freddie onto the rental market.

^Increased the borrowing authority of the FDIC and NCUA by 106 billion.

------------------------------------Economy other

^Cut taxes for employees by 400-800 dollars
^Created 6 million jobs
^kept 12 million people out of poverty
^Provided 15 billion tax credit for college
^Provided 6.6 billion in tax credits for first time home buyers
^25 billion for energy efficiency
^13 billion in tax cuts for renewable energy production/ 10 billion in spending for renewable energy
^total tax cuts 288 billion
^Provided enough funding to transfer Americas health care system to a computerized system (saving 100 billion a year)
^10 billion for health care research
^2 billion for community health care centers which will create 34 billion in benefits
^1.1 billion for comparative health effectiveness
^1 billion for STD prevention which will create 6 billion in benefits
^Increased education Pell grants by 16 billion
^increased special education by 13 billion
^Increased head start spending by 2.1 billion (creates 9 in benefits for every dollar spent)
^Increased pre-school and other early education funding by 11 billion (creating over 100 billion in benefits)
^40 billion for unemployment benefits which will expand GDP by 72 billion
^20 billion to expand food stamp eligibility which will expand GDP by 34 billion
^4.5 for job training
^3.5 billion increase for WIC which will create 8 billion in benefits
^Provided 50 billion for transportation infrastructure
^5 billion for AmeriCorps which will create 10 billion in benefits
^18 billion for clean water fund
^Provided 25 billion for public transportation
^7 billion to improve power transmission
^11 billion for home WAP/M (creates 20 in benefits for every dollar spent)
^6 billion for energy research
^1 billion funding for NASA which will create 10billion in benefits
^8 billion for science research
^Provided a homebuyer/car tax credit that helped stem home price declines and falling home/car sales.
^Created a business tax cut for purchases of items aimed at increasing productivity such as computers.
^Invested 2.4 billion into MEP which created 77 billion in benifits
^Stimulus grants for the DOE will create 170,000 jobs over two years by increase energy efficiency.
^13 billion for renewable energy production a year for five years
^Removed tax cut given to firms who buy unprofitable banks
^Spent 5 billion to rebuild levees and to prevent flooding
^Spent 2 billion on research for car batteries.
^Invested in infrastructure for a smart power grid this could save up to 2 trillion dollars over the next 20 years.
^Spent 5 billion on Cash for claunkers which increased GDP by 120 billion saves consumers .735 billion dollars a year and reduced CO2 emissions by 850,00 tons.
^Expanded investments for small businesses up to 250,000 for a year.

The savings from the Stimulus act Over ten years (for computerized health records over a life time for others. This does not include the expansion of GDP done by the stimulus measures.))

^1 trillion computerized health records
^34 billion community health centers
^20 billion head start
^77 billion MEP
^8 billion WIC
^10 billion AmeriCorps
^10 billion NASA
^100b-1t billion electric smart grid
^7 billion cash for claunkers
^6 billion preventative medicine
^43-63 billion from public transportation
^22 billion WAP
^46-100 billion from alternative energy
^22b-1t(estimate) from comparative effectiveness/health research
^8-80 billion science research
^100 billion pre-school/early education

---The stimulus act will save the country in ten years a of Total 1.650 trillion-3.8 trillion, or 150%-500%
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoACIIz33II]Airplane! -- Light reading - YouTube[/ame]
And we have a Nazi reference. :clap2:

{“The goal is to ensure that when Republicans attack President Obama’s record, grassroots supporters can take ownership of the campaign and share the facts with the undecided voters in their lives,” the campaign said in a statement.}

Obama Campaign Launches ‘Truth Teams’ - ABC News

Did you get turned down for your Brown shirt?

No worry, you can still work to spread the Messiah®'s truthiness to all.... You can be part of the "Obama Youth."

(need the video for that?)
And we have a Nazi reference. :clap2:

{“The goal is to ensure that when Republicans attack President Obama’s record, grassroots supporters can take ownership of the campaign and share the facts with the undecided voters in their lives,” the campaign said in a statement.}

Obama Campaign Launches ‘Truth Teams’ - ABC News

Did you get turned down for your Brown shirt?

No worry, you can still work to spread the Messiah®'s truthiness to all.... You can be part of the "Obama Youth."

(need the video for that?)

Ohhh, lucky day! We have attempted justification of said Nazi reference.

^Cut taxes for employees by 400-800 dollars
^Created 6 million jobs
^kept 12 million people out of poverty
^Provided 15 billion tax credit for college
^Provided 6.6 billion in tax credits for first time home buyers
^25 billion for energy efficiency
^13 billion in tax cuts for renewable energy production/ 10 billion in spending for renewable energy
^total tax cuts 288 billion
^Provided enough funding to transfer Americas health care system to a computerized system (saving 100 billion a year)
^10 billion for health care research
^2 billion for community health care centers which will create 34 billion in benefits
^1.1 billion for comparative health effectiveness
^1 billion for STD prevention which will create 6 billion in benefits
^Increased education Pell grants by 16 billion
^increased special education by 13 billion
^Increased head start spending by 2.1 billion (creates 9 in benefits for every dollar spent)
^Increased pre-school and other early education funding by 11 billion (creating over 100 billion in benefits)
^40 billion for unemployment benefits which will expand GDP by 72 billion
^20 billion to expand food stamp eligibility which will expand GDP by 34 billion
^4.5 for job training
^3.5 billion increase for WIC which will create 8 billion in benefits
^Provided 50 billion for transportation infrastructure
^5 billion for AmeriCorps which will create 10 billion in benefits
^18 billion for clean water fund
^Provided 25 billion for public transportation
^7 billion to improve power transmission
^11 billion for home WAP/M (creates 20 in benefits for every dollar spent)
^6 billion for energy research
^1 billion funding for NASA which will create 10billion in benefits
^8 billion for science research
^Provided a homebuyer/car tax credit that helped stem home price declines and falling home/car sales.
^Created a business tax cut for purchases of items aimed at increasing productivity such as computers.
^Invested 2.4 billion into MEP which created 77 billion in benifits
^Stimulus grants for the DOE will create 170,000 jobs over two years by increase energy efficiency.
^13 billion for renewable energy production a year for five years
^Removed tax cut given to firms who buy unprofitable banks
^Spent 5 billion to rebuild levees and to prevent flooding
^Spent 2 billion on research for car batteries.
^Invested in infrastructure for a smart power grid this could save up to 2 trillion dollars over the next 20 years.
^Spent 5 billion on Cash for claunkers which increased GDP by 120 billion saves consumers .735 billion dollars a year and reduced CO2 emissions by 850,00 tons.
^Expanded investments for small businesses up to 250,000 for a year.

The savings from the Stimulus act Over ten years (for computerized health records over a life time for others. This does not include the expansion of GDP done by the stimulus measures.))

^1 trillion computerized health records
^34 billion community health centers
^20 billion head start
^77 billion MEP
^8 billion WIC
^10 billion AmeriCorps
^10 billion NASA
^100b-1t billion electric smart grid
^7 billion cash for claunkers
^6 billion preventative medicine
^43-63 billion from public transportation
^22 billion WAP
^46-100 billion from alternative energy
^22b-1t(estimate) from comparative effectiveness/health research
^8-80 billion science research
^100 billion pre-school/early education

---The stimulus act will save the country in ten years a of Total 1.650 trillion-3.8 trillion, or 150%-500%

1. Biden: Obama will be tested:
"It will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here if you don't remember anything else I said. Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."
Biden: Obama will be tested - Ben Smith - POLITICO.com
Even Biden knew this guy was a lightweight!
a. There is some doubt that Senator Obama knew who the president of France was. Obama writes letter to Chirac - blogosphere goes crazy - CSMonitor.com
b. And, this Illinois senator suggested that he would offer American diplomatic intervention to aid Pakistan toward Kashmir. Barack Obama's Kashmir thesis! - Express India
c. The Obama White House misspelled the name of the president of Brazil. Lula And Obama Meet On Saturday To Discuss Financial Crisis, Regional Politics
d. Obama refuses to support the rule of law in Honduras. The Rougblog: Another Obama Gaffe in Foreign Policy

2. “The Iranian regime, having spent the first couple of weeks of Barack Obama's presidency preemptively scorning his overtures, mocking his weakness, and assuring the world its nuclear program is nonnegotiable, last Tuesday reported it had launched a satellite into orbit, making clear that Iran intends to have a missile launch capability on which to deploy its nuclear warheads.” Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard
a. “In the last several days it has been reported that Iran is planning to place medium-range missiles in Venezuela. Such information seems to confirm last November’s article published by the German daily Die Welt. The newspaper reported that an agreement was signed last October between the two countries; a fact that has remained mostly unknown to the public.” Breitbart

3. “On the same day as the Iranian satellite launch, it was reported that, under pressure and inducements from Russia, Kyrgyzstan would no longer allow the United States to use an airbase that supports coalition military operations in Afghanistan. This came as Obama plans to increase U.S. force levels in Afghanistan, and the already overburdened supply lines from Pakistan seem increasingly vulnerable to attacks from Taliban forces in that country's frontier areas.” (Testing 1-2-3 | The Weekly Standard.)
a. And, continued to back down: “Barack Obama has abandoned the controversial Pentagon plan to build a missile defence system in Europe that had long soured relations with Russia.”
Obama abandons missile defence shield in Europe | World news | guardian.co.uk
b. Announcing the formation of a “rapid reaction force” with six former Soviet republics, a regional Russian-led strike force meant to reassert Russian hegemony in the Muslim belt north of Afghanistan. Krauthammer: Obama faces foreign tests and shows a lack of spine - Houston Chronicle
c. Planning to establish a Black Sea naval base in Georgia’s breakaway province of Abkhazia, conquered by Moscow last summer. (ibid.)

4. “And on that very same day, North Korea, having in the first week of the Obama presidency scrapped all its agreements with South Korea and warned of war on the Korean peninsula, was reported to be preparing to test a new ballistic missile, the Taepodong-2, which is intended to eventually have a long enough range to hit U.S. territory.” Kristol, (op. cit.)
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Read more on Newsmax.com: De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea
Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!
a. Foreign policy expert Arnaud de Borchgrave tells Newsmax that U.S. intelligence agencies exhibited serious flaws in being “totally blind” to the death of North Korea leader Kim Jong Il.

Despite the massive resources of the United States’ 16 intelligence services, with100,000 employees and an annual combined budget of about $80 billion a year, they didn’t know about Kim’s death on Saturday until North Korea finally announced it on Sunday, the award-winning journalist noted during an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV.
De Borchgrave: Obama Administration 'Totally Blind' in Confronting North Korea

5. “Pakistan freed from house arrest A.Q. Khan, the notorious proliferator who sold nuclear technology to North Korea, Libya and Iran. Ten days later, Islamabad capitulated to the Taliban, turning over to its tender mercies the Swat Valley, 100 miles from the capital. Not only will sharia law now reign there, but the democratically elected secular party will be hunted down as the Pakistani army stands down.” Krauthammer, (op. cit.)

So, is this President capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time? Is he competent to juggle all of the responsibilities of his office? Perhaps not, based on his inane statement to CNN's Anderson Cooper, in February of 2009: "Look, the only measure of my success as president, when people look back five years from now or nine years from now, is going to be, did I get this economy fixed?"

6. With three years to negotiate with Iraq on a basis for leaving an American troop presence in Iraq to serve as a counterbalance to Iranian pressure in post war Iraq, and to protect the American diplomats and embassy there, he was unable to!

Rather than this event as one of promise-keeping, it is one more sign of the incompetence of this President.

He has no more achievements in foreign policy than in domestic.

"The formation will be distributed as follows: 8,000 servicemen labeled US diplomats would be attached to operations command centers housed in secret, secure quarters at the embassy in Baghdad and in US consulates in Iraqi cities, including missions yet to be opened,” states the report. “Another 7,000 troops were classified as US security officers – 4,000 for protecting “US diplomats” and 3,000 as military instructors.”
Prison Planet.com » 15,000 US Troops to Remain In Iraq, Renamed “Diplomats”
(the source is the Depka File)

By way of comparison, the US has some 60,000 troops in Europe.
BBC NEWS | Americas | US troops to remain in Europe

7. Failure to destroy the drone that landed in Iran is a dereliction of duty.
“At the very least, this shows why the idea of Obama as “commander in chief” is absurd and laughable. Who ever heard of a Commander who was afraid to command troops into battle? At it’s worst, it shows a conspiracy theory of the highest magnitude. Many could rightly conclude that Obama’s refusal to either destroy or recapture the drone would prove that he purposely gave them the drone.” EXPOSED! Obama REFUSED To Recapture Or Destroy Million Dollar Drone In Iran

8. Another foreign policy failure by the pretender in the White House:
“The United States is "disgusted" by Russia and China's decision to veto a U.N. Security Council resolution today that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice said today….The vetoes came after a week of intense negotiations to gain Russian support for a resolution it had opposed from the start. The resolution supported an Arab League plan that called for an immediate end to the violence in Syria and a political solution to the crisis. “

9. Alienated
Czech Republic
Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?



The only ones I appreciate are..

1) Gave the orders to end Bin Laden

2) Pulled troops out of Iraq

Well actually he did one thing, totally validate the meaning and spirit of the Travail of Liberalism, and disclosed once and for all what the progressive wing of the democratic party really stands for.
Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?



Al Qaeda is not destroyed, fact
GM Bailed out with tax payer dollars, with the help of trade for junker legislation, paid for with debt, at the expense of our next generation, fact
Doubled the US debt, fact
Now I expect you will say he turned the economy around? Say that to the under-employed, unemployed, and those not counted because they no longer receive unemployment benefits!
Time to put the cool aide and bong down and face the fact that we are credit junkies and our currency is a bubble and we are in serious financial trouble, or do you think it's just the next generations problem and everything is just cool and groovy?
Economy recovering.....check

Al Qaeda destroyed.....check

GM rebuilt.......check

What will the Republicans run on?



Foreclosure up..

Economy recovering..ask your neighbors who are under employed or out of jobs and their houses under water.

Al Qaeda is NOT destroyed and we still give away more in foreign aid to help nations that hate us.
Many on the right and left don't consider the Obama achievements so far listed as good for the country.. just sayin.

The proof is obvious, most believe the countries on the wrong track...

Twenty-nine percent (29%) of Likely U.S. Voters say the country is heading in the right direction, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey taken the week ending Sunday, April 1.

64% wrong track...

Right Direction or Wrong Track - Rasmussen Reports™
Oh this is good.

The op is too lazy or afraid to actually list President Obama's sizable list of accomplishments but that's okay because they're right there in my sig.

Then, "crusader (my ass) Frank" outright lies and the rest of the ditto-heads line up with their bobble heads bobbing up and down.

Once again,
Oh this is good.

The op is too lazy or afraid to actually list President Obama's sizable list of accomplishments but that's okay because they're right there in my sig.

Then, "crusader (my ass) Frank" outright lies and the rest of the ditto-heads line up with their bobble heads bobbing up and down.

Once again,

:offtopic:.. Ya know.. you could start your own thread.. just sayin

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