Obama and Putin


VIP Member
Dec 25, 2013
My Lord please drop a meteorites on Putin’s head. That is my plea even though God is not likely to take sides. However Putin as the leader of Russia bodes badly for us and freedom in general. The Left may be just having fun accusing the right of loving Putin or at least I hope that is the case, if not I worry about the ability of our people on the left to accurately perceive reality. I don’t think that there are any Americans who love Putin except for the possibility of some disenchanted white racist that may see Putin as some kind of Caucasian savior of the white race, but I doubt that number of people would be very significant. If Putin is as smart as I think he he , he will to take advantage of the disenchantment of those people. As the Viet Cong proved during the Vietnam war it is always advantageous to have American allies when in conflict with the US.

I think what the liberals see as love for Putin is fact objectivity on the part of the conservatives. If one compares Obama to Putin, Obama comes up short. As I have said before Obama is out classed by Putin. Putin is smarter, stronger and more ruthless. I don’t think that Putin would risk hostilities with the US if he had any respect for Obama, but he doesn’t respect Obama. When Obama made an empty threat during the Syrian poison gas affair he lost respect for Obama. Our situation is also weaken by the actions of Bill Clinton when he was president. Last week, Putin called the West hypocrites when he referred to Bill Clinton’s war to liberate Kosovo from Serbia. He has a point. What is the difference between Kosovo and Crimea?

Just because we are disadvantaged does not mean that we should roll over and give in to Putin. Obama needs to take a lesson from Reagan and stand up to Putin. Now that the President has made his threat he has to carry through on it or Putin will respect him even less. And another thing we should do is provide military support to the Free Syrian Army in their fight against the radical Islamics and Syrian regime, a Russia ally. But our situation would be so much simpler if God would just drop a rook on Putin.
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Given that Obama won so big in Syria, it appears we're in good hands. After all, Obama's goal was to get Syria's chemical weapons removed. Syria is now having all of its chemical weapons removed. Obama accomplished his goals there. That means he won. No, it doesn't mean Russia lost. Grownups understand that there doesn't have to be a loser for someone to win.

Ukraine. Crimea goes to Russia. Affect on the USA is ... zilch. Except the rest of the Ukraine now tilts more towards the rest. Russia gets Crimea, the west gets the rest of the Ukraine. Both sides win.

No, Russia isn't starting any wars. That would be very bad for business. The Russian oligarchs have their hundreds of billions invested in the west, and they're not about to see it get confiscated because Russia started shooting.
Syria still has their chemical weapons and Assad is still in power kicking the asses of obama's Al quaeda allies.
It would benefit the world more if the rock were dropped on obama.

Not so, Obama can win. Just because one is weaker and less experiences doesn’t mean he is destine to lose. He has got to get tough and smart and do it fast. All one needs to be a good president is courage and good judgment. He can hire people to do every thing else.
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No, Russia isn't starting any wars. That would be very bad for business. The Russian oligarchs have their hundreds of billions invested in the west, and they're not about to see it get confiscated because Russia started shooting.

Well for your strategy to work you better hope that a large share of the money belongs to Putin and that he is attached to it enough to retard his actions. I agree that Putin is not necessarily interested in war, but then neither was Hitler. His goal is to rebuild the Russian empire; war would most like result from a miscalculation.
My Lord please drop a meteorites on Putin’s head. That is my plea even though God is not likely to take sides. However Putin as the leader of Russia bodes badly for us and freedom in general. The Left may be just having fun accusing the right of loving Putin or at least I hope that is the case, if not I worry about the ability of our people on the left to accurately perceive reality. I don’t think that there are any Americans who love Putin except for the possibility of some disenchanted white racist that may see Putin as some kind of Caucasian savior of the white race, but I doubt that number of people would be very significant. If Putin is as smart as I think he he , he will to take advantage of the disenchantment of those people. As the Viet Cong proved during the Vietnam war it is always advantageous to have American allies when in conflict with the US.

I think what the liberals see as love for Putin is fact objectivity on the part of the conservatives. If one compares Obama to Putin, Obama comes up short. As I have said before Obama is out classed by Putin. Putin is smarter, stronger and more ruthless. I don’t think that Putin would risk hostilities with the US if he had any respect for Obama, but he doesn’t respect Obama. When Obama made an empty threat during the Syrian poison gas affair he lost respect for Obama. Our situation is also weaken by the actions of Bill Clinton when he was president. Last week, Putin called the West hypocrites when he referred to Bill Clinton’s war to liberate Kosovo from Serbia. He has a point. What is the difference between Kosovo and Crimea?

Just because we are disadvantaged does not mean that we should roll over and give in to Putin. Obama needs to take a lesson from Reagan and stand up to Putin. Now that the President has made his threat he has to carry through on it or Putin will respect him even less. And another thing we should do is provide military support to the Free Syrian Army in their fight against the radical Islamics and Syrian regime, a Russia ally. But our situation would be so much simpler if God would just drop a rook on Putin.

I don't believe it possible for Putin or anyone else, for that matter, to respect obama any less.
Syria still has their chemical weapons and Assad is still in power kicking the asses of obama's Al quaeda allies.

Huh? Would Romney have allied with Al Qaeda?

Do you think Romney would have allied the country to a group dedicated to killing Christians?

Over 160,000 people have died in Syria. Every death is obama's fault. Had he not made this unholy alliance with Al quaeda and given them support, Assad would have put that rebellion down in a week.

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