Obama approval -9. Yikes!


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2010
The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows that 26% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Thirty-five percent (35%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -9 (see trends).
Consumer confidence has fallen sharply since last Friday’s jobs report. Just 24% now believe the economy is getting better while 55% say it’s getting worse.
Forty-four percent (44%) now say it’s possible for anyone to work their way out of poverty,down from 56% two years ago.

Daily Presidential Tracking Poll - Rasmussen Reports™

Those aren't good numbers for Obama.

The fact of the matter is all Obama had in his bag of tricks was keynesian economic theory AND IT DIDN'T WORK.

It not only didn't work, IT LAID A BIG GOOSE EGG!

We no longer need to debate this theory. We tried it, IT FAILED, BIG TIME!

Only IDIOTS too stupid to admit they are wrong, are still stuck on this theory and their only argument is, WE DIDN'T SPEND ENOUGH!

I mean SERIOUSLY! How much more could we have spent? Obama spent more in four months than Bush did in SEVEN YEARS IN IRAQ.

How much is enough, you idiot keynesians?

The fact is, it didn't work, and Obama doesn't have a second act. That's all he had, there isn't anymore and now he has to face the voters.

It doesn't look good for Democrats.

I mean It didn't look good for you liberal Democrast in 2010, NOW YOU HAVE 2012 BREATHING DOWN YOUR NECK.


If things remain as they are, and I can't see it improving short of a miracle, (let's face it, only God knows our future for sure) are going to get CLOBBERED, in 2012.

Just thought I'd let you know that.

And where was Bush again at the end of his term?

these numbers dance around too much. Don't fwap to them. It is unseemly
And where was Bush again at the end of his term?

these numbers dance around too much. Don't fwap to them. It is unseemly

Bush at the end of his term, WASN'T UP FOR RE-ELECTION.

NOR was UNEMPLOYMENT OR THE ECONOMY in this REALLY SORRY SHAPE in 2003 heading for an election year!

I mean you cannot EVEN COME CLOSE to drawing an analogy between Bush and Obama.

Obama can't tie Bush's shoes on this regard.

US Unemployment Rate by Year

2001 4.76
2002 5.78
2003 5.99
2004 5.53
2005 5.08
2006 4.63
2007 4.61
2008 5.76
2009 9.26

The United States Unemployment Rate By Year

woohoo, people ARE FINALLY waking up to the idiot boyking and his comrade in Arms administration..

we started in November, NOW LETS FINISH come 2012..throw the bastards OUT..and that goes for the Republicans who are Rino, Progressives lite..
Obama's priorities were screwed up from day one. Instead of focusing on jobs and the economy, he went for obamacare and spent a year doing it.
Paying back the unions was another huge mistake...people aren't as stupid as he thinks.
Anyway, don't fwap to poll numbers 18 months out. There is nothing there. He was way up 30 months ago, and was able to walk on water. The numbers move to quickly to be predictive right now.

The deal to remember is that a jr senator with only two years in his first term and nothing to show in the way of accomplishment manged to win the election. Things change to fast. Work hard, pray hard, don't let up on showing where he is off. that is what matters.

Fwapping to poll numbers does not really win elections
woohoo, people ARE FINALLY waking up to the idiot boyking and his comrade in Arms administration..

we started in November, NOW LETS FINISH come 2012..throw the bastards OUT..and that goes for the Republicans who are Rino, Progressives lite..

I'm in total agreement.

Liberals and Inside the Beltway RINO Republicans, THROW THE BUMS OUT!

Anyway, don't fwap to poll numbers 18 months out. There is nothing there. He was way up 30 months ago, and was able to walk on water. The numbers move to quickly to be predictive right now.

The deal to remember is that a jr senator with only two years in his first term and nothing to show in the way of accomplishment manged to win the election. Things change to fast. Work hard, pray hard, don't let up on showing where he is off. that is what matters.

Fwapping to poll numbers does not really win elections

Oh please. :lmao:

The ONLY things Obama could do to improve the economy is:

A) Repeal Obamacare

B) Make the Bush tax cuts PERMANENT

C) Cut taxes even more.


How likely is it that Obama is going to do ANY OF THOSE THINGS???????

He's NOT!

He's going to double down on QE3, and more stimulus and more sweetheart deals to crony capitalists and Unions--not to mention tax increases in any sneaky way he can accomplish.

All of which is going to TANK the ECONOMY EVEN MORE!

I'm not jumping the gun. I've seen this before. Jimmy Carter, Bush 41, Obama.

Trust me, he's done.

There isn't a thing that can save him, because the things that would save him this idiot will never try or admit they work.

It's all Bush's fault. Obama is going to get drug backwards and kicked in the butt on Obamacare.

his RCP average is 48%...

sucks being you guys. :eusa_whistle:

RCP averages = half the poll numbers come from lefty organizations........CNN, Democracy Corp, Reuters, AP, NBC.et. al.

Just want to set the record straight.

The Rasmussen Poll always nails the true #'s.
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Here's my poll number -

What my house is worth
How many of my neighbors are being laid-off/unemployed
The price of gas
The price of groceries
How many wars are raging
You can bet that Obama's handlers are looking at the polls. The only numbers that count though are the ones concerning the economy. We are close to a double-dip recession. If things don't change soon, the country will be in the hurt locker and Obama will be run out of Dodge.
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Here's my poll number -

What my house is worth
How many of my neighbors are being laid-off/unemployed
The price of gas
The price of groceries
How many wars are raging

Are you selling your house?
Did you pick your neighbor's career?
Gas has dropped 30 cent here in Arizona.
Have groceries gone up?
Obama's priorities were screwed up from day one. Instead of focusing on jobs and the economy, he went for obamacare and spent a year doing it.
Paying back the unions was another huge mistake...people aren't as stupid as he thinks.

I'd love to hear how President Obama spend his time 'paying back the unions'.

his RCP average is 48%...

sucks being you guys. :eusa_whistle:

RCP averages = half the poll numbers come from lefty organizations........CNN, Democracy Corp, Reuters, AP, NBC.et. al.

Just want to set the record straight.

The Rasmussen Poll always nails the true #'s.

Someone should go let Senator Buck and Senator Angle know about that.
Obama's priorities were screwed up from day one. Instead of focusing on jobs and the economy, he went for obamacare and spent a year doing it.
Paying back the unions was another huge mistake...people aren't as stupid as he thinks.

I'd love to hear how President Obama spend his time 'paying back the unions'.

GM for starters.

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