Obama and the $20 trillion national debt.


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I am not stating an opinion here. I am going to share the facts.
Summary of below...
Obama has increased debt an average of 7.8% each year vs Bush 6.8%.
Please note events that occurred during GWB presidency and relay any events comparable that Obama
had to deal with.
NOTE that in spite of the 2003 tax cuts and the cataclysmic events in GWB's terms, revenues increased.
NOTE in spite of nearly tripling the revenue AND with no cataclysmic events, Obama doubled the National debt by increased spending and for what?
So please someone review the below and prove this observation is wrong:
In spite of nearly over 3 million jobs lost due to 9/11/dot.com bust/hurricanes tax revenues increased and
budget deficits decreased. Whereas with NO major events, nearly triple the Federal Receipts, Obama added nearly 1% more per year then GWB did with all the above mentioned events.
Explain if you see differently and with LINKS!
Screen Shot 2016-12-19 at 10.29.55 AM.png
2009 to 2013 is simply breathtaking. We had a Democrat Congress - few of whom had ever had a real job in their entire pathetic lives - spending money like crazy in the hope that jobs would be created to make Obama's numbers look good, so he would be re-elected in 2012.

And no real jobs were actually created, which gave rise to the preposterous expression, "jobs created OR SAVED" by government spending.

They are fucking criminals. Obama was just the ring leader. They are all just as bad.
I am not stating an opinion here. I am going to share the facts.
Summary of below...
Obama has increased debt an average of 7.8% each year vs Bush 6.8%.

LOL those are certainly not the facts.

Debt increasing is NOT AT ALL same thing as a particular president CAUSING that increase.

Bush came into office with slight surplus budget signed by Clinton. Obama came into 1.1T deficit budget signed by Bush. They are not comparable starting points of debt accumulation trajectory.

You look at the actual POLICIES that drive our debt and, compared to Bush's policies and what Trump has proposed, Obama has been an all out deficit hawk.


I am not stating an opinion here. I am going to share the facts.
Summary of below...
Obama has increased debt an average of 7.8% each year vs Bush 6.8%.

LOL those are certainly not the facts.

Debt increasing is NOT AT ALL same thing as a particular president CAUSING that increase.

Bush came into office with slight surplus budget signed by Clinton. Obama came into 1.1T deficit budget signed by Bush. They are not comparable starting points of debt accumulation trajectory.

You look at the actual POLICIES that drive our debt and, compared to Bush's contribution and Trump what has proposed, Obama has been an all out deficit hawk.



So are you saying these figures from Historical Tables are wrong?
OMB office doesn't have the right figures?
Are you also saying these events NEVER occurred?
Let's repeat just to make sure you comprehend...
A) Recession started as the NBER said...much earlier then 3/01 so how in the hell could GWB with just 3 months into office be at fault?
B) Dot.com bust... again... starting under Clinton but blamed on Bush???
The collapse of the bubble took place during 1999–2001 Dot-com bubble - Wikipedia
AGAIN GWB entire fault for $8 trillion in market losses?
C) WTC/Pentagon... 9/11 all Bush's fault? So tell me again GWB totally at fault for Gorelick memo which prevented CIA from sharing with FBI 9/11 bombers? Bush not god for sure! $2 trillion in losses... 3,000 lives.... again GWB FAULT???
D) Anthrax attack right after 9/11 was this done by GWB???
E) Worst hurricane SEASONS not just hurricane... again $1 trillion losses... 2,215 lives and are you faulting GWB for not being like Obama
as Thomas and you and others declared "like a God"???
F) 9/18/08 Economic terrorist attack with $500 billion taken out of $4 trillion Money market that CAUSED everyone to be concerned
about the WORLD's economy collapsing!

And of course the housing bubble... again...
With Frank/Dodd chastising GWB for trying over SIX YEARS to control Fannie/Freddie and later this is what Frank later said:...
"I hope by next year we'll have abolished Fannie and Freddie," he said. Remarkable. And he went on to say that "it was a great mistake to push lower-income people into housing they couldn't afford and couldn't really handle once they had it." He then added,
"I had been too sanguine about Fannie and Freddie."
Barney Frank Comes Home to the Facts | RealClearPolitics
So again in summary... YOU and your idiot buddies love to blame Bush.... YET the facts and history totally refute your common lemming like
meme that you and even some dumb GOPs state... "Bush spent like a drunken sailor"!!
NOTE if Bush spent like a drunken sailor why do the FACTS in LIGHT of the ABOVE demands... say otherwise?
YET in spite of these gigantic cataclysmic events Bush had:
a) 400,000 jobs lost due to Hurricanes Katrina/Rita ,
b) 2,800,000 jobs lost in alone due to 9/11,
c) 300,000 jobs lost due to dot.com busts... In spite of nearly $8 trillion in lost businesses, market values, destroyed property..

And are you saying that TARP was never paid back with a profit?

And therefore you are saying that with NO EVENTS comparable to the above Bush was wrong and even though the
statistics show Obama with nearly 3 times the revenue increased the national debt by 7.8% a year versus Bush with a smaller
national debt increased by 6.8% and had all those events none of which occurred under Obama?

Is that what you are saying???
I am not stating an opinion here. I am going to share the facts.
Summary of below...
Obama has increased debt an average of 7.8% each year vs Bush 6.8%.

LOL those are certainly not the facts.

Debt increasing is NOT AT ALL same thing as a particular president CAUSING that increase.

Bush came into office with slight surplus budget signed by Clinton. Obama came into 1.1T deficit budget signed by Bush. They are not comparable starting points of debt accumulation trajectory.

You look at the actual POLICIES that drive our debt and, compared to Bush's contribution and Trump what has proposed, Obama has been an all out deficit hawk.



So are you saying these figures from Historical Tables are wrong?

No i'm saying YOU are wrong when you insinuate that Historical Tables since 2009 were CAUSED by Obama in their entirety.


There is a huge difference between these two statements:

1. Obama increased debt by 9 trillion.
2. During Obama's terms debt increased by 9 trillion.

1. statement is FACTUALLY FALSE.
2. statement is FACTUALLY TRUE, even if misleading to laymen without the context of components of that debt.

Last edited:
I am not stating an opinion here. I am going to share the facts.
Summary of below...
Obama has increased debt an average of 7.8% each year vs Bush 6.8%.

LOL those are certainly not the facts.

Debt increasing is NOT AT ALL same thing as a particular president CAUSING that increase.

Bush came into office with slight surplus budget signed by Clinton. Obama came into 1.1T deficit budget signed by Bush. They are not comparable starting points of debt accumulation trajectory.

You look at the actual POLICIES that drive our debt and, compared to Bush's contribution and Trump what has proposed, Obama has been an all out deficit hawk.



So are you saying these figures from Historical Tables are wrong?

No i'm saying YOU are wrong when you insinuate that Historical Tables since 2009 were CAUSED by Obama in their entirety.


There is a huge difference between these two statements:

1. Obama increased debt by 9 trillion.
2. During Obama's terms debt increased by 9 trillion.

1. statement is FACTUALLY FALSE.
2. statement is FACTUALLY TRUE, even if misleading to laymen without the context of components of that debt.


A) TARP was paid BACK with a PROFIT!

B) Bill Clinton Signed in 1998 the Liberation of Iraq which was the cause of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
C) The Iraq/Afghanistan wars were won! But then Obama failed to have the SOFA negotiations and so unlike after
WWII/Korea the USA still has troops in Europe/Asia 70 years later...
So shouldn't the national debt from those years be considered also?
D) The increase from GWB initial had all those events which you have NOT considered.
Why is it so hard to fathom that :
1) a recession that started under Clinton that Bush had to face,
2) the dot.com bust that cost $8 trillion and started under Clinton in 2000 but then GWB had to face the lost tax revenue.
3) Did Obama have any hurricanes that cost 3,000 lives, $1 trillion in losses?
4) The fannie/freddie caused housing bubble CAUSED by Clinton/Democrats that GWB tried 17 times to fix yet he gets the blame.

All of the above YES... are part of GWB's contribution to the Debt. NO question!

So why isn't Obama with NONE of the above events not held responsible for $10 trillion while INCREASED revenues?
Why is that so hard to understand???
I am not stating an opinion here. I am going to share the facts.
Summary of below...
Obama has increased debt an average of 7.8% each year vs Bush 6.8%.

LOL those are certainly not the facts.

Debt increasing is NOT AT ALL same thing as a particular president CAUSING that increase.

Bush came into office with slight surplus budget signed by Clinton. Obama came into 1.1T deficit budget signed by Bush. They are not comparable starting points of debt accumulation trajectory.

You look at the actual POLICIES that drive our debt and, compared to Bush's contribution and Trump what has proposed, Obama has been an all out deficit hawk.



So are you saying these figures from Historical Tables are wrong?

No i'm saying YOU are wrong when you insinuate that Historical Tables since 2009 were CAUSED by Obama in their entirety.


There is a huge difference between these two statements:

1. Obama increased debt by 9 trillion.
2. During Obama's terms debt increased by 9 trillion.

1. statement is FACTUALLY FALSE.
2. statement is FACTUALLY TRUE, even if misleading to laymen without the context of components of that debt.


A) TARP was paid BACK with a PROFIT!


You are clearly an idiot parrot.

Obama has increased debt an average of 7.8% each year vs Bush 6.8%.

Is a false, counter factual statement.
B) Bill Clinton Signed in 1998 the Liberation of Iraq which was the cause of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
C) The Iraq/Afghanistan wars were won! But then Obama failed to have the SOFA negotiations and so unlike after
WWII/Korea the USA still has troops in Europe/Asia 70 years later...
So shouldn't the national debt from those years be considered also?
D) The increase from GWB initial had all those events which you have NOT considered.
Why is it so hard to fathom that :
1) a recession that started under Clinton that Bush had to face,
2) the dot.com bust that cost $8 trillion and started under Clinton in 2000 but then GWB had to face the lost tax revenue.
3) Did Obama have any hurricanes that cost 3,000 lives, $1 trillion in losses?
4) The fannie/freddie caused housing bubble CAUSED by Clinton/Democrats that GWB tried 17 times to fix yet he gets the blame.

Clinton??? :eusa_eh: Bush ELECTED to conduct both wars while cutting taxes.

This is not about judgement on propriety of these decisions, this is about THEIR FACTUAL BUDGET EFFECT.

But not only did we not PAY for the wars we started, we actually got tax cuts. These were not inescapable policies, these were ELECTED policies squarely and fairly in Bush's lap.
I don't know why you tards keep pointing fingers back and forth about who is responsible for the debt. Both of your parties manage our money like absolute shit. You're all responsible.
I am not stating an opinion here. I am going to share the facts.
Summary of below...
Obama has increased debt an average of 7.8% each year vs Bush 6.8%.

LOL those are certainly not the facts.

Debt increasing is NOT AT ALL same thing as a particular president CAUSING that increase.

Bush came into office with slight surplus budget signed by Clinton. Obama came into 1.1T deficit budget signed by Bush. They are not comparable starting points of debt accumulation trajectory.

You look at the actual POLICIES that drive our debt and, compared to Bush's contribution and Trump what has proposed, Obama has been an all out deficit hawk.



So are you saying these figures from Historical Tables are wrong?

No i'm saying YOU are wrong when you insinuate that Historical Tables since 2009 were CAUSED by Obama in their entirety.


There is a huge difference between these two statements:

1. Obama increased debt by 9 trillion.
2. During Obama's terms debt increased by 9 trillion.

1. statement is FACTUALLY FALSE.
2. statement is FACTUALLY TRUE, even if misleading to laymen without the context of components of that debt.


Are you aware that these are the backers of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is supported by a number of foundations, The Atlantic Philanthropies is a major donor to CBPP, as is George Soros. CBPP has received funding through the Democracy Alliance. In fiscal year 2012, it accepted $1,533,236 in government grants.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - Wikipedia
Your source is biased and totally left wing that RECEIVED government grants to promote the above garbage!
And the Democracy Alliance funded by:
The Alliance has helped distribute approximately $500 million to liberal organizations since its founding in 2005.
Members of the Democracy Alliance include billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer.
The Democracy Alliance planned to spend $374 million during the 2014 midterm election cycle to boost liberal candidates and causes. According to the Democracy Alliance's website, the group "was created to build progressive infrastructure that could help counter the well-funded and sophisticated conservative apparatus in the areas of civic engagement, leadership, media, and ideas."[6]
Democracy Alliance - Wikipedia

My source: the CBO.... Historical Tables

Come on quit using FAKE NEWS!!!
B) Bill Clinton Signed in 1998 the Liberation of Iraq which was the cause of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
C) The Iraq/Afghanistan wars were won! But then Obama failed to have the SOFA negotiations and so unlike after
WWII/Korea the USA still has troops in Europe/Asia 70 years later...
So shouldn't the national debt from those years be considered also?
D) The increase from GWB initial had all those events which you have NOT considered.
Why is it so hard to fathom that :
1) a recession that started under Clinton that Bush had to face,
2) the dot.com bust that cost $8 trillion and started under Clinton in 2000 but then GWB had to face the lost tax revenue.
3) Did Obama have any hurricanes that cost 3,000 lives, $1 trillion in losses?
4) The fannie/freddie caused housing bubble CAUSED by Clinton/Democrats that GWB tried 17 times to fix yet he gets the blame.

Clinton??? :eusa_eh: Bush ELECTED to conduct both wars while cutting taxes.

This is not about judgement on propriety of these decisions, this is about THEIR FACTUAL BUDGET EFFECT.

But not only did we not PAY for the wars we started, we actually got tax cuts. These were not inescapable policies, these were ELECTED policies squarely and fairly in Bush's lap.

AND here again is the results:
All the events that happened and you don't admit they occurred?
Obama has doubled the national debt while TRIPLING the revenue... How dumb do you have to be to do that without
ANY major events that occurred like what happened under Bush?
NOTHING of any consequence occurred YET Obama was the first president to have a Trillion dollar deficit not once but 4 times!
What kind of incompetence is needed to spend $1 trillion more over 4 successive years while revenues also increased?
I don't know why you tards keep pointing fingers back and forth about who is responsible for the debt. Both of your parties manage our money like absolute shit. You're all responsible.

Hey Tard, can please tell me how the fuck am I responsible for Democratic party?

Bush is responsible for Bush's policy and it's contribution to debt while Obama is responsible for his policies that contributed to debt. How is that "finger pointing" or denying that both have contributed???
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I am not stating an opinion here. I am going to share the facts.
Summary of below...
Obama has increased debt an average of 7.8% each year vs Bush 6.8%.

LOL those are certainly not the facts.

Debt increasing is NOT AT ALL same thing as a particular president CAUSING that increase.

Bush came into office with slight surplus budget signed by Clinton. Obama came into 1.1T deficit budget signed by Bush. They are not comparable starting points of debt accumulation trajectory.

You look at the actual POLICIES that drive our debt and, compared to Bush's contribution and Trump what has proposed, Obama has been an all out deficit hawk.



So are you saying these figures from Historical Tables are wrong?

No i'm saying YOU are wrong when you insinuate that Historical Tables since 2009 were CAUSED by Obama in their entirety.


There is a huge difference between these two statements:

1. Obama increased debt by 9 trillion.
2. During Obama's terms debt increased by 9 trillion.

1. statement is FACTUALLY FALSE.
2. statement is FACTUALLY TRUE, even if misleading to laymen without the context of components of that debt.


Are you aware that these are the backers of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is supported by a number of foundations, The Atlantic Philanthropies is a major donor to CBPP, as is George Soros. CBPP has received funding through the Democracy Alliance. In fiscal year 2012, it accepted $1,533,236 in government grants.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - Wikipedia
Your source is biased and totally left wing that RECEIVED government grants to promote the above garbage!
And the Democracy Alliance funded by:
The Alliance has helped distribute approximately $500 million to liberal organizations since its founding in 2005.
Members of the Democracy Alliance include billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer.
The Democracy Alliance planned to spend $374 million during the 2014 midterm election cycle to boost liberal candidates and causes. According to the Democracy Alliance's website, the group "was created to build progressive infrastructure that could help counter the well-funded and sophisticated conservative apparatus in the areas of civic engagement, leadership, media, and ideas."[6]
Democracy Alliance - Wikipedia

My source: the CBO.... Historical Tables

Come on quit using FAKE NEWS!!!

It is fake news that we've been spending on expensive wars while pocketing the tax-cuts?

Is it fake news that these policies have very significantly contributed to our deficts?

It is it fake news that Stimulus, Obama's biggest spending piece besides tax-cut extensions was only about 1/10th of deficit accumulated in the last 8 years?

Did Soros make it up? Denial is amazing.
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I am not stating an opinion here. I am going to share the facts.
Summary of below...
Obama has increased debt an average of 7.8% each year vs Bush 6.8%.

LOL those are certainly not the facts.

Debt increasing is NOT AT ALL same thing as a particular president CAUSING that increase.

Bush came into office with slight surplus budget signed by Clinton. Obama came into 1.1T deficit budget signed by Bush. They are not comparable starting points of debt accumulation trajectory.

You look at the actual POLICIES that drive our debt and, compared to Bush's contribution and Trump what has proposed, Obama has been an all out deficit hawk.



So are you saying these figures from Historical Tables are wrong?

No i'm saying YOU are wrong when you insinuate that Historical Tables since 2009 were CAUSED by Obama in their entirety.


There is a huge difference between these two statements:

1. Obama increased debt by 9 trillion.
2. During Obama's terms debt increased by 9 trillion.

1. statement is FACTUALLY FALSE.
2. statement is FACTUALLY TRUE, even if misleading to laymen without the context of components of that debt.


Are you aware that these are the backers of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is supported by a number of foundations, The Atlantic Philanthropies is a major donor to CBPP, as is George Soros. CBPP has received funding through the Democracy Alliance. In fiscal year 2012, it accepted $1,533,236 in government grants.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - Wikipedia
Your source is biased and totally left wing that RECEIVED government grants to promote the above garbage!
And the Democracy Alliance funded by:
The Alliance has helped distribute approximately $500 million to liberal organizations since its founding in 2005.
Members of the Democracy Alliance include billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer.
The Democracy Alliance planned to spend $374 million during the 2014 midterm election cycle to boost liberal candidates and causes. According to the Democracy Alliance's website, the group "was created to build progressive infrastructure that could help counter the well-funded and sophisticated conservative apparatus in the areas of civic engagement, leadership, media, and ideas."[6]
Democracy Alliance - Wikipedia

My source: the CBO.... Historical Tables

Come on quit using FAKE NEWS!!!

It is fake news that we've been spending on expensive wars while pocketing the tax-cuts?

Is it fake news that these policies have very significant;y contributed to our deficts?

Did Soros do that? Denial is amazing.

Of course Soros has been funding extreme left wing and totally made up statistics like what you quoted!
I quoted actual data from the CBO! Now you tell me who to believe?
The CBO keeps track of the revenues/expenditures.
The Revenues don't lie!
GWB had less revenue to work with and also a smaller budget to spend on.
GWB though had extremely impactful events... which YOU are NOT recognizing as having any affect on the budget i.e.
lower revenues while higher expenditures!

Your biased and FAKE news chart puts the blame on Bush events HE completed that were started under Clinton!
AGAIN don't you remember that Clinton bombed Iraq! Then 9/11 occurred something YOU still don't admit had any effect on
American psyche, economy, security! I am 100% confident if you were around after 9/11/01 you were like millions like me
extremely happy to hear this from GWB:
I can hear you!" he declared. "The rest of the world hears you! And the people – and the people who knocked these buildings down will hear all of us soon." The crowd reacted with loud, prolonged chants of "USA! USA!"

In this electric moment, Bush captured the mood of the country, delivering just what the American people wanted a combination of gratitude for the rescue workers' bravery and diligence, defiance toward the terrorists, and resolve to bring the evil doers to justice.

And 90% of Americans with exceptions like you were happy to hear that as I was!
But thanks to Soros, and idiots like these:
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid(D) "War is lost",
U.S. Rep. Murtha(D) "Our troops killed innocent civilians in cold blood,”
Senator Kerry(D) "American soldiers going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night, terrorizing kids and children."
Senator Obama said "troops are air-raiding villages and killing civilians,"
helped ONLY the enemies and certainly demoralized our troops while all the time the MSM playing to idiots like you
wanted as Obama did to pull out of Iraq! Dumb shits like you would have had 2.5 million children starved if GWB hadn't
had the balls to overthrow Saddam. You are so grossly uninformed about Iraq and what happened there but that is to
be expected of dummies like you that BLAME Bush for Obama's deficits! Obama with NO events equal to what Bush had
continued to spend even though TARP was paid back. Even though revenues increased ...dummies like you and Obama
wanted MORE SPENDING on "shovel ready jobs"! Bull shit!
LOL those are certainly not the facts.

Debt increasing is NOT AT ALL same thing as a particular president CAUSING that increase.

Bush came into office with slight surplus budget signed by Clinton. Obama came into 1.1T deficit budget signed by Bush. They are not comparable starting points of debt accumulation trajectory.

You look at the actual POLICIES that drive our debt and, compared to Bush's contribution and Trump what has proposed, Obama has been an all out deficit hawk.



So are you saying these figures from Historical Tables are wrong?

No i'm saying YOU are wrong when you insinuate that Historical Tables since 2009 were CAUSED by Obama in their entirety.


There is a huge difference between these two statements:

1. Obama increased debt by 9 trillion.
2. During Obama's terms debt increased by 9 trillion.

1. statement is FACTUALLY FALSE.
2. statement is FACTUALLY TRUE, even if misleading to laymen without the context of components of that debt.


Are you aware that these are the backers of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is supported by a number of foundations, The Atlantic Philanthropies is a major donor to CBPP, as is George Soros. CBPP has received funding through the Democracy Alliance. In fiscal year 2012, it accepted $1,533,236 in government grants.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - Wikipedia
Your source is biased and totally left wing that RECEIVED government grants to promote the above garbage!
And the Democracy Alliance funded by:
The Alliance has helped distribute approximately $500 million to liberal organizations since its founding in 2005.
Members of the Democracy Alliance include billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer.
The Democracy Alliance planned to spend $374 million during the 2014 midterm election cycle to boost liberal candidates and causes. According to the Democracy Alliance's website, the group "was created to build progressive infrastructure that could help counter the well-funded and sophisticated conservative apparatus in the areas of civic engagement, leadership, media, and ideas."[6]
Democracy Alliance - Wikipedia

My source: the CBO.... Historical Tables

Come on quit using FAKE NEWS!!!

It is fake news that we've been spending on expensive wars while pocketing the tax-cuts?

Is it fake news that these policies have very significant;y contributed to our deficts?

Did Soros do that? Denial is amazing.

Of course Soros has been funding extreme left wing and totally made up statistics like what you quoted!

I'll ask you one more time, since you haven't yet manged to come up with the balls to answer:

Is it fake news that we've been spending on expensive wars while pocketing the tax-cuts?

Is it fake news that these policies have very significantly contributed to our deficits?
So are you saying these figures from Historical Tables are wrong?

No i'm saying YOU are wrong when you insinuate that Historical Tables since 2009 were CAUSED by Obama in their entirety.


There is a huge difference between these two statements:

1. Obama increased debt by 9 trillion.
2. During Obama's terms debt increased by 9 trillion.

1. statement is FACTUALLY FALSE.
2. statement is FACTUALLY TRUE, even if misleading to laymen without the context of components of that debt.


Are you aware that these are the backers of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities is supported by a number of foundations, The Atlantic Philanthropies is a major donor to CBPP, as is George Soros. CBPP has received funding through the Democracy Alliance. In fiscal year 2012, it accepted $1,533,236 in government grants.
Center on Budget and Policy Priorities - Wikipedia
Your source is biased and totally left wing that RECEIVED government grants to promote the above garbage!
And the Democracy Alliance funded by:
The Alliance has helped distribute approximately $500 million to liberal organizations since its founding in 2005.
Members of the Democracy Alliance include billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer.
The Democracy Alliance planned to spend $374 million during the 2014 midterm election cycle to boost liberal candidates and causes. According to the Democracy Alliance's website, the group "was created to build progressive infrastructure that could help counter the well-funded and sophisticated conservative apparatus in the areas of civic engagement, leadership, media, and ideas."[6]
Democracy Alliance - Wikipedia

My source: the CBO.... Historical Tables

Come on quit using FAKE NEWS!!!

It is fake news that we've been spending on expensive wars while pocketing the tax-cuts?

Is it fake news that these policies have very significant;y contributed to our deficts?

Did Soros do that? Denial is amazing.

Of course Soros has been funding extreme left wing and totally made up statistics like what you quoted!

I'll ask you one more time, since you haven't yet manged to come up with the balls to answer:

Is it fake news that we've been spending on expensive wars while pocketing the tax-cuts?

Is it fake news that these policies have very significantly contributed to our deficits?

And I'll ask you for a more clear question because this is a stupid poorly structured question!
"Is it fake news that we've been spending on expensive wars while pocketing the tax-cuts?"

A) Who in the f...k has been "pocketing the tax cuts"??? and what the hell does that have to do with "wars"???
Maybe you should ask this question...
Did we spend money protecting the USA and oil interests in the Middle East so as we wouldn't have what
Americans lived through in 1973 with gas lines??
B) Do you consider the CBO "fake news" while believing the dumb ass biased charts from phony Soros supported BIASED and fake charts from Center on Budget and Policy Priorities?

Are you that totally stupid to doubt the CBO's figures while believing the biased Center on Budget and Policy Priorities?
The quote "wars" didn't cost Trillions.
Here is the actual costs out of pocket..COSTS!
The Department of Defense's direct spending on Iraq totaled at least $757.8 billion! Trillions???
Financial cost of the Iraq War - Wikipedia
Afghanistan total costs $685 billion.
The True Cost of the Afghanistan War May Surprise You
So between the two total $1.4 trillion... No where near your exaggerated "Trillions"!!!
Now how about TARP,Fannie/Freddie... TARP was counted as Bush expenditure right?
TARP has been PAID BACK with a profit! you dummies don't even realize that!
AND this crap in the chart about "Economic downturn"... where in the hell is there ANY actual figures that was
spent by Obama for "economic downturn"???? What the hell is that stupid element?
Now as far as "Recovery Measures"... where in the Federal budget was there an expenditure for that???
GEEZ pulling numbers out of the air!

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