Obama Achievement List


So unemployment is still higher than it was in 2007....success?

In your expert opinion, how fast should the recovery have taken?

Statistically and historically, the bigger the downturn, the faster the recovery has taken.

Expansion / recession cycles last on average 8 years.

We should be entering recession at about the time this piss-poor 'recovery' actually takes hold.

The only ones I appreciate are..

1) Gave the orders to end Bin Laden

2) Pulled troops out of Iraq

He pulled the troops out of Iraq and put them in Afghanistan and Libya...

As far as his accomplishments... Spent trillions and created epic government dependence..

This is where I ask for specifics and you don't give any.

Remember, I'm looking for specifics of how "Obama created epic government dependence".

Ok, go ahead.....

Try food stamps - yeah that's right its at an all time high.... Yeah people are relying on government to feed them because there is no work... Not to mention the only reason why unemployment is falling is because people are losing their unemployment insurance because they've maxed out of the program...

They depend on the government to put food on the table and that is exactly what Obama wanted...

Now Obama wants people to depend on the government for health care...

Whatever happened to independence???
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The only ones I appreciate are..

1) Gave the orders to end Bin Laden

2) Pulled troops out of Iraq

He pulled the troops out of Iraq and put them in Afghanistan and Libya...

As far as his accomplishments... Spent trillions and created epic government dependence..

This is where I ask for specifics and you don't give any.

Remember, I'm looking for specifics of how "Obama created epic government dependence".

Ok, go ahead.....

How many MILLION people get dumped on the State Medicaid roles, thanks to Obamacare?
if you consider "his watch" as starting when he took office, monthly job losses look like this in the first year (in thousands)
-724 -799 -692 -361 -482 -339 -231 -199 -202 -42 -171 -40

the month before, they were -818.

So more jobs were lost than created, right?

Why yes, as of right now that's the case.

Of course, it's the trend that matters. We've gone from losing 818,000 jobs per month to creating about 225,000 jobs per month. 3.9 private-sector jobs have been created.

You're probably the most knowledgeable poster on the left on this board, and I do respect you, but now who's moving the goalpost?
So unemployment is still higher than it was in 2007....success?

In your expert opinion, how fast should the recovery have taken?

Statistically and historically, the bigger the downturn, the faster the recovery has taken.

Expansion / recession cycles last on average 8 years.

We should be entering recession at about the time this piss-poor 'recovery' actually takes hold.

So the bigger the fall, the faster the complete recovery? Is that what we're going with?
He pulled the troops out of Iraq and put them in Afghanistan and Libya...

As far as his accomplishments... Spent trillions and created epic government dependence..

This is where I ask for specifics and you don't give any.

Remember, I'm looking for specifics of how "Obama created epic government dependence".

Ok, go ahead.....

Try food stamps - yeah that's right its at an all time high.... Yeah people are relying on government to feed them because there is no work... Not to mention the only reason why unemployment is falling is because people are losing their unemployment insurance because they've maxed out of the program...

They depend on the government to put food on the table and that is exactly what Obama wanted...

Now Obama wants people to depend on the government for health care...

Whatever happened to independence???

So Obama created the food stamp program?

And how does Obama "want people to depend on the government for health care"?

Remember I asked for specifics, you gave a bunch of talking points that have no basis in reality.

LOL @ adding more people to private insurance companies is "government healthcare".
In your expert opinion, how fast should the recovery have taken?

Statistically and historically, the bigger the downturn, the faster the recovery has taken.

Expansion / recession cycles last on average 8 years.

We should be entering recession at about the time this piss-poor 'recovery' actually takes hold.

So the bigger the fall, the faster the complete recovery?

Your words, not mine, and a distinction without a difference.

This discussion seems to be well over your head. Why are you participating?
record debt
record deficits
no budget
killed NASA
gas $4-5 gallon
first ever credit downgrade
Americans on a budget Obama sends GSA to Vegas and loses billion in Green Energy gambles
Awwwwwwwwwwwww.....how quaint.....Porky Limbaugh's list....void of any-and-all details/facts.

What ya' need is the FULL LIST....as in....

1) Do you deny we have had record debts?
2) Do you deny we have had record defecits
3) Do you deny that congress under obama has not passed a budget?
4) Obama did not kill off nasa, he shut down some large nasa programs though.
5) Do you deny gas is ~ $4.00/gallon for regular?
6) Do you deny we got a credit downgrade under obama?
He pulled the troops out of Iraq and put them in Afghanistan and Libya...

As far as his accomplishments... Spent trillions and created epic government dependence..

This is where I ask for specifics and you don't give any.

Remember, I'm looking for specifics of how "Obama created epic government dependence".

Ok, go ahead.....

How many MILLION people get dumped on the State Medicaid roles, thanks to Obamacare?

Go ahead and tell me. Complete your thought. I'm trying to understand the things you nutters believe, but when you stop short of actually supplying anything to back up what you're trying to say it makes it difficult.
So Obama created the food stamp program?


Not his claim. You are getting your ass kicked.

His claim was that Obama created epic government dependence and then spewed off something about Food stamps. We both know he didn't create the program, but my comment was meant to show that he didn't illustrate what Obama did, specifically, to make people more dependent on Food stamps. Try and keep up, I know it's tough.
He pulled the troops out of Iraq and put them in Afghanistan and Libya...

As far as his accomplishments... Spent trillions and created epic government dependence..

This is where I ask for specifics and you don't give any.

Remember, I'm looking for specifics of how "Obama created epic government dependence".

Ok, go ahead.....

How many MILLION people get dumped on the State Medicaid roles, thanks to Obamacare?

Not to mention those who rely on the government er taxpayers to put food on their table while he throws money at his union minions...

He taxes the private sector to death then bails out the unions and unionized businesses (his voting base/those who got him elected)...

Obama is patting himself on the head right now telling himself how great he is because he threw millions of Americans table scraps...

It's absolutely disgusting...
Statistically and historically, the bigger the downturn, the faster the recovery has taken.

Expansion / recession cycles last on average 8 years.

We should be entering recession at about the time this piss-poor 'recovery' actually takes hold.

So the bigger the fall, the faster the complete recovery?

Your words, not mine, and a distinction without a difference.

This discussion seems to be well over your head. Why are you participating?

Maybe you should understand the conversation you decided to butt in to. Her complaint was that we have't come back down to 2007 levels yet. So because we haven't made a full recovery yet, Obama apparently isn't doing his job. I questioned that, you decided to butt in and made an ass of yourself in the process. Go back to sleep.

So unemployment is still higher than it was in 2007....success?

In your expert opinion, how fast should the recovery have taken?

In my educated opinion had Obama used the market instead of the government to drive a "recovery" unemployment would have been back to the norm ~5% by last year.

In addition, by letting the market and not the government drive jobs recovery we would not be seening a record amount of money being added to the national debt...do you realize Obama, in less than 4 years, has already added more to the debt than Bush Jr?
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1) Obama has given uneducated rednecks something to whine about on the internet. How else would you all fill your day?

Translation: I can't think of any valid comebacks to these accurate criticizms of obama so I'll just kick and scream.

Ouch. Good one.

Now how about you reply to my question that I did ask you, or was that not a valid enough of a comeback for you?

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