Obama admin. knew millions could not keep their health insurance

That's right.

They KNEW EVEN AS FAR BACK AS 2010 that huge numbers of people would lose their insurance, and Obama STILL told you the bold faced lie that you'd be able to keep your plan.

Remind yourself of what website this article is on(NBC).

This isn't Fox telling you this, this isn't Rush Limbaugh saying this, these are Obama's liberal friends in the media writing up this article.
That's right.

They KNEW EVEN AS FAR BACK AS 2010 that huge numbers of people would lose their insurance, and Obama STILL told you the bold faced lie that you'd be able to keep your plan.

Remind yourself of what website this article is on(NBC).

This isn't Fox telling you this, this isn't Rush Limbaugh saying this, these are Obama's liberal friends in the media writing up this article.

Exactly, and now it will be interesting to see if other news sources will be all over this tomorrow.
When you see the faces on the MSM
they all seem in shock

They just can't understand how this happened?
As millions lose their insurance, and millions pay more for their insurance...............

How will Obama and the Dems Lie their way out of this............................
Those who lost their full time jobs, going Part Time because of Obamacare.............

Will they thank the Dems in the next election.................
I wonder if all those people losing their health care plans having their premiums double, tripple and quadruple will vote for democrats next November?

I doubt it.
Republicans don't even want Americans to have health care.

So what's the big deal?

I'm beginning to think you are a plant here.

No one is as fucking stupid as you. Save for the half-negroid for whom you voted. Twice.
Always an interesting point...

Forget Kristen. How about the likes of Buffet, Gates, fuck, even Romney who "bitch" because loopholes allow them to pay an average rate of 14-15%? Hell, my rate is much higher than that. But in the end, they do not write a nice fat check out of guilt do they?

I am sure they can. Liberals always tell me illegal aliens file a tax return, sans a SS#, and send in a check...So if they can do it, I see no reason why these fucking hypocrites cannot.

They are so full of SHIT!
Considering the nonstop lies the hater dupes swallow, you're joking.

Obama didn't reckon on the mindless obstruction and dishonesty of Pubs and insurers. Things are great in NY...ENJOY GETTING SCREWED IN RED STATES, FOOLS lol...

are you a robot? you just keep repeating this same line
so is it suppose to comfort the people in the country OBAMA LIED to them or what?

I just ran across this. might be a good place to put it
Remember folks if you like your plan you would be able to keep it....said the liar in Chief?
links at site


by Breitbart News 27 Oct 2013 189 post a comment

Appearing on NBC’s Meet the Press, CEO of Florida Blue Patrick Geraghty said that his company, which sent insurance cancellations to some 300,000 Floridians this month, was not actually cancelling insurance. Instead, he said, this was a mere transition.

“We’re not cutting people,” said Geraghty, “we’re actually transitioning people. What we’ve been doing is informing folks that their plan doesn’t meet the test of the essential health benefits; therefore, they have a choice of many options that we make available through the exchange. And, in fact, with subsidy, many people will be getting better plans at a lesser cost. This really is a transition. In fact, the 300,000 figure is the entire year. So it’s really 40,000 people for January 1, and we’re walking them through that transition.”

all of it here
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