Obama admits he completely missed the Rise of ISIS. Bush warned July 12 2007not to leave Middle east

Obama was shocked by the rise of ISIS?

The JV squad?

We have a security of forces in Germany, Japan and South Korea....why wouldn't we do that in the Middle East.

ISIS is the exact reason to leave security forces.

Bush was also warned not to go into Iraq. Saddam was bad, but not ISIS bad. Too bad Bush created the vacuum that ISIS filled.

ISIS began in Syria when they broke off from Al Nusra (AQ Syria). Get a grip and learn real history.

Obama wanted Assad gone and tagged team with Turkey, Qatar and of course Saudi Arabia to give Syria to the Muslim Brotherhood after the big fuck up in Egypt.

Obama created the vacuum in Syria. Obama gave the world ISIS.

Dear tinydancer ColonelAngus velvtacheeze
As long as we agree ISIS members are responsible for damage done by ISIS,
then we can still unite in going after and stopping the abuse oppression and killing.

If we let fault finding get in the way of concerted 100% focused efforts,
that is our fault for letting that divide and distract us.
I disagree that he admitted anything. He is far too much of a pompous Asshole to ever admit he ever made a mistake in his life.

His statement was a carefully planned, very carefully worded assignment of Blame to the U. S. Intelligence Community.

They let him down is what he means.

Didn't warn him that ISIS was THAT MUCH of a threat....going back to when he made such a fool of himself as to call them a JV team.

Fuck him for being a Liar and the Worst President in our History.

40 days to go. Lord Help Us.
Obama was shocked by the rise of ISIS?

The JV squad?

We have a security of forces in Germany, Japan and South Korea....why wouldn't we do that in the Middle East.

ISIS is the exact reason to leave security forces.

Bush was also warned not to go into Iraq. Saddam was bad, but not ISIS bad. Too bad Bush created the vacuum that ISIS filled.

ISIS began in Syria when they broke off from Al Nusra (AQ Syria). Get a grip and learn real history.

Obama wanted Assad gone and tagged team with Turkey, Qatar and of course Saudi Arabia to give Syria to the Muslim Brotherhood after the big fuck up in Egypt.

Obama created the vacuum in Syria. Obama gave the world ISIS.

Dear tinydancer ColonelAngus velvtacheeze
As long as we agree ISIS members are responsible for damage done by ISIS,
then we can still unite in going after and stopping the abuse oppression and killing.

If we let fault finding get in the way of concerted 100% focused efforts,
that is our fault for letting that divide and distract us.

I can find fault separate from actions or I can find the fault tied to the lack of actions.

Until Putin moved in September 2015 and began serious attacks on ISIS after being warned by the UN that ISIS had clearly moved in to Afghanistan with numerous Chechens, the USA along with the rest of the NATO countries only making negligible strikes against them ISIS still ruled.

The truth is that ISIS and al Nusra had been allowed to destroy Syria so that Obama and others could depose Assad and impose a Syrian Muslim Briotherhood government.

This is not Alex Jones. This is not Coast to Coast either with Art Bell or George. THIS is on record. There are many levels on how this has unfolded.

I personally believe that all who signed the accord to allow this ficticious Opposition Party to take over in early 2012 and hand over the Assad government to the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood including my former and a man I supported for over two decades be charged with crimes against humanity in Le Hague.

They have all backed fake rebels. They all backed the Sunni ISIS and al Qaeda.

I want them arrested charged and jailed for life for the hell they have wrought in the Middle East.
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