Obama approval hits new low

Personally I think he deserves another Nobel Peace Prize for this astounding feat of leadership acumen, maybe two.

All hail his Royal Majesty! :eusa_clap:
Indeed. They are nothing but wall paper seeing as who is receiving them these days.

LOL, too true, although I wouldn't characterize them as WALL paper..they bring to mind a paper that's softer and more er..um.. intimate. :D

"Life is a lot like toilet paper. You're either on a roll...or you're taking shit from some asshole." -- unknown

In the days of old...
when knights were bold...
and toilet paper wasn't invented...
you left your load...
upon the road...
and walked away contented. ~Unknown
seriously; what kind of idiot thinks Dems want a Republican president to be re-elected? that is what the fruitcake Left is saying when they whine that Republicans wanted to make obama a one-term president.

the idiotic Left has been making lame excuses for their own failures for decades. the same losers whining that repubs want obama to fail are the same morons that whine about Reagan; even though so many Dems in Congress voted for Reagan's policies that the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe them. but that doesnt stop left-wing losers from whining. and then there's the stupid and equally lame bitch from left-wing bitches that they were helpless to anything about the Bush agenda. well hard to stop things you're voting FOR leftardz; but then again you have all kinds of excuses for that too.

idiots and hypocrites
Hey it works, either that or more than 50% of the electorate was off of its meds in 2012. I agree with Cruz, Republicans have to stand for something for steady success. And currently they don't stand for anything but reduced taxes and higher deficits. I know let's elect another neo-con like Bush who indistinguishable from Clinton. Waiting for the lunatics of the left is not an ideology.
That number won't bode well for the democrats in an election year....I know it is shocking....shocking, I tell ya. :lol:
I'm deeply concerned, we could lose the next Presidential election, which hasn't happened ever right? Oh wait, it happens every four or eight years, and has for the last six decades, so I guess I'm not concerned much at all.

We'll remind you of that when Pres. Cruz takes the oath of office and a solidly GOP Congress takes up repeal of Obamacare, repeal of Doff Frank, and criminal investigations of the previous administration.

seriously; what kind of idiot thinks Dems want a Republican president to be re-elected? that is what the fruitcake Left is saying when they whine that Republicans wanted to make obama a one-term president.

the idiotic Left has been making lame excuses for their own failures for decades. the same losers whining that repubs want obama to fail are the same morons that whine about Reagan; even though so many Dems in Congress voted for Reagan's policies that the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe them. but that doesnt stop left-wing losers from whining. and then there's the stupid and equally lame bitch from left-wing bitches that they were helpless to anything about the Bush agenda. well hard to stop things you're voting FOR leftardz; but then again you have all kinds of excuses for that too.

idiots and hypocrites
Hey it works, either that or more than 50% of the electorate was off of its meds in 2012. I agree with Cruz, Republicans have to stand for something for steady success. And currently they don't stand for anything but reduced taxes and higher deficits. I know let's elect another neo-con like Bush who indistinguishable from Clinton. Waiting for the lunatics of the left is not an ideology.
Bold contrast. It's for the Republicans to lose. DITCH the Social issues. As James Carville once stated? It's the economy, stupid.
seriously; what kind of idiot thinks Dems want a Republican president to be re-elected? that is what the fruitcake Left is saying when they whine that Republicans wanted to make obama a one-term president.

the idiotic Left has been making lame excuses for their own failures for decades. the same losers whining that repubs want obama to fail are the same morons that whine about Reagan; even though so many Dems in Congress voted for Reagan's policies that the term Reagan Democrat was coined to describe them. but that doesnt stop left-wing losers from whining. and then there's the stupid and equally lame bitch from left-wing bitches that they were helpless to anything about the Bush agenda. well hard to stop things you're voting FOR leftardz; but then again you have all kinds of excuses for that too.

idiots and hypocrites
Hey it works, either that or more than 50% of the electorate was off of its meds in 2012. I agree with Cruz, Republicans have to stand for something for steady success. And currently they don't stand for anything but reduced taxes and higher deficits. I know let's elect another neo-con like Bush who indistinguishable from Clinton. Waiting for the lunatics of the left is not an ideology.
Bold contrast. It's for the Republicans to lose. DITCH the Social issues. As James Carville once stated? It's the economy, stupid.
I don't know about bold. Goldwater said the same thing 50 years ago. It is time that the GOP stands for something again.
Hey it works, either that or more than 50% of the electorate was off of its meds in 2012. I agree with Cruz, Republicans have to stand for something for steady success. And currently they don't stand for anything but reduced taxes and higher deficits. I know let's elect another neo-con like Bush who indistinguishable from Clinton. Waiting for the lunatics of the left is not an ideology.
Bold contrast. It's for the Republicans to lose. DITCH the Social issues. As James Carville once stated? It's the economy, stupid.
I don't know about bold. Goldwater said the same thing 50 years ago. It is time that the GOP stands for something again.
So did REAGAN...
One of the methods used by the Left to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary-Ayn Rand
Wait, A republican said that, or the republican party came out and said that? There is a difference,. At least to people with rationale and thinking skills.

The Senate minority leader, and 4th longest serving Republican member said that, and there wasn't a peep of opposition from his own party.

OK, so one republican said that. Got it.

Got it that the Senior Republican Senator, the Leader of the Senate Republicans, said it.
Oh, stupid comment: "nobody wanting obama to fail made him fail".

Let's take pride in how we obstructed Obamaism.
One of the methods used by the Left to destroy capitalism consists in establishing controls that tie a given industry hand and foot, making it unable to solve its problems, then declaring that freedom has failed and stronger controls are necessary-Ayn Rand
True but short of revolution or its equivalent (I've posted a thread giving my alternative: moving the capital every 20 years) what do you propose as a solution?

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