Obama admits his failure in Afghanistan


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Make sure you listen to the video, "ah" seems to be the word Obama likes best.

Obama: U.S. Has Fallen 'Short of the Ideal' in Afghanistan | The Weekly Standard

"So, you know, I think that, have we achieved everything that some might have imagined us achieving in the best of scenarios? Probably not. You know, there's a human enterprise, and you know, you fall short of the ideal," said Obama.

The president went on to say that America has achieved some measure of success in Afghanistan, however. "Did we achieve our central goal? And have we been able, I think, to shape a strong relationship with a responsible Afghan government that is willing to cooperate with us to make sure that it is not a launching pad for future attacks against the United States? We have achieved that goal. We are in the process of achieving that goal. And for that, I think we have to thank our extraordinary military, intelligence and diplomatic teams, as well as the cooperation of the Afghan government and the Afghan people."
I love how cocksucking right wingers cherry pick one sentence out of Obama's speeches and then use it to proclaim their talking points are correct. It's so transparent and stupid.

Haaaaaaaa so typical. Tell me when someone actual does do that then you may be on to something, or are two paragraphs and a link to the article and video too much for you liberal mind??? What a crock you are.

Now here is cherry picking, from the article: "We have achieved that goal. We are in the process of achieving that goal."

Now which is it? We have or we are? Yeah he is real smart.
I love how cocksucking right wingers cherry pick one sentence out of Obama's speeches and then use it to proclaim their talking points are correct. It's so transparent and stupid.

Haaaaaaaa so typical. Tell me when someone actual does do that then you may be on to something, or are two paragraphs and a link to the article and video too much for you liberal mind??? What a crock you are.

Now here is cherry picking, from the article: "We have achieved that goal. We are in the process of achieving that goal."

Now which is it? We have or we are? Yeah he is real smart.

Haaaaaaaa go fuck yourself and get an actual intelligent thing to debate about. Link to some cocksucking conservative blog and cherry pick a single sentence for your thread where Obama said the Afghanistan conflict is a mess. Your entire thought process in this thread is stupid.

What he said in that article is we have achieved the goal of getting those we were after in Afghanistan and now we are achieving the goal of getting the fuck out. If you weren't a brain dead cocksucking partisan hack piece of shit, I imagine you've would've understood that.

Obama didn't put us in that shit hole in the first fucking place.

Obama didn't take the focus off the troops there to fucking chase Saddam.

Hold on -- here, tell it to him.

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It isn't Obama's failure, it's ours as a nation.

We did not wage war from the start.
Will Bush admit his failure there too? What about Iraq, anyone admitting failure there yet?

Our only "failure" in Iraq was not getting a Status of Forces agreement with the Iraqi government which would have allowed us to maintain a military presence in the area as a counterweight to Iran's nuclear ambitions. Now the shit is going to hit the fan and there is little we can do about it. But, of course, it won't be Obama's fault...
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Make sure you listen to the video, "ah" seems to be the word Obama likes best.

Obama: U.S. Has Fallen 'Short of the Ideal' in Afghanistan | The Weekly Standard

"So, you know, I think that, have we achieved everything that some might have imagined us achieving in the best of scenarios? Probably not. You know, there's a human enterprise, and you know, you fall short of the ideal," said Obama.

The president went on to say that America has achieved some measure of success in Afghanistan, however. "Did we achieve our central goal? And have we been able, I think, to shape a strong relationship with a responsible Afghan government that is willing to cooperate with us to make sure that it is not a launching pad for future attacks against the United States? We have achieved that goal. We are in the process of achieving that goal. And for that, I think we have to thank our extraordinary military, intelligence and diplomatic teams, as well as the cooperation of the Afghan government and the Afghan people."

When Obama talks of the U.S. he's never referring to himself.

He never admits when he's fucked up.
It should be noted that we have not "fought" a war as it should be fought since WWII.

The "theory" of limited war is a failure as applied to "winng" any war.
I love how cocksucking right wingers cherry pick one sentence out of Obama's speeches and then use it to proclaim their talking points are correct. It's so transparent and stupid.

I agree. It was cherry-picked.

I saw the headline and read the article and discovered it was so much about nothing.

You and I have gotten each other in the past but I do appreciate you as an intelligent poster. By the way, why the recent marijuana pics in your sig line? I never thought of you as a pot smoker before.
Obama admits his failure in Afghanistan
Great, now we stop wasting time, money and lives and get out of that hell hole
Freewilll says Obama admitted he lost the war.

Obama said in fw's evidence that "Did we achieve our central goal? And have we been able, I think, to shape a strong relationship with a responsible Afghan government that is willing to cooperate with us to make sure that it is not a launching pad for future attacks against the United States? We have achieved that goal. We are in the process of achieving that goal. And for that, I think we have to thank our extraordinary military, intelligence and diplomatic teams, as well as the cooperation of the Afghan government and the Afghan people."

Freewill is a liar.
Obama admits his failure in Afghanistan
Great, now we stop wasting time, money and lives and get out of that hell hole

Sure would be cool if we had a POTUS with a positive attitude about the mission.

Why? Send more people to die for nothing? Other peoples have had leaders that had positive attitudes about fixing Afghanistan. Take a look at history and see how that turned out.

We need to get the f up outta there.
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