Obama administration guts work requirements for Clinton-era welfare reform

people cant find jobs you sociopath

No, the jobs are out there, it's just that the system has made it such that those jobs will equate to less entry level earnings than the Welfare programs pay out, so naturally the lazy will continue to do what they do so well... Continue being lazy.
Work requirements?

How many Americans do we have turning down jobs?

"in exchange for taxpayer-funded TANF payments, the law calls on able-bodied adults to work, look for work, take classes, or undergo drug and alcohol counseling."

Did you miss that part? If you're not working you should at least be out LOOKING for work.
I've called both of my senators offices to express my unhappiness over the fact the they are allowing Obama to pretend to be king. I urge others to do the same. While, with Harry Reid in charge of the senate, it won't accomplish much but will still let senators understand that the people are paying attention. You would think that even democrat senators should be upset that Obama is trying to ride roughshod over Congress. We have three branches of government for a reason and it's time for people to let those 99 senators that are NOT Harry Reid understand that we're tired of paying them to do nothing.
It's amazing how misinformed one has to be to fail to understand what happened here.

State's have been clamoring for waivers because zero of them are able to meet the 80% requirements. Instead of cutting all of them off, they extended the waiver period.

Of course, people as dumb as Malkin take this to mean the executive branch dismissed the law when, in fact, they simply used the law to extend the waiver period.
It's amazing how misinformed one has to be to fail to understand what happened here.

State's have been clamoring for waivers because zero of them are able to meet the 80% requirements. Instead of cutting all of them off, they extended the waiver period.

Of course, people as dumb as Malkin take this to mean the executive branch dismissed the law when, in fact, they simply used the law to extend the waiver period.

They are not "extending current waivers". They are creating a new waiver program. They have no legal authority to do that under current law. The HHS does not have the ability to write or change the law.
It's amazing how misinformed one has to be to fail to understand what happened here.

State's have been clamoring for waivers because zero of them are able to meet the 80% requirements. Instead of cutting all of them off, they extended the waiver period.

Of course, people as dumb as Malkin take this to mean the executive branch dismissed the law when, in fact, they simply used the law to extend the waiver period.

They are not "extending current waivers". They are creating a new waiver program.

No, they're not. The law allows HHS to grant waivers - it was obvious when the law was passed that no states would meet the timelines, so they created a system to grant waivers.

They have no legal authority to do that under current law. The HHS does not have the ability to write or change the law.

^That is 100% wrong. Not surprising since it comes from Ms. Malkin.
It's amazing how misinformed one has to be to fail to understand what happened here.

State's have been clamoring for waivers because zero of them are able to meet the 80% requirements. Instead of cutting all of them off, they extended the waiver period.

Of course, people as dumb as Malkin take this to mean the executive branch dismissed the law when, in fact, they simply used the law to extend the waiver period.

They are not "extending current waivers". They are creating a new waiver program.

No, they're not. The law allows HHS to grant waivers - it was obvious when the law was passed that no states would meet the timelines, so they created a system to grant waivers.

They have no legal authority to do that under current law. The HHS does not have the ability to write or change the law.

^That is 100% wrong. Not surprising since it comes from Ms. Malkin.

Again, this is not a continuation of waivers. This is a brand new program that HHS claims to have authority to enact.

They are not "extending current waivers". They are creating a new waiver program.

No, they're not. The law allows HHS to grant waivers - it was obvious when the law was passed that no states would meet the timelines, so they created a system to grant waivers.

They have no legal authority to do that under current law. The HHS does not have the ability to write or change the law.

^That is 100% wrong. Not surprising since it comes from Ms. Malkin.

Again, this is not a continuation of waivers. This is a brand new program that HHS claims to have authority to enact.

I'm not sure if you chose not to read your own link or if you are a blatant liar. Let's review:

Section 1115 authorizes waivers concerning section 402. Accordingly, other provisions of the TANF statute are not waivable. For example, the purposes of TANF are not waivable, because they are contained in section 401. The prohibitions on assistance are not waivable, because they are contained in section 408.

While the TANF work participation requirements are contained in section 407, section 402(a)(1)(A)(iii) requires that the state plan “[e]nsure that parents and caretakers receiving assistance under the program engage in work activities in accordance with section 407.” Thus, HHS has authority to waive compliance with this 402 requirement and authorize a state to test approaches and methods other than those set forth in section 407, including definitions of work activities and engagement, specified limitations, verification procedures, and the calculation of participation rates. As described below, however, HHS will only consider approving waivers relating to the work participation requirements that make changes intended to lead to more effective means of meeting the work goals of TANF.

Zero states are meeting the participation rate.
Again, this is not a continuation of waivers. This is a brand new program that HHS claims to have authority to enact.


You probably should have read that before you linked it.

Section 1115 of the Social Security Act provides authority for the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to consider and approve experimental, pilot, or demonstration projects which, in the Secretary’s judgment, are likely to assist in promoting the objectives of Title IV-A.

As I said, Congress wrote the authority to give waivers into the law.
Social Security Act §1115

In the case of any experimental, pilot, or demonstration project which, in the judgment of the Secretary, is likely to assist in promoting the objectives of title I, X, XIV, XVI, or XIX, or part A or D of title IV, in a State or States—

(1) the Secretary may waive compliance with any of the requirements of section 2, 402, 454, 1002, 1402, 1602, or 1902, as the case may be, to the extent and for the period he finds necessary to enable such State or States to carry out such project, and

(2)(A) costs of such project which would not otherwise be included as expenditures under section 3, 455, 1003, 1403, 1603, or 1903, as the case may be, and which are not included as part of the costs of projects under section 1110, shall, to the extent and for the period prescribed by the Secretary, be regarded as expenditures under the State plan or plans approved under such title, or for administration of such State plan or plans, as may be appropriate, and

(B) costs of such project which would not otherwise be a permissable use of funds under part A of title IV and which are not included as part of the costs of projects under section 1110, shall to the extent and for the period prescribed by the Secretary, be regarded as a permissable use of funds under such part.

In addition, not to exceed $4,000,000 of the aggregate amount appropriated for payments to States under such titles for any fiscal year beginning after June 30, 1967, shall be available, under such terms and conditions as the Secretary may establish, for payments to States to cover so much of the cost of such projects as is not covered by payments under such titles and is not included as part of the cost of projects for purposes of section 1110.

Waivers are obviously not a one-time deal with no waivers allowed to be given ever again.
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Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program is not food stamps. It is about 200 a month in cash.
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) Program is not food stamps. It is about 200 a month in cash.

Yeah, Had a guy working for me, While living with his GF that got that. Actually she got 600 a Month in Cash assistance in Total. Really helped her and her Boyfriend (who she of course never told DHS lived with her and made good money, and paid most of her bills) support their Pot, and Riddilin Habits.

So I know, why don't we remove even more of the Barriers and make it even easier to abuse the system, Until it collapsed and is not there to help the people who really need and Deserve it.
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people cant find jobs you sociopath

So we should stop asking them to Look for work?

my god you are dense.


Basically, to collect welfare for a family, every work eligible person in that family must work an average of 30 hours a week.

If the state cuts its welfare load, that requirement can drop to as low as 20 hours.

What counts as "work"?

Until implementation of the DRA regulations, states were free to use their own reasonable definitions for the federally countable work activities. For example, the new regulations limited the circumstances in which states could count rehabilitation activities (including mental health and substance abuse treatment) to job-search and job-readiness activities. In the past, some states had counted rehabilitation activities as work and others did not. This distinction is particularly important because participation in job-search and job-readiness activities is limited to the hourly equivalent of 6 weeks per year (12 weeks in states that qualify as needy).

As you can see, looking for a job only nets a 6 week credit for the whole year.

So even if you bust your ass looking for a job, you still won't earn enough work hours to get welfare unless you find other work, too.

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