Obama Achievement List

In my educated opinion had Obama used the market instead of the government to drive a "recovery" unemployment would have been back to the norm ~5% by last year.

In addition, by letting the market and not the government drive jobs recovery we would not be seening a record amount of money being added to the national debt...do you realize Obama, in less than 4 years, has already added more to the debt than Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, and Carter combined?

Actually, he has added less debt than Bush Jr

But your lies do make a good rightwing talking point

You are wrong and I was wrong too. He has added more debt than bush Jr but less debt than all those presidents I listed combined.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual

Bush Added 4.65 Trillion
Obama has added, as of right now, 5.59 trillion.

C'mon rightwinger, man up like I did and admit you were wrong ;)
This is widely known to everyone save the Obama pole smokers. There are many, many sources for this information if one had the intellectual curiosity to investigate:

The Worst Economic Recovery Since the Great Depression

The American Spectator : The Worst Economic Recovery Since the Great Depression

I provide the actual data. You provide with a poorly-constructed opinion piece.

This is what years of rightwing radio does to the brain.

The actual data proves this is the worst economic recovery since at least the Great Depression.

You are losing.

No, it doesn't. The data shows that the depth of the downturn was the worst on record since WW2.

the "you are losing" is cute.

So unemployment is still higher than it was in 2007....success?

Well, it's higher than it was in 1996 as well. But the relevant comparison would ask what the rate would be without the policies undertaken.

So let GM and the US auto industry fail. Layoff another few million teachers and public officials. Remove all of the work related to roads and bridges. Let a few dozen financial institutions collapse.

Then recalculate the current unemployment rate with that information. Would it be higher or lower?
I provide the actual data. You provide with a poorly-constructed opinion piece.

This is what years of rightwing radio does to the brain.

The actual data proves this is the worst economic recovery since at least the Great Depression.

You are losing.

No, it doesn't. The data shows that the depth of the downturn was the worst on record since WW2.

the "you are losing" is cute.

He seems to like to declare victory and then disappear.
In your expert opinion, how fast should the recovery have taken?

In my educated opinion had Obama used the market instead of the government to drive a "recovery" unemployment would have been back to the norm ~5% by last year.

In addition, by letting the market and not the government drive jobs recovery we would not be seening a record amount of money being added to the national debt...do you realize Obama, in less than 4 years, has already added more to the debt than Bush Jr, Clinton, Bush Sr, Reagan, and Carter combined?

Actually, he has added less debt than Bush Jr

But your lies do make a good rightwing talking point


So unemployment is still higher than it was in 2007....success?

Well, it's higher than it was in 1996 as well. But the relevant comparison would ask what the rate would be without the policies undertaken.

So let GM and the US auto industry fail. Layoff another few million teachers and public officials. Remove all of the work related to roads and bridges. Let a few dozen financial institutions collapse.

Then recalculate the current unemployment rate with that information. Would it be higher or lower?

It would have been about 5% again if the president used the market to create jobs instead of the government.
So unemployment is still higher than it was in 2007....success?

Well, it's higher than it was in 1996 as well. But the relevant comparison would ask what the rate would be without the policies undertaken.

So let GM and the US auto industry fail. Layoff another few million teachers and public officials. Remove all of the work related to roads and bridges. Let a few dozen financial institutions collapse.

Then recalculate the current unemployment rate with that information. Would it be higher or lower?

It would have been about 5% again if the president used the market to create jobs instead of the government.

"The market" has created 3.9 million jobs in the past 24 months. He's clearly using "the market".

Can you show us the math for your claim that the UE rate would be 5% without Obama's policies?
Actually, he has added less debt than Bush Jr

But your lies do make a good rightwing talking point

You are wrong and I was wrong too. He has added more debt than bush Jr but less debt than all those presidents I listed combined.

Government - Historical Debt Outstanding – Annual

Bush Added 4.65 Trillion
Obama has added, as of right now, 5.59 trillion.

C'mon rightwinger, man up like I did and admit you were wrong ;)

Actually, you are right, Obama passed Bush two weeks ago $4.94 trillion for Obama $4.90 for Bush

Now, where does our current debt come from?

The Pew Center reported in April 2011 the cause of a $12.7*trillion shift in the debt situation, from a 2001 CBO forecast of a cumulative $2.3*trillion surplus by 2011 versus the estimated $10.4*trillion public debt we actually face in 2011. The major drivers were:
Revenue declines due to the recession, separate from the Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003: 28%
Defense spending increases: 15%
Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003: 13%
Increases in net interest: 11%
Other non-defense spending: 10%
Other tax cuts: 8%
Obama Stimulus: 6%
Medicare Part D: 2%
Other reasons: 7%[38]

Bush adds more to Obamas debt than Obama does
Last edited:

Reports // News Room // Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi
^List of bills passed by Democrats that reduce the long term Deficit.
1) ACA cuts the deficit by 150 billion in first ten years and a trillion in the next ten.
2) Two anti-offshoring jobs bills reduces the deficit each by several billion.
3) A food safety bill that reduces the deficit by several billion
4) Financial reform that sets up an alternative to government bailouts and sets regulations to prevent housing bubble/crises reduces the deficit by tens of billions.
5) Obamas administration has increased fines for pollution violations, wage theft, tax cheats, and companies that commit fraud,
6) Obama has reduces deportation of immigrants who are in college or in the military which will reduce the deficit by 1.4 billion.
7) Increased IRS funding to track down tax cheats which will reduce the deficit by 10 billion.
8) Began collecting royalties from oil companies which will reduce the deficit by 10 billion.
9) Removed student loan subsidies to big banks which will reduce the deficit by around 19 billion a year.
10) Increased funding for anti-fraud and abuse in government which has a cost benefit ratio of $1-$1.5.
11) Passed the improve acquisition act which cleans up wasteful military spending reduces the deficit by 20 billion a year.
12) Invested billions into more energy efficient government buildings and cars.
13) Passed the smoking prevention act which reduces the deficit by a billion.
14) Reauthorized CHIP making it cut the deficit by several billion.
15) Total deficit reduced over 20 years over 2 trillion

4billion energy efficiency program through the executive branch in 2011 expected to reduc e the deficit by near 40 billion dollars

Has reduced the long term deficit (over 20 years) by over 2 trillion dollars.


^Mandated that all government buildings reduce energy use by 30% by 2015

^Coal power as a percentage of US electricity has dropped from 48% to 39% under Obama

^2011 used 4 billion in energy savings to further improve energy efficiency for federal/private buildings will save 40 billion dollars yearly

^Loan Guarantees have created/saved 40,000 jobs

^More than 7 million homes have fitted with solar panels

^Added trucks and other transportation vehicles to be subject to MGP standards.

^Increased car and trucks fuel economy standards to 55 MPG by 2025 which will save consumers 1.7 trillion dollars.

^Increase fines for drilling and safety violations by 15%-20%

^Obama’s energy secretary has released 30 million barrels from the strategic reserve in order to lower inflated oil prices caused by unrest in oil producing countries. Empirical evidence from the early 90’s showed that releasing 30 million barrels caused oil costs to decrease by 1/3 or by $11 per barrel. The day of announcing this plan oil prices dropped 5%.

^Increased energy research by 125% once, and 5% a year

^A 10% tax cut for homeowners whom increase the energy efficiency of their home, and deductibles for energy efficient appliances.

^Cut solar panel, fuel cell, and wind turbine taxes by 30%

^Cut geothermal, micro turbines and CHP’s taxes by 20%

^New Federal government energy efficiency such as retrofitting residential buildings and a manufacturing grant created/will create over 600,000 thousand jobs over a 2 year period.
----1) BBI (better building initiative) would/will create 115,000 jobs and save 40 billion a year
----2) The Home star (cash for claunkers) program would/will create over 160,000 jobs over a two year period and save consumers .735 billion dollars a year, sand increased GDP by 120 billion, and lowered CO2 emissions by 850,ooo tons
----3) The Building star program which offers businesses rebate for energy improvements would/will create 190,000 jobs over a two year period and save consumers lots of money.

^Obamas DOI began collection 10 billion in unpaid fees from oil/coal companies.

^Obama’s DOE has mandated certain consumer items be more efficient saving the nation a net of 275 billion dollars over a period of 20 years (this will exponentially increase as time goes on).

^Obama increased the amount of energy; energy companies get from clean sources to 80% by 2035.

^Required all government vehicles to use clean energy by 2015; and he required that all cars/trucks have MPG standards up to 35 miles per gallon saving 61 billion and creating 250,00 jobs a year starting in 2020.

^Required government buildings to adopt the most energy efficient and water efficient standards. If these standards were applied to all buildings it would save the country a net of 20 billion a year.

^Required power plants to produce 15% of their energy from renewable sources.

^Stimulus grants for the DOE will create 170,000 jobs over two years by increase energy efficiency.

^Provided a 1,500 energy tax cut for goods that increase in energy efficiency,

^7 billion for increase energy efficiency at government buildings

^4.3 billion tax cut for increasing homes energy efficiency

^13 billion for renewable energy production a year for five years

^DOE extended battery efficiency saving consumers 0.16 dollars – 40 dollars on all types of batteries.

^Provided tens of billions in funding for energy efficiency programs.

^Increased light bulb energy standards saving consumer more than 12 billion a year.

^Began EPA regulations of greenhouse gasses

^Required states to provide people and companies with incentives for reducing energy consumption, and increasing energy efficiency

^Created fuel efficiency standards for tractors and other large vehicles saving at least 2.2billion a year by 2014


^EPA regulations to reduce hydraulic fracking pollution emissions by 95% (minus methane) methane emissions would be reduced by 40%

^New power production cannot have Carbon emissions over 1,000 pounds per megawatt.

^Coal ash pollution reductions to save 30,000 lives a year

^Rejected XL pipeline

^Removed loophole that prevented environmental review of drilling in the rocky moutains

^Reversed Bush era decision that prevented states from enacting tougher environmental laws.

^Required companies to get permits in order to increase CO2, CH4, N2O, HFC, PFC, and SF^’s pollution

^Reduced smog pollution by 18% saving almost 100 billion per year by 2020

^EPA created a site that allows you to view who is polluting your air water etc.

^Required cement kilns to reduce their mercury and other toxic pollution which will save 2,500 lives yearly and created 19 dollars in benefits for every 1 dollar in costs.

^Banned Uranium mining in the Grand Canyon

^Blocked Keystone XL pipeline

^EPA Daily load regulations so far have created 40 thousand jobs

^New EPA regulations that limit Mercury and SO2 emissions will save 17,000 lives a year and create 140 billion in economic benefits creating 1.4 million jobs in the next 5 years.

----2) The Home star (cash for claunkers) program would/will create over 160,000 jobs over a two year period and save consumers .735 billion dollars a year, and increased GDP by 120 billion, and lowered CO2 emissions by 850,000 tons

^New EPA rules under Obama will provide a 4-1 to 22-1 benefit cost ratio and will create 1.5 million jobs over the course of 5 years.

^Fines for breaking environment rules such as dumping chemicals into drinking water increased by 10%

^Obama expanded EPA’s criminal investigators field, and increased environmental enforcement by 19 times the previous amount. EPA also is now requiring oil storage locations to implement prevention control measures.

^Obama’s EPA set new health/environmental rules that will save the country a net of over 120 billion a year. Such as limiting Benzene content, mercury emissions and hydrocarbon emissions.

^Increased the amount of rivers protected from pollution and development by 50%, and established new national forest/trails/parks equaling two million acres.

^Canceled and revoked permit of some coal companion’s mountaintop removal mining; creates 5 times the cost in health/environment damage then the benefits created.

^EPA now provide permits to NPDES in order to reduce waste overflow


^Made it so gay couples can visit each other in the hospital and decided the fate of their spouse.

^Expanded the legal definition of rape to include anal and oral sex and men

^Secretary Hillary Clinton will direct foreign aid funds to countries that do not abuse human rights and divert aid away from human right abusing countries.

^Ended Arizona’s policy of firing teachers for not sounding “white” enough.

^Ended ban on gay people from being in the military

^Ended a ban on other state being allowed to recognize gay marriages that have occurred in other states.

^Lilly Ledbetter act allows women to sue if they are discriminated against.

^Anti job discrimination laws for gays, Vets and the disabled.

^Reversed Bush era’s illegal hiring practices which hired people based on political ideology rather than merit.

^Extended nondiscrimination protections to gays and women who are pregnant.

^Restarted the justice departments and EEOC enforcement of employment discrimination laws. And expanded hate crimes to include sexual orientation.

^Made government agencies provide all federal employees with the same types of benefits.

^Expanded Medicaid benefits to same sex couples.

^Achieved a cash settlement to minority farmers who were discriminated by the government.

^Expanded non-discrimination policies for 1million people

--------------------------------Consumer protections/anti-fraud

^FEC sued large banks for causing the crisis

^The CFPB in its first half month with a director and half of its budget work force settled 9,000 consumer complaints (with its full workforce and extrapolated to a yearly sum the CFPB will settled 400,000 Consumer complaints)

^Consumer protections on gift cards resulted in gift card losses due to hidden fees to fall by over 60% by 1.5billion yearly, and loss from expiration dates to fall by around 90% by 3 billion yearly

^Banned the sale of “light” cigarettes

^Created an agency to investigate oil/gas fraud and abuse

^Separated the MMS agency aimed at regulating oil companies from getting money form said oil companies

^Increased the FBI mortgage fraud program by more than 100%

^The NLRB ruled that corporations cannot take away workers’ rights to sue

^Made recess appointments for the NLRB

^Created a consumer protection agency and recess appointed its leaders and members

^Vetoed bill that would of made it harder to challenge foreclosure fraud

^Fined several banks related to mortgage fraud and abuse

^the CFTC will audit every large futures trading firm to verify that the firms are not committing fraud, not speculating and artificially pushing up commodity prices, or participating in activates that caused the housing bubble and the banking crisis.

^Made it so government staffers and personal have to wait a few years before becoming lobbyists or getting lobbyist jobs (Jack Abramoff who in 2006 was caught in a huge scandal including dozens of republicans said that he owned congress by offering staffers jobs.)

^The Labour board has ruled that employees must be notified of their rights in a viewable location

^Obama’s NLRB has rule that union elections must be done quickly and can’t be drawn out.

^Limited lobbyists access to government and ability of former government officials from becoming lobbyists.

^Made it so people who defraud Medicare/Medicaid would face criminal charges as well as pay fines.

^Made the NLRB pro-labor instead of pro-business overturned Bush era NLRB decisions such as banning employees from using any e-mail (even on their own time) for union activities; also daily compounded interest will be added to wage violations theft and back pay.

^Provided millions of dollars in funding for fraud prosecutors and investigators.

^Anit-trust fines have increased by 50% in Obamas first year.

^Made it illegal for airports to have passengers sit on tarmacs or airplanes waiting for a certain time frame.

^Obama made it so companies that work with the government have to disclose political contributions

^Obama has ordered the justice department to stop and prevent speculation increasing oil and commodity prices.

^Obama’s FCC established rules to protect net neutrality, meaning that internet and other corporations cannot deny individuals the use of websites and internet access.

^Required government agencies to submit and follow new standards to reduce fraud, waste and error.

^Increased penalties for violating gun laws.

^Made it so that renters must be warned if they are to be evicted due to their land lord foreclosing 90 days before their eviction.

^Made it legal for the justice department to sue private mortgage brokers and other non-bank lenders who commit fraud, and fraud involving future trading’s.

^Mandated federal agencies to follow the freedom of information act

^Reduced lobbyist access to white house personal.

^Made it so the justice department could press charges against financial institutions for violating lending practices.

--------------------------------Consumer protections/anti-fraud
^Obama removed spill regulations for milk companies saving 150million dollars a year

^Obama removed third party screenings at airports saving 60million a year

^Obama’s National marine fisheries service administration set annual catch limits for all fish

^Banned cross-gender strip searches and pat downs in prisons; allowed people in prison an avenue to report abuse, and made it so employees must be trained to recognize abuse.

^Made it illegal for tobacco companies to market T-Shirts, baseball caps and advertising in musical events.

^Made it so tobacco companies cannot advertise on cigarette packages

^Forced tobacco companies to disclose the ingredients of Cigarettes

^Froze white house aide pay at 100,000 and banned all bonuses for white house aides.

^Reversed a Bush Era policy of using white house aides to rewrite environmental and science regulations that were originally written by scientists.

^Obama’s ICE will stop deporting immigrants who are in college or who are in the military essentially installing the DREAM act which the CBO says will reduce the deficit by 1.5 billion dollars and expand the economy by 1.4 trillion over 40 years.

^Lowered refinancing fees by 1,000 a year

^Reduced restrictions on travel and sending aid to Cuba.

^Obama has increased the deportation ate of immigrants who are criminals by over 52%

^Increased the ability and use of stem cells for research and health care treatments.

^Obama increased the Labour Department’s number of investigators by 1/3 to combat wage theft

^Under Obama the Labour Department has increased back pay for employee whos employers fraud them out of their pay by 400%

^Under Obama NLRB back pay reimbursements, cases and fines have increased by over 12%.

^The NLRB ruled that states cannot ban unionization through private voting

^SEC fines for corporate fraud and abuse have increased by 300%, while penalties requiring companies to pay back investors increased by 30%.

^Tripled the size of the AmeriCorps service program which is a community service type program; allow students who joined the AmeriCorps program to earn money for college.

^Ended DEA raids of medical marijuana facilities.

^ Ended deportation of DREAM children (immigrant children who are earning a college degree or who are in the USA military).

^Reduced restrictions on stem cell research.

^Increased energy research by 125% once, and 5% a year

^Increased medical research by 1200% once, 2% a year.

^increased agriculture research by 56%

^NASA research increased by 14%. Increased Science foundation funding by 50% once, and 2% a year. Increased OAA funding by 25%.

^Expanded Patent workers and funding to allow quick patenting. Before the new funding and employees it took 3 years for a patent to be compiled and finished.

^Blocked SC voter ID requirments

^Eased green car rules making it easier for foreigners with family members in America to apply and obtain a green card

^Increased park funding by 10%

^Leased 500gz of wireless space for companines to use

^Doubled broadband spectrum
----------------------------------------Health care

^New food labeling requirements for meat to save 80million dollars a year

^Required cigarette adds to have more warnings

^Simplified Medicaid’s eligibility rules to just include income as a percent of poverty

^Mandated that all health companies provide birth control without copays

^Increased Vet access to mental health care

^Expanded eligibility for Medicaid up to 133% of the poverty line

^Created a website where you can compare and contrast health insurance plans

^Increased nurse family partnership funding by 10 billion dollars creating 25 billion dollars in economic benefits.

^The number of people investigated and later charged with health care fraud from federal prosecutors increased by more than 85% under Obama

^Increased NIH health research by 5% with a onetime influx of 1 billion dollars (every dollar creates over 2.21 in benefits in just 12 months)

^Removed restrictions on stem cell research

^Obama’s HHS rejected Indiana’s plan to defund Planned Parenthood, which for every dollar spent by PP it saves the government 6 dollars and save the private sector even more than that.

^Invested 40 billion into computerized medical records which is expected to save near 100 billion per year one fully implemented.

^lifted some restrictions that prevented Medicare from negotiating with pharmaceutical firms potentially save at most 10 billion a year.

^Health care law.
^Insurance companies can’t discriminate
^Insurance companies can’t drop coverage of sick people
^Insurance companies can’t cap yearly or lifetime benefits
^Children can now stay on their parent’s health insurance till they are 26.
^Insurance companies must provide free preventative health care.
^Expanded health care to 35 million people while simultaneously reducing total health care spending by 0.1% per year.
^Lowered patent time on prescription drugs.
^Provided funding for comparative effectiveness research.
^Invested billions into community health care centers
^Requires insurance companies to decrease their loss ratio by 5%.
^Will save 35,000 people’s lives each year.
^Reduces the long term budget by over 200 billion.
^Put taxes on insurance plans that are inefficient.
^Changed Medicare payment system to a more bundled system that pays more on effectiveness of care then how much care is provided.
^Will create 250,000 jobs a year by 2020.
^Families overall premiums will be reduced by 1,500 over ten years (around 14-20%)
^Put a Pigvorian tax on tanning salons.
^Invested in comparative effectiveness research
^Required fast food and restaurants to provide viewable calorie and nutrition for the public to see as they purchase food (show to reduce caloric intake by 100 for every meal).
^Required health insurance companies to create a standardized summary to their consumers of their health benefits.
^Made it harder for insurance companies to tell your doctor how to treat you.

^Provided health care for 9/11 respondents

^Funded over 20 grants for anti-malpractice implementation reforms.

^Increased CHIP (health care for children) funding to expand coverage to 4 million children.

^Provided grants for health facilities who inform patients of improper medial use, and grants to shield doctors who adhered to evidence based guidelines from being sued

^Placed fees on drug companies that over charge for medications

^Got drug companies to drop Medicare D costs of some drug sup to 50%

-------------------------------------Health care

^Provided businesses who hire people with a tax credit

^Made it so people/corporations who owe back taxes, use offshore tax havens and cheat on taxes cannot get federal contracts.

^Required the IRS to review contractor tax fillings to make sure the contractors are not committing tax fraud

^Revoked tax exempt status to several organizations that advocate and spend funds supporting discrimination.

^Provided college students with 2,500 in tax cuts

^Provided a 1,500 energy tax cut for goods that increase in energy efficiency,

^Every worked was given an 800 dollar tax cut a year.

^The IRS will require political donors to disclose their donations and will remove political donations from their nontax status, and tax them at 35%.

^Under Obama IRS audits on rich people increase by 110%. Obama increased the IRS budget by over 1.1 billion reducing the deficit by 7-10 billion dollars yearly.

^Tax cuts for small business that add jobs, and low interest loans to small business, and other tax extenders in 2010 created 1-2 million jobs.

^Small business tax cuts
--for every new employee small businesses will get a 5,000 tax cut
--provided 30 billion fund for small businesses to help with lending
--eliminated small business loan fees
--doubled maximum size of SBA loans
--In 2010 increased the amount a business could deduct on taxes by 50%
--Allows self0employed people to deduct health care costs.
--Small businesses may wright off new investments, and equipment
--Removed capital gains taxes for small businesses.

^A 10% tax cut for homeowners whom increase the energy efficiency of their home, and deductibles for energy efficient appliances.

^Cut solar pane, fuel cell, and wind turbine taxes by 30%

^Cut geothermal, micro turbines and CHP’s taxes by 20%

^Cut taxes for first time home buyers by 7,000

^Eliminated taxes on unemployment benefits

^Eliminated sales taxes on new vehicle purchases, and a 5,000 credit for electric cars.

^Increased taxes by 100billion on corporations shipping jobs overseas and using tax havens and used the new revenue to cut taxes for corporations who create jobs in America


^Mining regulations reducing coal dust to save over 1 live and 13million dollars yearly

^OSHA truck operators rules to save 11 lives a year and several hundred million dollars yearly

^Removed third party scanning at airports saving 60million dollars a year and making it quicker to get through

^Mandate auto-companies make side airbags more efficient and window glass less accident prone sets to save a net 350 lives and 1 billion dollars a year

^FDA limited use of antibiotics in livestock in order to prevent resistant strains from developing

^FDA reversed decision to crack down in BPA a toxic chemical used in plastics

^Expanded and increased oil rig safety laws

^Obama’s OSHA has increased penalties and fines for serious safety violations by 300-400%

^Provided funding to prevent wildfires

^New OSHA regulation limiting Crystalline Silica levels in working conditions to help prevent at most 7,000 cases a year.

^New OSHA regulations updating fall and slip safety estimated to save 20 lives each year and prevent 3,500 injuries, saving over 130 million dollars a year.

^Increased fines and penalties for pipeline safety violations occurring at corporations by 250%

^Obama’s OSHA set new regulations that will save the country over 10 billion dollars a year and help prevent 400,000 injuries each year. An example is new regulations limiting repetitive motion injuries.

^Food safety legislation; increased FDA’s power and funding closer to pre-1990 levels to help reduce food borne illness and save 5-50 billion yearly. Increased number of food safety inspectors

^Obamas food safety expansion would of prevented the deadliest outbreak in American history saving near two dozen lives.

^Increased Federal funding and support wildfire prevention such as clearing brush and trimming trees and controlled burnings.

^Increased safety labeling and testing for children’s products


^Used the Military to construct enough renewable energy production to power 1/4million homes in 2012

^Put tariffs on some Argentina goods because Argentina failed to pay payments it owed to US companies

^Required the DOD to tape all interrogations

^Made it legal for the media to cover the return of dead military soldiers from wars

^Began withdrawing troops from Europe

^Ended war in Iraq

^Cut Pentagon funding (not counting ending wars) by 50 billion per year in 2012.

^Secured 30 billion worth of military purchases from Saudi Arabia

^Will save over 50 billion a year due to ending the Iraq war

^Ended military deployment in Iraq

^Helped overthrow Libya’s brutal dictator.

^Foiled Iranian terrorists plot

^Put sanctions and limitations on Iranian airlines after a foiled terrorist plot

^Removed restrictions that made it illegal for Cuban Americans to visit Cuba and send money to relatives

^At the end of August 2011 Al-Qaeda’s new number 2 man was killed in Pakistan

^Caught more Taliban leaders in 1 month then Bush caught in 6 years.

^Supported a successful no fly zone and support of Libyan fighters to end Libya’s decade’s long dictator.

^Closed secret detention facilities in Europe

^Ordered special ops to take out Somalia pirates in order to free an American

^Suspended 350 million in aid to a country that killed peaceful protesters

^Suspended 3.1 billion in aid to Pakistan after they denounced the killing of Bin laden.

^Froze assets and funding For Libya Dictator and members active in oppression Libyan people.

^Froze assets, and property of Iranian and North Korean, and Somalian officials responsible for human right abuses.

^Provide soldiers with breaks so that they now don't have to serve multiple tours continuously in a row.

^Signed/passed START treaty

^Cut wasteful missile programs.

^Eliminated F-35 and 22 military spending funding the pentagon didn’t want saving billions of dollars.

^Eliminated presidential helicopter fleet saving 13 billion dollars.

^Obama secures 15 billion in military purchases from India.

^Banned torture.

^Order the rescue of people held by Somalia pirates and ordered the use of deadly force to deal with them.

^Killed Al-Qaeda’s senior leader Anwar Al Awlaki in the Arabian peninsula

^Supported the pro-democracy protests and movement in Egypt resulting in the overthrow of Egypt’s decade long dictatorship

^Halved the number of nuclear bombs in Russia/America

^Killed Osama Bin Laden like he promised he’d do.

^Froze assets of Syrian officials known for human rights violations.

^Passed GI bill for veterans from Iraq and Afghanistan (education, housing, and health funding and aid).

^Allowed gays to openly serve in the military

^Established a new cyber security agency aimed to improve cyber security.

^Passed the Weapons system acquisition reform act which puts oversight into military purchases.


^The 10% drop in unemployment experneicedc in early 2012 was due to veteran’s stimulus measures implemented by Obama. Unemployment of veterans from recent wars went from 15.2% to 9.1%, while unemployment for other veterans went from 9.9% to 7.5%

^EPA regulations limiting coal ash pollution will create over 30,000 jobs and save hundreds of lives

^EPA Daily load regulations so far have created 40 thousand jobs

^Executive energy efficiency program creates 100,000 of jobs. 2011

^In total Obama policies have created over 11 million jobs

^Tax cuts for small business that add jobs, and low interest loans to small business, and other tax extenders in 2010 created 1-2 million jobs.

^Expanded funding for Head start by 4.3 billion creating 90,000 jobs and creating 9 dollars in benefits for every dollar invested.

^New Federal government energy efficiency such as retrofitting residential buildings and a manufacturing grant created/will create over 600,000 thousand jobs over a 2 year period.
----1) BBI (better building initiative) would/will create 115,000 jobs and save 40 billion a year
----2) The Home star (cash for claunkers) program would/will create over 160,000 jobs over a two year period and save consumers .735 billion a year, expanded GDP by 120 billion and reduced CO2 emissions by 850,00 tons
----3) The Building star program which offers businesses rebate for energy improvements would/will create 190,000 jobs over a two year period and save consumers lots of money.

^Required all government vehicles to use clean energy by 2015; and he required that all cars/trucks have MPG standards up to 35 miles per gallon saving 61 billion and creating 250,00 jobs a year starting in 2020.

^Stimulus grants for the DOE will create 170,000 jobs over two years by increase energy efficiency.

^New EPA rules under Obama will provide a 4-1 to 22-1 benefit cost ratio and will create 1.5 million jobs over the course of 5 years.

^Obama expanded EPA’s criminal investigators field, and increased environmental enforcement by 19 times the previous amount. EPA also is now required oil storage locations must implement prevention control measures.

^Obama increased the Labour Department’s number of investigators by 1/3 to combat wage theft

^Tripled the size of the AmeriCorps service program which is a community service type program; allow students who joined the AmeriCorps program to earn money for college, AmeriCorps has a cost benefit analysis of 1-2.

^Health care reform will creates 250,000 jobs
^Stimulus created 5 million jobs
^Management of Auto bailout saved 1.4 million jobs
^Two Anti Outsourcing jobs tax reform laws. Increased taxes on corporations shipping jobs overseas while reducing taxes for corporations creating jobs in America.

^Increased MEP (manufacturing extension program) funding which saves 32 dollars for every 1 dollar invested, creating over 72,000 jobs so far.

^Food safety legislation; increased FDA’s power and funding closer to pre-1990 levels to help reduce food borne illness and save 5-50 billion yearly. Increased number of food safety inspectors

^Invested a billion into expanding broadband access, which creates 20,000-100,000 jobs.

^Chesapeake Bay protection act so far has created 40 thousand jobs and will create tens of thousands more


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