Obama and Missouri Governor says it is time for healing

Appeals for calm over Michael Brown shooting - CNN.com

President Barack Obama, who earlier this week appealed for calm, has also been briefed on the situation, according to the White House.

I understand the rage and the anger, but I have never truly understood how destroying your neighborhood can be the answer to any problem. :doubt:

What am I missing?

In the democratic governor we may have found a bigger moron than the president.

Okay, so are we back to, "No comment is better." Or are we in a "whatever they do is wrong"...mode. I would venture to say the latter. It is so easy to criticize and be obstinate when your favorite party has made an art of obstruction. You are doing the GOP proud. Maybe you should run for office?
First of all, Obama as the magic negro figure is hardly a new concept

Obama the 'Magic Negro' - LA Times

Nor is it racist. Use of the "n word" is uncool, though.

I'm a bit annoyed that Obama apparently called the kids' home to express "sympathy" before calling on the community for calm. And, that is the anti-thesis of the magic negro. And, unfortunately, Steph may have a point this issue. Not to bag on Steph but rather Obama disappoints on race time and again.
First of all, Obama as the magic negro figure is hardly a new concept

Obama the 'Magic Negro' - LA Times

Nor is it racist. Use of the "n word" is uncool, though.

I'm a bit annoyed that Obama apparently called the kids' home to express "sympathy" before calling on the community for calm. And, that is the anti-thesis of the magic negro. And, unfortunately, Steph may have a point this issue. Not to bag on Steph but rather Obama disappoints on race time and again.

What part of him being half-black meant he was going to be able to fix race-relations in America? Most whites didn't vote for him. Start with that...
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Time for the band-aid on the open wound? Sure, why not.

And what should do is destroy whitey's neighborhood. Stupid *******...

Really? Now you know why the wanna-be thug got his ass shot off. How about the Black community cleans up its own act. Nobody is keeping Blacks down in America but themselves and their crybaby attitudes.
Yeah, there's no racism in America, so you can go back to sleep now.
oh stuff a sock in it...it only took them HOW MANY DAYS?

little late don't ya think, THE place is destroyed

plus Obama has caused more division in this country that will never heal probably.... with all his hateful speech's about how Republicans are this or are meanies who won't let him do whatever the hell he wants and on and on..

Steph thinks the Magic ****** was supposed to heal race relations in America, as well as politics. Such a shame, no magic ******* around these days, just magic underpants.

Please refrain from using the n word.
No. I use it because you little morons are too PC to, even though it is exactly what you think and mean but are too afraid to say.
Appeals for calm over Michael Brown shooting - CNN.com

I understand the rage and the anger, but I have never truly understood how destroying your neighborhood can be the answer to any problem. :doubt:

What am I missing?

In the democratic governor we may have found a bigger moron than the president.

Okay, so are we back to, "No comment is better." Or are we in a "whatever they do is wrong"...mode. I would venture to say the latter. It is so easy to criticize and be obstinate when your favorite party has made an art of obstruction. You are doing the GOP proud. Maybe you should run for office?

So...you were impressed with his elocution, transparency and forthrightness?
Steph thinks the Magic ****** was supposed to heal race relations in America, as well as politics. Such a shame, no magic ******* around these days, just magic underpants.

Please refrain from using the n word.
No. I use it because you little morons are too PC to, even though it is exactly what you think and mean but are too afraid to say.

I dont appreciate you using the word either but to hear Bush ask you to stop using is while he says blacks are ignorant animals who fuck up everything they touch is super duper ironic.

Its almost like Bush believes that as long as he doesnt say the n word no one notices his racist bullshit
In the democratic governor we may have found a bigger moron than the president.

Okay, so are we back to, "No comment is better." Or are we in a "whatever they do is wrong"...mode. I would venture to say the latter. It is so easy to criticize and be obstinate when your favorite party has made an art of obstruction. You are doing the GOP proud. Maybe you should run for office?

So...you were impressed with his elocution, transparency and forthrightness?

"whatever they do is wrong" mode activated
Interesting and disturbing to see racist peak its ugly little head over the confines of a message board.

Interesting and comical to watch all of the Liberals trash the police yet are first to support them when Democrats talk about police force reduction if they don't get the tax increase they are looking for.
well we hear the full context of what Obama said...and he gets blasted AS HE should be

Police chief rips Obama remarks
The executive director of the Fraternal Order of Police criticized President Obama Thursday for his remarks about law enforcement in Ferguson, Mo.

"I would contend that discussing police tactics from Martha's Vineyard is not helpful to ultimately calming the situation," director Jim Pasco said in an interview with The Hill.

"I think what he has to do as president and as a constitutional lawyer is remember that there is a process in the United States and the process is being followed, for good or for ill, by the police and by the county and by the city and by the prosecutors’ office," Pasco added.

Pasco harkened back to 2009, when Obama criticized a Massachusetts police officer for arresting Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates, when he was attempting to break into his own home. Obama said the officer had “acted stupidly.”

"That is one where the president spoke precipitously without all the facts," Pasco said, adding that the current situation "is a much larger and more tragic incident."

Pasco said both police and members of the public are entitled to due process but said he is not convinced police have used excessive force in Ferguson.

"I'm not there, and neither is the president," Pasco said. "That is why we have due process in the United States. And this will all be sorted out over time. But right now, I haven't seen anything from afar — and maybe the president has — that would lead me to believe the police are doing anything except to restore order."

Obama on Thursday called for “peace and calm on the streets” of Ferguson after “disturbing” clashes between police and protesters stemming from the police killing of an unarmed black teenager.

"There is never an excuse for violence against police or for those who would use this tragedy as a cover for vandalism or looting," Obama said in a statement from where he is vacationing in Massachusetts. "There's also no excuse for police to use excessive force against peaceful protests or to throw protesters in jail for lawfully exercising their First Amendment rights."

The officer involved in the Ferguson shooting is a member of the Fraternal Order of Police and is being represented by one of its lawyers. His name has not been released to the public.

Pasco declined to comment on whether Ferguson police should be withholding the officer's name.

"I would leave any statements on that to his defense," he said.

Read more: Police chief rips Obama remarks | TheHill
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Obama's speech stopped the riots. Kudos, Obama.

WTF is wrong with the police in Missouri?
Obama's speech stopped the riots. Kudos, Obama.

WTF is wrong with the police in Missouri?

actually bringing in the State Police is what helped more than likely. Getting the local cops out of the equation was something that should have been done sooner.

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