Obama Announces Huge Tax Increases Are Only Solution

Yeah. I also realize that it can be done too little and too late.

Uh that has absolutely nothing to do with the accusation that you made about the administration.

You claimed that the emphasis on one shows that the administration is not serious about the other when both can be accomplished at the same time. One does not prevent the other from occuring so how does the former show that they are not serious about the latter.

Then you tried to shift gears and claim that it's too little to late which does nothing to address your accusation.

So did your accusation have any validity to it or were you just out to attack the administration?

4T in spending cuts will morph into 2T in spending cuts when they get around to applying them. Too little. Not serious. Raising taxes and doing away with indicated exemptions will not significantly dent the debt and debt interest that has been established and will continue to escalate over the next 12 years. Too late.
Now for a real attack. We are dealing with the most secretive administration since Nixon. Everything they say needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

Once again that has NOTHING to do with your original claim.

The emphasis on shared sacrifice and raising taxes is just code for this administration is not serious about curbing gov't expenditures.

You do realize that you can do both, raise taxes and cut spending, at the same time don't you??

How can you support your claim that he is not serious based soley on how he talked about shared sacrifices and raising taxes when you can raise taxes and cut spending at the same time??

That is what you originally said and you new line of bs has NOTHING to do with that.
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

I'm all for dropping the mortgage deduction, and charitable deductions as well. But lower the over-all tax rate after that.

One doesn't work without the other, not to mention you will kill the housing industry, why buy and have to maintain the home, this one is anti growth....

As for charitable contributions, you will stifle the good that is done by society and make the dependent lean more on government, that falls right into his socialist trap....

His ideas have been proven wrong time and again....

How quaint!!

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you don't earn over $250,000 a year, so I'd calm down if I were you.

But feel free to tell me why the middle class should continue to fund the Bush tax cuts.

This statement operates on a false assumption.

It assumes that what you earn doesn't belong to you, it belongs to the government. They're just doin you a favor by letting you keep some of it.

That's absurd.

Having to pay taxes is based on the assumption that if your elected representatives are going to vote for government spending, then they also have the obligation and the right to raise the revenue to pay for it.

For about 28 of the last 30 years, for example, your representatives have been spending without taxing to pay for it.

Someone should have been taxed to pay for that spending. That 14 trillion is money the PEOPLE owe. It's our debt, period.

They spent it......we owe it.

I'm for grabbing the spenders by the throat and squeezing them till they're dry first.
Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.
The first campaign speech of a losing campaign. When's the last time ANY president who promised and promoted raising taxes ever won? FDR?
The mortgage deduction is 3/4 of my itemized deduction.
....And, people are supposed to care....WHY?


Shut the fuck up you fucken spammer.


Even as much as I disagree with all of your opinions they are of some value. You might learn to accept the opinions of others too; many time those who offer their opinions, which differ from your own opinions, provide the best evidence that their perspective of reality is distorted (by bias/prejudice, self interest, ignorance or emotion).

Simply because the echo chamber applauded the OP is no indication of the truth or honesty of your opinion and conclusion. Any criticism of President Obama will generate postive feedback from the uber-conservatives who makeup the echo chamber, so don't get too excited by the responses.

Those who wish to continue to cut taxes and complain about the deficit cannot be taken seriously. Simply listening to those who want to represent the R Party as their candidate for POTUS have offered no solution to our current and continuing economic woes, they offer the same illogic expressed in the OP and that truly is sad.

Supply side theory, massive tax cuts created the mess we are in today and this outcome was not and is not an accident. Grover Norquist and his Wed. Night group planned to destroy government long before Obama came on the scene. It was and remains an effort by oligarchal forces to transform American Democracy into a Plutocracy.

This is no conspiracy theory nor an idea based on prejudice or emotion. It's obvious in the writings and actions of the New Right, in the 5-4 opinons of the Supreme Court and the continued influence of media darlings and moguls who benefit from and will benefit more as we slide further into plutocratic rule.

Those who give up liberty for a little wealth and power are todays real enemies. Nineteen criminials knocked down the symbol of American capitalism; the purveyors of hate and fear, false pathos and greed hope to bring down American Democracy.
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Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.

Of course taxes will go up for everyone.


I'm all for dropping the mortgage deduction, and charitable deductions as well. But lower the over-all tax rate after that.

One doesn't work without the other, not to mention you will kill the housing industry, why buy and have to maintain the home, this one is anti growth....

As for charitable contributions, you will stifle the good that is done by society and make the dependent lean more on government, that falls right into his socialist trap....

Most people don't itemize and therefore don't get the benefit. But people still buy houses anyway.
People will also contribute money anyway to causes they believe in. And if rates are lowered they will have more money in their own pockets to do just that.

....One o' the many benefits of making a larger down-payment....like any adult would do.

Once again Obama has shown his plan all along. Raise taxes.

He wants to remove home interest payments as a deduction.

Trust me, this will include everyone, not just those who make over $200k.

Also, he says he wants to remove charitable contributions as well.

Folks, this isn't all he plans to do. He's just telling us the part he thinks we want to hear.

I guess you can drop all the rhetoric over how he's cut taxes now. It was all smoke and mirrors anyway.
The first campaign speech of a losing campaign. When's the last time ANY president who promised and promoted raising taxes ever won? FDR?
Oooooh, maybe that's why he started yet another war.
All I know is that under GW we started a business and were able to get unsecured loans of 50K. We had people lining up to give us money to get started.

That was the problem.

Not a problem for me. I paid back all my debt in the first 3 years. Did you ever think that I had people ready to hand me money because I had impeccable credit and a sound plan?

With that same impeccable credit and sound plan today, I would get nothing.

Now we have Obama saying that he'll trim 4 trillion off the debt in 12 years.

So let's break it down.

When Obama took office there was 10 trillion in debt

2 years into his tern there's 14 trillion in debt.

So he wants to take 12 years to pay off the bill he ran up in 2 and basically leave us back where we started from 12 years later.

So 12 years of spinning our wheels to get nowhere is progress?
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All I know is that under GW we started a business and were able to get unsecured loans of 50K. We had people lining up to give us money to get started.

That was the problem.

Not a problem for me. I paid back all my debt in the first 3 years. Did you ever think that I had people ready to hand me money because I has impeccable credit and a sound plan?

I didn't mean you, specifically. The problem, however, had a lot to do with easy credit, unsecured debt and people lining up to fund others.
With that same impeccable credit and sound plan today, I would get nothing.
and that's because people were offered easy credit, unsecured debt and way too much money.
This is all just more Community Organizer Class Warfare shit. Obviously the usual suspects will fall for it.
There are two kinds of liberals:
-THose that Stalin woudl call "useful idiots"
-Those that wish they were Stalin.

The Obama falls into the latter category, and thanks all their liberals here for their blind support.
December 6, 2007

"If there's one thing that Republican politicians agree on, it's that slashing taxes brings the government more money. "You cut taxes, and the tax revenues increase," President Bush said in a speech last year. Keeping taxes low, Vice President Dick Cheney explained in a recent interview, "does produce more revenue for the Federal Government." Presidential candidate John McCain declared in March that "tax cuts ... as we all know, increase revenues." His rival Rudy Giuliani couldn't agree more. "I know that reducing taxes produces more revenues," he intones in a new TV ad.

If there's one thing that economists agree on, it's that these claims are false. We're not talking just ivory-tower lefties. Virtually every economics Ph.D. who has worked in a prominent role in the Bush Administration acknowledges that the tax cuts enacted during the past six years have not paid for themselves--and were never intended to. Harvard professor Greg Mankiw, chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisers from 2003 to 2005, even devotes a section of his best-selling economics textbook to debunking the claim that tax cuts increase revenues."

I'm certain I'd rather be an educated-Liberal, than an.....

Today was his first campaign speech for the 2012 run, those terrible people who have succeeded, no mention of his GE buddy....

Obama, the grand manipulator, divide and conquer....

For someone who is supposed to be so smart, you would think he could come up with a new angle....

God help us if he does win re-election.....

you cant divide the already divided. He was never going to get your or the OP's vote anyways.
He doesnt care about your opinion
Of course he doesn't care.

Any plan that get's enacted will contain some tax increases. If he expects to get Democratic support, that has to be part of the plan. In order to get anything through the House, he's going to have to make other concessions, probably Medicare.
....At LEAST the PART D Bush-giveaway!!!!!
Yeah. I also realize that it can be done too little and too late.

Uh that has absolutely nothing to do with the accusation that you made about the administration.

You claimed that the emphasis on one shows that the administration is not serious about the other when both can be accomplished at the same time. One does not prevent the other from occuring so how does the former show that they are not serious about the latter.

Then you tried to shift gears and claim that it's too little to late which does nothing to address your accusation.

So did your accusation have any validity to it or were you just out to attack the administration?

Let's get real here. The Dems don't want to cut spending at all. That's why the fought every cut tooth and nail till the last min. and then caved. Explain why they want to continue funding for everything from Cowboy Poetry to breast exams and abortions. They have no intention on cutting anything willingly. All they wanted to do all along was raise our taxes. All of the rest of their hogwash was to get us to like it.

You lie about federal funding for abortions and try to call what the left is saying is hogwash?? LOL

Funny but the last time obama wanted to cut waste from medicare the right used it to scare old people into thinking obama was going after them and yet look at how far the republicans are from that position NOW.

BTW wasn't it lindsey graham who recently vowed to hold up the senate because they removed an earmark that would have given federal money for harbor deepening in his state?? Seems to me that there are more than enough republicans who want to spend when they believe it is necessary so why aren't going after them??
There is an easy answer don't make any money then they can't take it.

Reverse the trend. Take money from the government instead of giving it.

Apply for every government program there is, I bet we all qualify for something. Disability is simple to get. I'm feeling very disabled today.
IMHO, taxes revenues should be increased and more people should be paying taxes, both wealthy and middle class. It's unexceptionable to have half the country not paying any income tax.
I agree - but to fix that you have to lay taxes on the poor.
Ah, yes.....Priority 1, for you sadistic-pricks NEEDS to be the entertainment-value of fuckin' with people....


"How the GOP came to view the poor as parasites—and the rich as our rightful rulers."


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The more intelligent question is, why should the middle class continue to fund the left's Utopian Dream State that magically always requires more and more money?

Because the so-called 'Middle Class' has become the scapegoat for the Statist...as the Statist continues to punish the 'Middle Class' to whip them into a frenzy...

The Middle Class is a TOOL...and a good portion of them don't even know it...they just nod and allow themselves to be abused BY the Statists.

WOW! now these two obviously have no grasp on reality. The taxcut and spend policies of the right have been shifting the burden onto to the middle class and yet these two are trying to claim that it's all the left's fault.

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