Obama And Hillary Chalk Up Another Attack In Manchester


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
The Obama Administration made attacks like the one in Manchester UK possible.

Salman Abedi, born in the UK, but recently radicalized and having just returned from a trip from Libya, killed 22 people after a rock concert in Manchester.

Apparently, Obama's good work in Libya hasn't just produced Benghazi, but now it is bearing fruit all over the world. The reason we went into Afghanistan was for this very reason. To find Bin Laden and remove his terrorist training camps. Now Obama has helped turn Libya into a terrorist haven from which to train and plan terrorist attacks like the one that took place in Manchester and are happening in France, Sweden, the Philippines, etc.........

Manchester attack: Bomber not acting alone, says Amber Rudd - BBC News

You can tell who the enablers are by their calls for more open borders and more understanding. Political-correctness has gone crazy. You can't profile anyone without coming under direct attack from not only people on social networks but from Democrats in power in our cities. Every tool we have to fight terrorism in our countries are being thwarted by radical judges in Hawaii and Mayors who call for open borders. Anyone who doesn't agree with this insanity will be removed, censored, or attacked for not going along with it.

Forget about the imaginary separation between church and state folks when it comes to Islam.

Mayor Hodges to give State of the City address at Minneapolis mosque May 23
The mayor says she wants to send a signal to Muslims that the city stands with them.

Mayor Hodges to give State of the City address at Minneapolis mosque May 23

These people are just making more attacks possible all over the world, but according to them Trump is the problem.
BTW, we can't have a copy of the Ten Commandments in our government buildings but liberals think nothing of giving their SOTC addresses in mosques. Seattle's mayor did the same thing earlier this year.

Now who is still stupid enough to think that Democrats actually believe in the separation of church and state???

Seattle mayor to give State of City address at mosque
By all means blame the last leaders, not the current ones, but give the current leaders accolades from past leaders......sycophants, never can see reality on a balanced scale..
By all means blame the last leaders, not the current ones, but give the current leaders accolades from past leaders......sycophants, never can see reality on a balanced scale..
The current leaders we can blame are the stinking Democrats.
I don't believe in spreading blame evenly.
By all means blame the last leaders, not the current ones, but give the current leaders accolades from past leaders......sycophants, never can see reality on a balanced scale..
The current leaders we can blame are the stinking Democrats.
I don't believe in spreading blame evenly.
Yet, they are not the leaders, what is taking the current leaders so long to get results?
By all means blame the last leaders, not the current ones, but give the current leaders accolades from past leaders......sycophants, never can see reality on a balanced scale..
The current leaders we can blame are the stinking Democrats.
I don't believe in spreading blame evenly.
Yet, they are not the leaders, what is taking the current leaders so long to get results?
I suppose you think Rome was built in a day.

The current leaders we can blame are the stinking Democrats.
I don't believe in spreading blame evenly.

actually, the thing is, the underlying causes of Terrorism are bipartisan.

Both Parties BLINDLY support the Zionist Entity.
Both parties engage in the interventionist policies that destabilize the region.
Both parties support the enabling regimes over there that support the terrorists.

Or did you not notice Trump kissing Saudi Ass last week?
Obama had 8 years.

Trump hasn't even been able to get his EOs enforced without permission from a judge in Hawaii.

Considering most of these attacks are carried out by people born in the countries they carry them out in, banning immigrants is kind of stupid.

The question that should be asked is why are young Muslims born in the West so vulnerable to radicalization? And how do we stop this from happening?
The shitstain ex president went to Berlin to throw his full support behind the Manchester killers.
Obama had 8 years.

Trump hasn't even been able to get his EOs enforced without permission from a judge in Hawaii.

Considering most of these attacks are carried out by people born in the countries they carry them out in, banning immigrants is kind of stupid.

The question that should be asked is why are young Muslims born in the West so vulnerable to radicalization? And how do we stop this from happening?
They get it from their families, from their mosques. They are radicalized by everyone they know. You call it radicalization. They call it practicing their religion.
Obama had 8 years.

Trump hasn't even been able to get his EOs enforced without permission from a judge in Hawaii.

Considering most of these attacks are carried out by people born in the countries they carry them out in, banning immigrants is kind of stupid.

The question that should be asked is why are young Muslims born in the West so vulnerable to radicalization? And how do we stop this from happening?
Can't answer that.
I just know what causes it.

Some of these folks feel that their religion is a justification for murder.

Most of these people are just abused children lashing out.

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