Obama and Missouri Governor says it is time for healing

I understand the rage and the anger, but I have never truly understood how destroying your neighborhood can be the answer to any problem.

The transgression of the rioters is dwarfed by the assault on the First Amendment on the peacefully assembled in the past 48 hours.

The only reason Obabble is saying that it's "Timing for Healing" is because "WHITE RACIST MILITIAS" are on their way to HELP/SUPPORT the blacks against the militarized police. Obabble and his Divide and Conquer Scum (like Al Sharpton) know that they need to back down and make peace, because if the "WHITE RACIST MILITIAS" arrive to help blacks, it will annihilate the decades of racial hatred and divide that they've been building and maintaining.
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It is now time for all to stop and REFLECT.........on why Obie continues to play bogey golf, despite all the golfing he fuckin' does.
Obama said calm down just like he did days ago...Guess what they are going to say Obama did? Fanned the flames of racism of course. How you might ask? By being black and saying anything about it thats how silly goose
Appeals for calm over Michael Brown shooting - CNN.com

President Barack Obama, who earlier this week appealed for calm, has also been briefed on the situation, according to the White House.

I understand the rage and the anger, but I have never truly understood how destroying your neighborhood can be the answer to any problem. :doubt:

What am I missing?

Anger, prolly, over being treated like second class citizens. And whose neighborhood should be destroyed when the injustice happened in your neighborhood?
Healing is good. but just calling for healing doesn't heal. We need brave citizens to take leadership in healing.

This may only be the beginning.
Appeals for calm over Michael Brown shooting - CNN.com

President Barack Obama, who earlier this week appealed for calm, has also been briefed on the situation, according to the White House.

I understand the rage and the anger, but I have never truly understood how destroying your neighborhood can be the answer to any problem. :doubt:

What am I missing?

Anger, prolly, over being treated like second class citizens. And whose neighborhood should be destroyed when the injustice happened in your neighborhood?

They think that they should road trip it out of town and riot at a mutually agreed upon area.
Thing is that Ferguson is a black majority town. So, I think you have to ask why Blacks are, or thing they are, treated unfairly on a regular basis. Politically, this thing was obviously mis-handled. The state govt should have moved in with public assurances that the state would investigate the shooting. Instead, a bunch of rabble rousers like Sharpton came it. Ferguson had riots and people calling for the name of the cop who shot the kid. The cops came on like gangbusters.
Appeals for calm over Michael Brown shooting - CNN.com

President Barack Obama, who earlier this week appealed for calm, has also been briefed on the situation, according to the White House.

I understand the rage and the anger, but I have never truly understood how destroying your neighborhood can be the answer to any problem. :doubt:

What am I missing?

its when the rage and anger have no viable outlet. The view is the police can get away with whatever they want, and that no one will be held accountable if this does turn out to be a criminal act on the part of the police officer. Even if it is not criminal, but a violation of policy, the chance of meaningful punishment is probably nil.

Its not even close to this case, but you see it in the Salt Lake case where an officer killed a guys dog. The officer was looking for a lost autistic kid (who was actually hiding in his house) and entered the yard (which was closed) with no warrant and popped the guys dog.

The officer was cleared of any wrongdoing, no suspension, no docked pay, nothing.

The police have too much power, and it keeps getting worse.
Interesting and disturbing to see racist peak its ugly little head over the confines of a message board.
Interesting and disturbing to see racist peak its ugly little head over the confines of a message board.

oh stuff a sock in it...it only took them HOW MANY DAYS?

little late don't ya think, THE place is destroyed

plus Obama has caused more division in this country that will never heal probably.... with all his hateful speech's about how Republicans are this or are meanies who won't let him do whatever the hell he wants and on and on..
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Interesting and disturbing to see racist peak its ugly little head over the confines of a message board.

oh stuff a sock in it...it only took them HOW MANY DAYS?

little late don't ya think, THE place is destroyed

plus Obama has caused more division in this country that will never heal probably.... with all his hateful speech's about how Republicans are this or are meanies who won't let him do whatever the hell he wants and on and on..

Steph thinks the Magic ****** was supposed to heal race relations in America, as well as politics. Such a shame, no magic ******* around these days, just magic underpants.
Interesting and disturbing to see racist peak its ugly little head over the confines of a message board.

oh stuff a sock in it...it only took them HOW MANY DAYS?

little late don't ya think, THE place is destroyed

plus Obama has caused more division in this country that will never heal probably.... with all his hateful speech's about how Republicans are this or are meanies who won't let him do whatever the hell he wants and on and on..

Steph thinks the Magic ****** was supposed to heal race relations in America, as well as politics. Such a shame, no magic ******* around these days, just magic underpants.

Please refrain from using the n word.
oh stuff a sock in it...it only took them HOW MANY DAYS?

little late don't ya think, THE place is destroyed

plus Obama has caused more division in this country that will never heal probably.... with all his hateful speech's about how Republicans are this or are meanies who won't let him do whatever the hell he wants and on and on..

Steph thinks the Magic ****** was supposed to heal race relations in America, as well as politics. Such a shame, no magic ******* around these days, just magic underpants.

Please refrain from using the n word.

I've have that ignorant thing on ignore since day one...just a stupid person
Time for the band-aid on the open wound? Sure, why not.

And what should do is destroy whitey's neighborhood. Stupid *******...

Really? Now you know why the wanna-be thug got his ass shot off. How about the Black community cleans up its own act. Nobody is keeping Blacks down in America but themselves and their crybaby attitudes.
Interesting and disturbing to see racist peak its ugly little head over the confines of a message board.

oh stuff a sock in it...it only took them HOW MANY DAYS?

little late don't ya think, THE place is destroyed

plus Obama has caused more division in this country that will never heal probably.... with all his hateful speech's about how Republicans are this or are meanies who won't let him do whatever the hell he wants and on and on..

Lets see Obama commented on it Tuesday but you know that because when he did you thanked this post: http://www.usmessageboard.com/polit...-missouri-teen-michael-brown.html#post9616115

Where that person complained about Obama saying anything. Now (of course) you wanted Obama to say something earlier than when you didnt want him to say anything.

You also said this:
funny how they pick and choose, isn't it?

if they had been white, all we'd hear is crickets


But now we're supposed to believe you wanted Obama to say something sooner? :badgrin:

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