Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun?

So, in a building surrounded by people who believe the same thing he does, you try to deflect by saying that he (POTUS) did not have a "private" meeting with her.

What do you call a deliberate attempt to obfuscate the topic at hand as you are doing? Oh yeah. A liar.

You can no more refute that the POTUS had a meeting with this person than you can assert with any credibility, your honesty.

If the Tea Party screening in the Cincinnati office started March 1st, how could it have been caused by a meeting that occurred March 21st?

IOW, how can you be that fucking stupid?

I don't why people bother having a conversation you..

I'm right and they are wrong. I posted the proof.
He is a paid racist.

You can tell that this scandal is getting to him. Usually, his insults are at least somewhat couched in a polite veneer. The truth of this story and the fact that Obama has committed breeches of law more heinous than Nixon must be a pretty big strain on him. I didn't realize he was posting until you quoted him. When I saw your quote of his post, it dawned on Me that he may loose his cozy little job of posting lies for money.

I'm glad I have him on ignore.

I do my best not to put the opposition on ignore. I actually prefer to have my assumptions challenged - even if it is by mindless Soros talking points, as spewed by NYC.

Actually, now that Mr. Shithead is gone, the only person I have on ignore is JakeStarkey.
The Tea Party screening started a month before the meeting you ignorant fuck.

False, you lying moron. The cite that I so kindly linked for you shows 118 visits by the IRS, going back into 2009.

Are you too stupid to comprehend that March 1st 2010 came BEFORE April 1st?

You're too stupid to grasp that September 21, 2009 came BEFORE March 1, 2010.

Where on earth were you educated? Must have been below the Mason-Dixon line.

The problem with you is that you have no integrity.

You serve your party. What you post is determined by impact on the party. If it serves your shameful party - you post it. If it harms the hated opposition, you post it. You don't even CONSIDER whether it's true, false, or somewhere in the middle - you simply don't care. You care only whether it serves your party.

You substitute mindless partisanship for integrity.

Read the proof, Inbred:

1. From the Senate Finance Committee, 1st item:

March 1, 2010: An IRS manager in Cincinnati, Ohio asks employees to begin searching for 501(c) tax exemption applications using the terms Tea Party, Patriots and 9/12 as their criteria.

Now would that be before or after March 31st? Take your time.

2. From CBSNews:

March 1-17, 2010: IRS agents identify the first 10 "Tea Party cases" applications though not all had "tea party" in their name, according to a draft of The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) appendix. IRS' Determinations Unit had asked for a search of "tea party or similar organizations' applications."

Again, would that be before or after March 31st?


IRS Targeting Scandal Timeline | FreedomWorks
The Tea Party screening started a month before the meeting you ignorant fuck.

False, you lying moron. The cite that I so kindly linked for you shows 118 visits by the IRS, going back into 2009.

You're too stupid to grasp that September 21, 2009 came BEFORE March 1, 2010.

Where on earth were you educated? Must have been below the Mason-Dixon line.
The problem with you is that you have no integrity.

You serve your party. What you post is determined by impact on the party. If it serves your shameful party - you post it. If it harms the hated opposition, you post it. You don't even CONSIDER whether it's true, false, or somewhere in the middle - you simply don't care. You care only whether it serves your party.

You substitute mindless partisanship for integrity.
He is a paid racist.

You can tell that this scandal is getting to him. Usually, his insults are at least somewhat couched in a polite veneer. The truth of this story and the fact that Obama has committed breeches of law more heinous than Nixon must be a pretty big strain on him. I didn't realize he was posting until you quoted him. When I saw your quote of his post, it dawned on Me that he may loose his cozy little job of posting lies for money.

I'm glad I have him on ignore.

LOL, I've seen your picture.
The Tea Party screening started a month before the meeting you ignorant fuck.

False, you lying moron. The cite that I so kindly linked for you shows 118 visits by the IRS, going back into 2009.

You're too stupid to grasp that September 21, 2009 came BEFORE March 1, 2010.

Where on earth were you educated? Must have been below the Mason-Dixon line.

The problem with you is that you have no integrity.

You serve your party. What you post is determined by impact on the party. If it serves your shameful party - you post it. If it harms the hated opposition, you post it. You don't even CONSIDER whether it's true, false, or somewhere in the middle - you simply don't care. You care only whether it serves your party.

You substitute mindless partisanship for integrity.

Read the thread title you inbred cracker.

Ah, see? Now Cletus clams up. lolol
Read the proof, Inbred:

1. From the Senate Finance Committee, 1st item:

March 1, 2010: An IRS manager in Cincinnati, Ohio asks employees to begin searching for 501(c) tax exemption applications using the terms Tea Party, Patriots and 9/12 as their criteria.

Now would that be before or after March 31st? Take your time.

2. From CBSNews:

March 1-17, 2010: IRS agents identify the first 10 "Tea Party cases" applications though not all had "tea party" in their name, according to a draft of The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) appendix. IRS' Determinations Unit had asked for a search of "tea party or similar organizations' applications."

Again, would that be before or after March 31st?


IRS Targeting Scandal Timeline | FreedomWorks

I realize that Soros has you trained to spew "March 31st," but IRS officials were meeting with the White House LONG before that. This administration has been guiding the IRS against enemies from the very start. We KNOW that Stevens was at the White House on September 12, 2009. Would that be before March 1, 2010? You can check with your handlers to see if it was.
Read the proof, Inbred:

1. From the Senate Finance Committee, 1st item:

March 1, 2010: An IRS manager in Cincinnati, Ohio asks employees to begin searching for 501(c) tax exemption applications using the terms Tea Party, Patriots and 9/12 as their criteria.

Now would that be before or after March 31st? Take your time.

2. From CBSNews:

March 1-17, 2010: IRS agents identify the first 10 "Tea Party cases" applications though not all had "tea party" in their name, according to a draft of The Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) appendix. IRS' Determinations Unit had asked for a search of "tea party or similar organizations' applications."

Again, would that be before or after March 31st?


IRS Targeting Scandal Timeline | FreedomWorks

I realize that Soros has you trained to spew "March 31st," but IRS officials were meeting with the White House LONG before that. This administration has been guiding the IRS against enemies from the very start. We KNOW that Stevens was at the White House on September 12, 2009. Would that be before March 1, 2010? You can check with your handlers to see if it was.

What meeting is the thread title referring to?

Show me you at least can read the thread title.

Barack H. Nixon is sinking fast.

{While the developing scandal over the targeting of conservatives by the tax agency has largely focused to date on its scrutiny of groups with words such as “tea party” or “patriot” in their names, these examples suggest the government was looking at a broader array of conservative groups and perhaps individuals. Their collective experiences at a minimum could spread skepticism about the fairness of a powerful agency that should be above reproach and at worst could point to a secret political vendetta within the government against conservatives.

The emerging stories from real people raise questions about whether the IRS scrutiny extended beyond applicants for tax-exempt status and whether individuals who donated to these tax-exempt organizations or to conservative causes also were targeted.}

IRS may have targeted conservatives more broadly | McClatchy

Um, this seems so obvious but, impeach the fucker.
There was already one lame thread on this and it's already been proven to be a lie.

Quite the opposite - it was shown to be irrefutable fact - despite your MoveOn bullshit.

You retreated to "WELL, You can't prove the meeting was about targeting the Tea party."

You know NYC - you lie, A LOT.

So spare us all more garbage cluttering 'politics' and ask a mod to merge it with the other one,

the one where the lie is proven.

{ According to Republican Rep. Jim Jordan and White House visitor logs, former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman visited the White House 118 times in 2010 and 2011. This is the same time period when Tea Party groups were inappropriately targeted and intimidated by the IRS.

Testifying in front of lawmakers on Capitol Hill Wednesday, Shulman admitted that many of the meetings with the White House were to discuss how to implement ObamaCare.}

Former IRS Commissioner Visited White House 118 Times During Tea Party Targeting - Katie Pavlich

The one lying is you, as always.
Actually the lying scum is Republican Rep. Jim Jordan and all the lying scum GOP hate media that parroted the lie. Bush appointed IRS Commissioner Shulman was CLEARED to go to the WH that many times, but he only went 11 times!!!

Another GOP scripted lie falls apart!

You have resorted to insults because you finally found out from non-Right-wing sources that what the premeditated lying scum leave out is the visitor log also notes that Kelley's visit took place in the "South Court Auditorium," a large room in the Old Executive Office Building across from the White House. It was not a private meeting, it was a public forum attended by nearly 200 people, and the reason for the very public meeting was a White House Forum on Workplace Flexibility at the Old Executive Office Building attended by approximately 200 attendees including business leaders, workers, policy experts and labor representatives discussing telework and worklife balance issues.

Here is a trade publication describing the event:

Telework unlocks workplace flexibility, union leader says -- FCW

By Federal Daily Apr 06, 2010
An expanded telework program is one of the best ways to bring real flexibility to the federal workplace, Colleen Kelley, president of the National Treasury Employees Union (NTEU), said during a White House forum to examine the state of flexible work arrangements.

Kelley spoke at the March 31 White House Forum on Workplace Flexibility, hosted by President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama, which examined ways that the government might help American workers juggle the twin demands of work and family.

...and you are using that as "proof" that ZERO didn't talk with him alone at any point? hahahaha

SMH - liberal sheeple are the dumbest!QUOTE]


and loyal Obama cult members
sorry dear I messed up the quotes, been drinking..LOL

You really need a course in logic.

It was claimed there was a private meeting, and the White House log was used as evidence of this private meeting.

When it turns out the log was for an event attended by hundreds of people, and took place across the street from the White House, you then come along and demand proof of a negative! :lol:

Prove they DID NOT meet privately? Sorry. That is not how it works.

The claim was they met privately and this is the "smoking gun". Turns out the piss drinkers fell for yet another lie. I've lost track of how much manufactured bullshit you rubes have eaten.

I concluded long ago none of you creduloids will ever learn. No matter how many times the lies you have swallowed are exposed.
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There was already one lame thread on this and it's already been proven to be a lie.

So spare us all more garbage cluttering 'politics' and ask a mod to merge it with the other one,

the one where the lie is proven.

So, Carbine, can you provide us a link proving it's a lie? Let's see it! Simply calling something a lie doesn't make it a lie unless it can be proven a lie WITH THE TRUTH!
...and you are using that as "proof" that ZERO didn't talk with him alone at any point? hahahaha

SMH - liberal sheeple are the dumbest!


and loyal Obama cult members
sorry dear I messed up the quotes, been drinking..LOL

You really need a course in logic.

It was claimed there was a private meeting, and the White House log was used as evidence of this private meeting.

When it turns out the log was for an event attended by hundreds of people, and took place across the street from the White House, you then come along and demand proof of a negative! :lol:

Prove they DID NOT meet privately? Sorry. That is not how it works.

The claim was they met privately and this is the "smoking gun". Turns out the piss drinkers fell for yet another lie. I've lost track of how much manufactured bullshit you rubes have eaten.

Seems you NEVER LEARN.

When liberals run out of lies, they use their own brand of logic. Seems like you never learn. You folks never can bother yourselves with looking things up, you come with your pre-made arguments, not your own facts.
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It's amusing how quickly Roo turns to insults after realizing he has fallen for lies once again. I see he has run as far from his topic as he can since page 2.

There was already one lame thread on this and it's already been proven to be a lie.

So spare us all more garbage cluttering 'politics' and ask a mod to merge it with the other one,

the one where the lie is proven.

So, Carbine, can you provide us a link proving it's a lie? Let's see it! Simply calling something a lie doesn't make it a lie unless it can be proven a lie WITH THE TRUTH!

You clearly have not read the topic.
So far there is no smoking gun.
LMAO g....I really do feel sorry for you.

This will all blow up in your faces, take it to the bank kid.

It's amusing how quickly Roo turns to insults after realizing he has fallen for lies once again. I see he has run as far from his topic as he can since page 2.


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