Obama Achievement List

Ouch. Good one.

Now how about you reply to my question that I did ask you, or was that not a valid enough of a comeback for you?

How many million people get added to the Medicaid roles? Why are you ignoring the examples given to you, then pretend you have no 'specifics'?


I asked for you to back up anything you've said with some details, but you just want to continue to tell me instead how bad you're kicking my ass. Do you want a gold star or something? How about just providing a little detail to any of the shit you believe? Is it that hard?

Sure, but you ignore the 'specifics' when given you, then dickishly pretend nobody has given any to you. This is hilarious:

'Medicaid Expansion Will Rise to 13 Percent by 2017'

That is 15 million new gubmint dependents, thanks to Obama.

Medicaid Expansion Will Rise to 13 Percent by 2017

Now this is where you pretend nobody is giving you specifics again. LOL
He did not have to create the program to use it as a vehicle for more massive gubmint dependency.

You aren't very bright.

I never claimed to be bright, so why don't you give some specifics on how he used the program to create massive dependency. Remember specifics. Maybe that's not a word that conservative fringe are familiar with.

I suspect you will ignore these 'specifics' as well:

'Agriculture Department statistics show that the number of food stamp recipients has increased 44 percent, to 46.2 million in October 2011, from 32 million in January 2009, when Mr. Obama took office.'

South Carolina Debate Fact Check - NYTimes.com

Finally, something of substance, not just your "expert" opinion. Now did Obama do something to open up the requirements for getting food stamps? Your article makes brief mention of the causes for the increase including increased need, higher food prices and expanded eligibility, but it doesn't give any more detail than that. Your article also noted that food stamp program participation was already increasing when Obama took office.
Actually, he has added less debt than Bush Jr


Open lies, what a wonderful way to mock the mindless left.

Of course we all know that in 3 1/2 years, Obama has added more debt than Bush did in 8.

National Debt has increased more under Obama than under Bush - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

I know that you're just telling absurd lies to illustrate how absurd the forum leftists are.

But your lies do make a good rightwing talking point

Keep up the good work of making a mockery of the mindless left. Your parody is spot on!
How many million people get added to the Medicaid roles? Why are you ignoring the examples given to you, then pretend you have no 'specifics'?


I asked for you to back up anything you've said with some details, but you just want to continue to tell me instead how bad you're kicking my ass. Do you want a gold star or something? How about just providing a little detail to any of the shit you believe? Is it that hard?

Sure, but you ignore the 'specifics' when given you, then dickishly pretend nobody has given any to you. This is hilarious:

'Medicaid Expansion Will Rise to 13 Percent by 2017'

That is 15 million new gubmint dependents, thanks to Obama.

Medicaid Expansion Will Rise to 13 Percent by 2017

Now this is where you pretend nobody is giving you specifics again. LOL

Yeah, this reminds me of the "why game" I used to play when I was 7.




As usual progressives are like 5-year-olds...

You give them their answer and then they dodge it or ask for "specifics."
I never claimed to be bright, so why don't you give some specifics on how he used the program to create massive dependency. Remember specifics. Maybe that's not a word that conservative fringe are familiar with.

I suspect you will ignore these 'specifics' as well:

'Agriculture Department statistics show that the number of food stamp recipients has increased 44 percent, to 46.2 million in October 2011, from 32 million in January 2009, when Mr. Obama took office.'

South Carolina Debate Fact Check - NYTimes.com

Finally, something of substance, not just your "expert" opinion. Now did Obama do something to open up the requirements for getting food stamps?

Of course. Ever hear of the SNAP program, troll?

Obama Pays State $5 Million Bonus To Increase Food Stamp Usage
Yeah, this reminds me of the "why game" I used to play when I was 7.




As usual progressives are like 5-year-olds...

You give them their answer and then they dodge it or ask for "specifics."

The line I used earlier, which was brilliant, was; "Leftists have the emotional maturity and stability of 11 year old girls on the verge of their first menses."
I asked for you to back up anything you've said with some details, but you just want to continue to tell me instead how bad you're kicking my ass. Do you want a gold star or something? How about just providing a little detail to any of the shit you believe? Is it that hard?

Sure, but you ignore the 'specifics' when given you, then dickishly pretend nobody has given any to you. This is hilarious:

'Medicaid Expansion Will Rise to 13 Percent by 2017'

That is 15 million new gubmint dependents, thanks to Obama.

Medicaid Expansion Will Rise to 13 Percent by 2017

Now this is where you pretend nobody is giving you specifics again. LOL

Yeah, this reminds me of the "why game" I used to play when I was 7.




As usual progressives are like 5-year-olds...

You give them their answer and then they dodge it or ask for "specifics."

He is pretty much a no-take troll.
Every communist fuck wants everyone to depend on government for their livelihood - that is what communists do...

No, Obamafuck only raped private sector jobs via spending and redistributed that money to the public sector jobs - which happen to be union jobs (his voting base)...

Now that fuck wants everyone to depend on government health care via threat....

spe·cif·ic - Distinct items or details; particulars.

Are you fucking stupid??

I told you food stamps and health care.... We can throw education into that hell hole as well..


What school did you get your degree from? I ask because how the hell do you graduate without understanding that if you make a claim it means nothing without evidence and data to support it.

Just saying "food stamps" and "health care" means nothing by itself. A person with even basic critical thinking skills would be able to string together a thought that sounds something like this.

"I think Obama has increased government dependency through the use of health care in this country because he has

1) created a single payer health system that has moved people off of private insurance and on to a government only system (link to proof with stats and figures)
2) he has outlawed all forms of private health care through the passing of blah blah blah (link to proof with stats and figures)"

That's what a logical argument might look like. Give it a try. I know it will feel unnatural at first, but if you keep practicing you might one day sound like an educated adult.
How many million people get added to the Medicaid roles? Why are you ignoring the examples given to you, then pretend you have no 'specifics'?


I asked for you to back up anything you've said with some details, but you just want to continue to tell me instead how bad you're kicking my ass. Do you want a gold star or something? How about just providing a little detail to any of the shit you believe? Is it that hard?

Sure, but you ignore the 'specifics' when given you, then dickishly pretend nobody has given any to you. This is hilarious:

'Medicaid Expansion Will Rise to 13 Percent by 2017'

That is 15 million new gubmint dependents, thanks to Obama.

Medicaid Expansion Will Rise to 13 Percent by 2017

Now this is where you pretend nobody is giving you specifics again. LOL

You're finally learning how to give actual specifics! Looks like you can be taught something. :clap2:

Thanks for the link, I'll check it out now.
I suspect you will ignore these 'specifics' as well:

'Agriculture Department statistics show that the number of food stamp recipients has increased 44 percent, to 46.2 million in October 2011, from 32 million in January 2009, when Mr. Obama took office.'

South Carolina Debate Fact Check - NYTimes.com

Finally, something of substance, not just your "expert" opinion. Now did Obama do something to open up the requirements for getting food stamps?

Of course. Ever hear of the SNAP program, troll?

Obama Pays State $5 Million Bonus To Increase Food Stamp Usage

SNAP is food stamps. I am aware. What's up with that link?
Yeah, this reminds me of the "why game" I used to play when I was 7.




As usual progressives are like 5-year-olds...

You give them their answer and then they dodge it or ask for "specifics."

The line I used earlier, which was brilliant, was; "Leftists have the emotional maturity and stability of 11 year old girls on the verge of their first menses."

Takes a true genius to dub his own material "brilliant". Bravo!
In your expert opinion, how fast should the recovery have taken?

In my educated opinion had Obama used the market instead of the government to drive a "recovery" unemployment would have been back to the norm ~5% by last year.

In addition, by letting the market and not the government drive jobs recovery we would not be seening a record amount of money being added to the national debt...do you realize Obama, in less than 4 years, has already added more to the debt than Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, and Carter combined?

Actually, he has added less debt than Bush Jr

But your lies do make a good rightwing talking point

You are wrong and I was wrong too. He has added more debt than bush Jr but less debt than all those presidents I listed combined.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual

Bush Added 4.65 Trillion
Obama has added, as of right now, 5.59 trillion.
Last edited:
Yeah, this reminds me of the "why game" I used to play when I was 7.




As usual progressives are like 5-year-olds...

You give them their answer and then they dodge it or ask for "specifics."

The line I used earlier, which was brilliant, was; "Leftists have the emotional maturity and stability of 11 year old girls on the verge of their first menses."


I tend to agree with that notion...

What do you expect tho?? they're really no more emotionally mature than an 11-year-old girl -- the certainly use the tactics a middle school child would use.

I just call them idiots.

They ask a question - you give them the answer, and then they play a Pandora's box...
Last edited:
Sure, but you ignore the 'specifics' when given you, then dickishly pretend nobody has given any to you. This is hilarious:

'Medicaid Expansion Will Rise to 13 Percent by 2017'

That is 15 million new gubmint dependents, thanks to Obama.

Medicaid Expansion Will Rise to 13 Percent by 2017

Now this is where you pretend nobody is giving you specifics again. LOL

Yeah, this reminds me of the "why game" I used to play when I was 7.




As usual progressives are like 5-year-olds...

You give them their answer and then they dodge it or ask for "specifics."

He is pretty much a no-take troll.

Hey, you can thank this troll for giving you a lesson on how to support your arguments. No need to thank me. I consider it my way of helping out those that are less fortunate than myself.
spe·cif·ic - Distinct items or details; particulars.

Are you fucking stupid??

I told you food stamps and health care.... We can throw education into that hell hole as well..


What school did you get your degree from? I ask because how the hell do you graduate without understanding that if you make a claim it means nothing without evidence and data to support it.

Just saying "food stamps" and "health care" means nothing by itself. A person with even basic critical thinking skills would be able to string together a thought that sounds something like this.

"I think Obama has increased government dependency through the use of health care in this country because he has

1) created a single payer health system that has moved people off of private insurance and on to a government only system (link to proof with stats and figures)
2) he has outlawed all forms of private health care through the passing of blah blah blah (link to proof with stats and figures)"

That's what a logical argument might look like. Give it a try. I know it will feel unnatural at first, but if you keep practicing you might one day sound like an educated adult.

Oh I have told you several times - you sir are just an idiot.

It's common knowledge that food stamps are at an all time high...

Obamafuck and progressives are goddamn proud they shoved government health care down the American taxpayers throats..

Don't even attempt to play your pussy foot progressive games with me..

You're barking up the wrong tree idiot... Not to mention making yourself look like an asshole or a moron...
Yeah, this reminds me of the "why game" I used to play when I was 7.




As usual progressives are like 5-year-olds...

You give them their answer and then they dodge it or ask for "specifics."

He is pretty much a no-take troll.

Hey, you can thank this troll for giving you a lesson on how to support your arguments. No need to thank me. I consider it my way of helping out those that are less fortunate than myself.

You're fucking delusional at best...

You don't want to accept facts because then you would realize you're an idiot...
Are you fucking stupid??

I told you food stamps and health care.... We can throw education into that hell hole as well..


What school did you get your degree from? I ask because how the hell do you graduate without understanding that if you make a claim it means nothing without evidence and data to support it.

Just saying "food stamps" and "health care" means nothing by itself. A person with even basic critical thinking skills would be able to string together a thought that sounds something like this.

"I think Obama has increased government dependency through the use of health care in this country because he has

1) created a single payer health system that has moved people off of private insurance and on to a government only system (link to proof with stats and figures)
2) he has outlawed all forms of private health care through the passing of blah blah blah (link to proof with stats and figures)"

That's what a logical argument might look like. Give it a try. I know it will feel unnatural at first, but if you keep practicing you might one day sound like an educated adult.

Oh I have told you several times - you sir are just an idiot.

It's common knowledge that food stamps are at an all time high...

Obamafuck and progressives are goddamn proud they shoved government health care down the American taxpayers throats..

Don't even attempt to play your pussy foot progressive games with me..

You're barking up the wrong tree idiot... Not to mention making yourself look like an asshole or a moron...


I pray that you never leave this site, every time you post it puts a smile on my face. Thank you, thank you for everything that you are and everything that you say. You make me feel better about myself and my life and the decisions I've made.

I don't like saying "I'm better" than anyone but each time you post, it reminds me that I'm at least not on the bottom rung of society...there are people out there dumber than I am. At least Sniperfire was able to figure out how to add substance to his claims. I don't even think you grasp the concept. That's sad and funny all at the same time.

You fill an important comedic and therapeutic niche on this site. So please, never stop posting.

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