Obama Administration Hid Secret Meetings With Iran From Israel


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
Breaking: Obama Administration Hid Secret Meetings With Iran From Israel​

by Andrea Ryan
Breaking: Obama Administration Hid Secret Meetings With Iran From Israel | The Gateway Pundit
November 5, 2012

Barack Obama with Valerie Jarrett (redpillreport.net) The Obama Administration was just busted again selling out our ally, Israel. Valerie Jarrett, also known as “Obama’s Brain”, has been meeting surreptitiously, behind the backs of Congress, behind the backs of Israel, with representatives of Iran’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei. The meetings have been going on for months.

Iran, a regime that is calling for the annihilation of the “stinking corpse of Israel” and developing the nuclear capability to follow through, is the largest state sponsor of terrorism and the sworn enemy of Israel. And, yet Obama’s right hand woman is secretly courting them. With no background or understanding of nuclear foreign policy, or Middle East issues, Jarrett’s only credibility is that she was born there.
This is outrageous.....

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Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran. Explains a lot. I don't trust that bitch one iota and it's frightening to have someone like her with so much power. She pulls the strings on the Obama puppet.
Obama is one of Iran's biggest supporters. And he has already shown us how he feels about Israel. He's a good little Muslim. Ask Egypt!
Remember not that long ago, I think it was the New York Times who reported about Iran wanting to sit down and talk with the US?

Remember how quickly the Obama administration squashed that story and how quick it became dropped by everyone?

Well, I guess this is one more thing this administration don't want the American people to know about. Like Fastand Furious, like Benghazi, like the Healthcare bill.

Before you say anything about how we knew about the healthcare bill, remember these little words, "We have to pass it before we know what's in it" or something like that?

The reason all this stuff is being kept under wraps is because Obama knows that it will only hurt him. I myself think sitting down with Iran would have helped Obama, but for some reason Obama doesn't.

This administration can not be trusted. Seriously, this administration is the stuff that horror amd suspence movies are made about. I hope and pray this guy is voted out.
The American presidential race is more of a contest between JStreet (Obama) and AIPAC (Romney0 )than a race between Democrats and Republicans.
Something indicating the extent of Israel's control of US domestic and foreign affairs appears between the lines of the following article, one that is copied from Google.

Israel holds the key to its relations with the US

"Israel holds the key to its relations with the U.S.. The new government that will be sworn in in Jerusalem after the January 22 Israeli election will affect the quality of this relationship more than either Obama or Romney. "
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