Obama admin puts more guards at WWII Memorial against Americans,than at Benghazi comp


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Your tax dollars at work.

Yesterday a number of WWII veterans (average age: 90-plus) flew by "Honor FLight" to Washington DC, to see the WWII Memorial that commemorated their own service and sacrifice. Though the Memorial is normally open 24/7 with no attending personnel, the Obama administration decided to close it anyway, as part of its successfull shutting down of the government. A number of the WWII vets were not pleased, and pushed their way past the barricades erected by the govt bureaucrats.

Today, apparently the Obama administration sent seven guards to block off the memorial.

Interesting what the Obama administration feels should be guarded, and whom it should be guarded against.

Especially when compared to what it felt should NOT be guarded on Sept. 11, 2011, even in the face of increasing attacks and bombings on the site, with American lives at stake.


Shutdown overreach: More personnel sent to WWII memorial than Benghazi; Park Service closes park it doesn't run | Mobile Washington Examiner

At the World War II Memorial on The Mall in Washington, where veterans have been staging protests to keep it open, Washington Examiner's Charlie Spiering reports that at least seven officials were dispatched Wednesday morning to set up a ring of barricades to block tourists from the memorial.

That is two more than the State Department had in Benghazi a year ago on the night of the terrorist attack that killed four, including the U.S. ambassador.

An interesting observation by a friend on another forum, who lives and works in DC:

"I drive by the WWII memorial and many of the various other 'outdoor' monuments almost daily.

"I typically see FAR LESS police presence (US Park Police) on any given day at these places than I do now that the government is shutdown. Police are literally EVERYWHERE now. You couldn't swing a dead cat and not hit one.

"Somehow, by some mysterious way, the very same agency that can't seem to find enough police officers to patrol and secure areas like the monuments and national mall and keep things like armed robberies and sexual assaults from happening pretty much weekly, has suddenly found all the officers it needs to ensure that 94 year old Veterans can't get close enough to a memorial (to them, no less!) in order to read the words carved on it.

"Where were all these cops back in May when 3 of Obama's sons were raping and sodomizing a female jogger in broad daylight in the morning along Ohio Drive, only a couple hundred yards from the MLK and FDR Memorials? Or when the entire family from Ohio or Indiana or wherever was robbed at the Smithsonian metro station? Or when the crazy Chinese broad was flinging green paint mixed with poop all over Abe Lincoln?

"No cops around then, but DOZENS on patrol now that everything is closed."

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