Obama Achievement List

Now they get to be in Afghanistan! less of a pull out and more of a change of battle layout. Obama had no great part in Bin Laden's death, it was all soldiers. hell, the guy had to "think about it", talk about indecisive. wasn't the plan all along to snuff that monster? as a soldier I'd say shoot the bastard right away. I gotta say in my eyes most of his "achievements" were fucking over soldiers and vets. THANKS OBAMA! I JUST LOVE HAVING NO MEDICAL COVERAGE FOR A BROKE BACK!

with love: your son :D
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Now they get to be in Afghanistan! less of a pull out and more of a change of battle layout. Obama had no great part in Bin Laden's death, it was all soldiers. hell, the guy had to "think about it", talk about indecisive. wasn't the plan all along to snuff that monster? as a soldier I'd say shoot the bastard right away. I gotta say in my eyes most of his "achievements" were fucking over soldiers and vets. THANKS OBAMA! I JUST LOVE HAVING NO MEDICAL COVERAGE FOR A BROKE BACK!

with love: your son :D

Well okay then...
1 - Fast and Furious - Operation Gun Runner, sent over 2000 weapons to Mexico, and resulted in the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry on December 14, 2010
2 - Stonewalled the investigation on Fast and Furious, ignored 22 subpoenas requesting documents for the congressional investigation.
3 - G.E sending 36000 Jobs Overseas, paid NO taxes in 2010, received $3.2 billion tax credit (Obama handpicked G.E. CEO to head his Jobs Committee)
4 - Approved $535 million Solyndra loan, a company who went bankrupt after 1 year.
5 - Lightsquared, the attempt to endanger the Air Traffic Control system for the benefit of his political contributors.
6 - Increased our deficit over 40% in 2/12 years
7 - The harassment of Gibson Guitars, sending the DOJ to confiscate their working inventory because the CEO was a Republican supporter and moved production to a non union environment.
8 - Oil Drilling Moratoriums, preventing oil drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and Gulf of Mexico to at least until 2017.
9 - Soaring FOOD and Gas Prices
10 - The Downgrade of America's credit rating ( 1st time in American history)
11 - 1st time in American history over 42 MILLION Americans are living in poverty
12 - Never passed a BUDGET ( First time in 34 YEARS)
13 - America drops to 5th place in GLOBAL COMPETITIVENESS
14 - Over 400,000 small businesses closing every year under Obama
15 - Our Debt has increased $4,247,000,000,000 in just 945 days! . (That's the fastest increase under any president ever!)
16 - Fed Suing States and States suing Feds
17 - Pressured Retired General Shelton to ALTER his testimony in the Lightsquared investigation (see #4)
18 - Enabled the LARGEST number of HOME FORECLOSURES
19 - Turned America into the LARGEST FOOD STAMP NATION, 1 in 7 Americans now on food stamps.
21 - Forced a Trillion dollar disaster down our throats called Obamacare WITHOUT EVEN READING THE BILL
22 - Created OVER 25 million UNEMPLOYED
23 - Appoint a TAX CHEAT for Sec. of the TREASURY!
24 - Appoint over 34 UN-ELECTED CZARS, bypassing congressional approval process.
25 - Eric Holder turns a blind eye to voter intimidation by the Black Panthers then justifies with racial comments
26 - Eric Holder pardons Mark Rich! (indicted on charges of tax evasion and illegal trading with Iran.)
27 - 1st President to allow Lawsuits Against the States He Swore an Oath to Protect
28 - 1st President to Terminate America's Ability to Put a Man into Space
29 - 1st President to Tell a Major Manufacturing Company In Which State They Are Allowed to Locate a Factory (Boeing)
30 - 1st President to Propose an Executive Order Demanding Companies Disclose Their Political Contributions to Bid on Government Contracts
31 - 1st President to Withdraw an Existing Coal Permit That Had Been Properly Issued Years Ago
32 - 1st President in American history with a Socialist/Markist radical anti American past to get elected with the help of ACORN and the Black Panthers.
33 - 1st President in American History to deface the American flag by placing his own picture on it, Google "obama-american-flag-veterans/2012/03/14/id/432541"
34 - Blocks congressional investigation of solyndra $$$ scandal.
35 - 1st President to publicly bow to Americas enemies while refusing to salute the U.S. Flag.
36 - 1st President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places
37 - Signed NDAA, and trashed the bill of rights.
38 - TSA harassment of the flying public including harassment of John Tyner and strip searches of elderly women.
39 - Continuing censorship, cyber attacks and obstruction of wiki leaks
40 - Allows Black Panthers to place a $10K bounty on a US citizen without any proof of guilt, and supports the supposed victim's family based on race only.
41 - Bypassed congressional approval to donate $1.5 BILLION TAX DOLLARS to the MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD in Egypt to promote Shari Law there.
I found an Obama achievement.. He bailed out General Motors so American jobs would go overseas, Yeh.
He's paid off a lot of special interests and campaign contributors with Obamacare waivers...

of course.. the rest of us get screwed...

The only ones I appreciate are..

1) Gave the orders to end Bin Laden

2) Pulled troops out of Iraq

Oh great. Another rw who is scared shitless of reading the links in my sig.

Come back when you're well informed.
He made the "N" word a household word among non-blacks again.


I've never heard the" N" word used so damn much among so many people until Obama became president and started up with this commie agenda of his. I think he's turned even MORE people into racists than before he was elected. A damn day doesn't pass now without some more stupid RACE crap on the front page.


Yeah man, the racists are the REAL victims here! If only those blahs would stop being SO blah racists wouldn't be forced to resort to being racist.

And those ladies in the short skirts really shouldn't have the gall to tempt men into raping them.

Come on now.

He did give SEAL Team 6 the nod to take out UBL.

That does count for something.

As for the rest of his so called achievments?? Not much there.
If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen

TAMPA, Fla. — Liberal contraception activist Sandra Fluke isn’t taking up Breitbart.com editor Dana Loesch’s challenge to a debate on women’s issues.

The conservative firebrand Loesch has been tweeting at Fluke and publicly challenging the liberal activist Thursday to a debate and discussion on the issues, but Fluke, who strolled through the Republican National Convention Thursday afternoon, has not responded. Loesch has even gone looking for Fluke, who appears to have disappeared after a series of media appearances at the convention center.

Fluke showed up at the RNC with Florida Democratic Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, early Thursday afternoon and the two paraded around media outlets in the convention center pushing their message.

Loesch isn’t surprised that Fluke has not agreed to a debate.

“If Sandra Fluke is going to come here and talk about women’s issues, then why not talk to actual conservative women about women’s issues?” Loesch told The Daily Caller. “I mean, that’s the whole point. You can’t just come here and hold a press conference and not take any questions. You can’t just go on MSNBC and say whatever you want. Is she an advocate or propagandist? Which one is she? If she’s an advocate, she’s completely willing to have a discussion on the issues. Democrats don’t speak for women. They don’t speak for me. I would like to hear why she thinks she speaks for all women because she obviously does not.”

“She hasn’t shown any desire to listen to what conservative women have to say and why they’re happy with the Republican Party and why they are voting for Republicans,” Loesch continued. “She thinks that the Democrats have a patent on women’s issues? Here you have the Obama White House which has actual pay inequality and here you have the Obama White House which removed the sovereignty women have over their own body and then there’s this unelected board for Medicare that’s not regulated by HHS? Where is she on those issues if she’s such a women’s advocate.”

Because Fluke is “not willing to engage on the issues,” Loesch said that “signals to me that she’s not an advocate but she’s a propagandist.”

“I’m genuine,” Loesch said. “I want a genuine discussion. I don’t understand why Democrat women — when they claim to speak for all women — why they’re stopping this very important discussion.”

“Is she afraid to be challenged on the ideas?” Loesch added. “That’s what it signals to me is that she’s unwilling to actually engage in a conversation with real conservative women. Is it because she’s afraid and doesn’t have the strength of her own conviction? That says to me quite a lot. I’m willing to put it on the line, why isn’t she?”

Loesch said she thinks Fluke is nothing more than a creation made by President Barack Obama as part of an effort to push liberal politics. “I don’t know of any other ‘private citizen’ who is represented by the Knickerbocker PR firm in Washington, D.C., which happens to be run by Anita Dunn, Barack Obama’s former communications director,” Loesch said. “I don’t know any private citizen who just happens to have that affiliation. This was an entirely fabricated narrative from the Democrats and they needed a face to put on it and so Sandra Fluke was the face that they put on it. I want to know if she’s woman enough to come talk to me.”

Fluke has not responded to a request for comment from The Daily Caller about Loesch’s challenge either.

Read more: Sandra Fluke chickening out on women's issues debate? | The Daily Caller
Keeping unemployment over 8%
Adding more to the national debt than any other president ever
no budgets
1+trillion dollar defecits
Making it ok to tax me if I dont buy health insurance from a private company
giving the kill order for bin laden
losing more troops in afghanistan in the last 2 years than in the previous 6
Using divisive re-election rhetoric

Should I continue?
Keeping unemployment over 8%
Adding more to the national debt than any other president ever
no budgets
1+trillion dollar defecits
Making it ok to tax me if I dont buy health insurance from a private company
giving the kill order for bin laden
losing more troops in afghanistan in the last 2 years than in the previous 6
Using divisive re-election rhetoric

Should I continue?

Yes, by all means, please do!
So.. we all agree, short list of achievements from Obama...

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