Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun?

(smile) Poor Carb...I shit bigger than you.

LMAO little girl...its from an IG Audit....and shows the WH logs...you like that black dick do ya?

Standard operating procedure for the inmates -

they post a lie, it gets proven to be a lie, so they shut up for a week or two or more,

then they post the same exact lie in new thread. If you debunk it again, then they wait and post it again, and again, and again, they just keep it up until you say fuck it and stop proving it's a lie.

Well, for starters, Grandma (btw quit pretending you're a man, it's creepy)

let's see how Freedomworks, an actual Tea Party organization, has the timeline:

1. From the Senate Finance Committee, 1st item:

March 1, 2010: An IRS manager in Cincinnati, Ohio asks employees to begin searching for 501(c) tax exemption applications using the terms Tea Party, Patriots and 9/12 as their criteria.

Now would that be before or after March 31st? Take your time.

2. From CBSNews:

March 1-17, 2010: IRS agents identify the first 10 "Tea Party cases" applications though not all had "tea party" in their name, according to a draft of The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) appendix. IRS' Determinations Unit had asked for a search of "tea party or similar organizations' applications."

Again, would that be before or after March 31st?


IRS Targeting Scandal Timeline | FreedomWorks

Be sure to wait at least 2 weeks before you start this thread again, lol.
ANYONE who uses Moveon as a source is an imbecile.

LMAO little girl...its from an IG Audit....and shows the WH logs...you like that black dick do ya?

Well, for starters, Grandma (btw quit pretending you're a man, it's creepy)

let's see how Freedomworks, an actual Tea Party organization, has the timeline:

1. From the Senate Finance Committee, 1st item:

March 1, 2010: An IRS manager in Cincinnati, Ohio asks employees to begin searching for 501(c) tax exemption applications using the terms Tea Party, Patriots and 9/12 as their criteria.

Now would that be before or after March 31st? Take your time.

2. From CBSNews:

March 1-17, 2010: IRS agents identify the first 10 "Tea Party cases" applications though not all had "tea party" in their name, according to a draft of The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) appendix. IRS' Determinations Unit had asked for a search of "tea party or similar organizations' applications."

Again, would that be before or after March 31st?


IRS Targeting Scandal Timeline | FreedomWorks

Be sure to wait at least 2 weeks before you start this thread again, lol.

lol, apparently Roo has been rendered mute.
As an aside, I understand you Board Flies have no life...I'm sorry but I do ;)
This is an intense topic. That Kangaroo sure started out with a great deal of confidence. He said that Obama ordered the IRS to investigate and harass tea party groups! And that they did. As evidenced by all of the applications for tax exempt status that were denied!

Only you "true believers" look at the evidence and scream "WHAT, nothing to see here!!!"

Its going to blow up in your faces.

Not one Lefty on this board has an ounce of integrity.

Obama ordered it kids, deal with it.

This is an intense topic. That Kangaroo sure started out with a great deal of confidence. He said that Obama ordered the IRS to investigate and harass tea party groups! And that they did. As evidenced by all of the applications for tax exempt status that were denied!

The sad thing is this...YOU guys actually wouldn't care if he did, you'd just clap and cheer.
Normally, I would be interested in following this thread.......in anticipation of the OP having to eat crow.....make necessary retractions and apologies. It would be fun to watch the OP squirm as he/she had to face the fact that the President is in no way connected to what took place in Cincinnatti.

But.......since the OP is an person of ZERO INTEGRITY......this will not happen. So why the fuck should a sane person give a shit?

Fuck off Roo. You make debate so fucking worthless by your refusal to acknowledge the fucking facts.
Looks like White House is going to grant itself a free pass on the IRS scandals;

WH: No Need for Special Prosecutor in IRS Scandal

White House Deputy Spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters on Air Force One on Thursday that the President doesn't see a need for an independent special prosecutor to investigate the questionable targeting practices of the IRS. The spokesman argued that the incoming IRS commissioner will be an "independent" observer in his initial 30 day review of the agency.

The White House Spokesman explained the incoming IRS commissioner, Danny Werfel, is an "outside" observer who will conduct and "independent" 30-day review as directed by the Treasury Secretary. "So I would actually make the case to you that we have a wide variety of outside, impartial, independent observers -- all of whom share the goal of getting to the bottom of what happened and making sure it didn't happen -- it doesn't happen again." Earnest concluded.

Sounds like they just appointed some independent observers to generate some meaningless data so they can say ok we fixed it and let it go at that. Very totalitarian of them I must say.
So far there is no smoking gun.
Only if you ignore the GOP shooting themselves in the foot!

I disagree. They're doing their job and are looking for possible connections.

Still, I don't think they will find one. If they do, then I think the people will listen up.
Smoking Gun: The IRS’s Abuse of Obama’s Pro-Israel Enemies

June 27, 2013 By Joseph Klein


Barack Obama’s Internal Revenue Service is targeting certain Jewish advocacy groups which disagree with Obama’s anti-Israel positions on the so-called “disputed territories.” In a document entitled “Be On the Lookout” (or BOLO for short), which the IRS disclosed publicly on June 24th, the tax enforcement agency instructed its agents reviewing applications for tax-exempt status to be on the lookout for applications from organizations that “deal with disputed territories in the Middle East” and “may be inflammatory.”

A pattern has emerged with respect to the IRS’s special focus on groups that were outspoken in opposing President Obama’s demands that Israel freeze its construction of settlements over the pre-June 1967 boundary line between Israel and the West Bank and West and East Jerusalem, known as the “Green Line.”

One of the targeted groups, Z Street, filed a lawsuit against the IRS in August 2010, alleging that the IRS subjected the pro-Zionist group to additional scrutiny in a discriminatory fashion because of its strong pro-Israel ideological views.

Z Street, a nonprofit organization devoted to educating the public about the facts relating to the Middle East, particularly as relate to the existence of Israel as a Jewish state, alleged in its complaint the following:


President Obama’s IRS has unconstitutionally sought to use its discretion in granting tax-exempt status, which affects the ability of donors to make tax-deductible contributions, in order to punish groups which do not hew to the Obama administration’s foreign policy position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. This gross abuse of power must be stopped, and the persons responsible must be held fully accountable for their actions.

Smoking Gun: The IRS?s Abuse of Obama?s Pro-Israel Enemies | FrontPage Magazine
Interesting that when records were released (that weren't blacked out to protect tea party groups) the ones left said "progressive".

Sorry..................but this is a non issue. Shit.................even the idiot that started it (Daniel Issa) is backing away and saying that it came from Washington, but not the White House.

Just a couple of weeks ago, he was accusing Obama of orchestrating the whole thing. Nice to see the lies exposed.

BREAKING… Audit CONFIRMS IRS Targeted 292 Conservative Groups – Just 6 Liberal Groups


100% of Tea Party Groups Targeted by the IRS

June 27, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield

Looks like the Taxman knew a natural enemy when it saw one.


While conservative groups were term-targeted, liberal groups were not. If they were hit, it was as collateral damage. Switch around the politics and if this had happened under Bush, there would be screams of bloody murder, eight books, three movies and impeachment proceedings.


100% of Tea Party Groups Targeted by the IRS | FrontPage Magazine
If that is true, then please, American Jackass.................explain why in the documents released (that weren't blacked out) did the word "progressive" show up a few times?

Sorry, but they didn't target just the tea bagging idiots, they went after anyone who was politically skewed towards one side or the other.

Remember..................you've got to know that the regs are for a certain group to get tax exempt status. One of the requirements is that you support the community more than you do political groups.

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