Obama approval rating at 50%!

now what? do we all orgasm on the count of three, All heil Obama while clicking our jack boots together ?
Click your heels together and you will end up in Kansas which is going broke due to having a GOP Tea bag nut running things there Brownback broke back Kansas...

oh, why aren't you moving to Detroit. the liberal utopia run by Democrats? You're so worried over Kansas
I'm no longer going to respond to that left wing moon bat. He's a total waste of time.
LOL ya the ass kicking the dems got means nothing,depends on what poll your looking at the numbers are all over the place.

Obama and his policies were rejected in a big way,ya he's hitting em out of the park daily. Real problem for the GOP,and you would think after the better part of 8 years the economy should be doing better than it is.

Poll: Obama Approval Rises To Highest Level Since Spring 2013
President Barack Obama’s approval rating has risen to 50 percent in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll released Monday, his strongest showing in the survey since the spring of 2013
And ??
So that's what it has boiled down to for you people.
Smug laughter. That shit eating "fuck you" grin......
Forget about the country. Never mind the real world....it's all about politics with you people.
You are shameful
Country is doing well thanks to Obama
Worng...It is in spite of Obama...Who has not done a single thing to help business. Now he wants to add a tax to the wealthy. He will crow about the middle class.
Meanwhile the dirty little secret is that $600 billion over ten years is a little under 4 months of government spending. A mere drop in the bucket....
What horse shit.
And he wants to give away free community college. Oh really? A t whose expense?
Look, Obama could tell you he would add an 8th color to the spectrum and you'd believe him.
In fact you've probably been swallowing the baited hook Obama has been tossing to you for the last 6 years.
That's your problem.
The bottom line is Liberalism and ll of it's sub culture shit, such as political correctness just plain sucks. The country is sick of it.
We're kicking it out.
now what? do we all orgasm on the count of three, All heil Obama while clicking our jack boots together ?
Click your heels together and you will end up in Kansas which is going broke due to having a GOP Tea bag nut running things there Brownback broke back Kansas...

oh, why aren't you moving to Detroit. the liberal utopia run by Democrats?
Go to Kansas Dorothy ...take Toto ....I am going to Kenya

Fucking see ya.....Never....
Well when you make huge assumptions like the dems starting with a lead,that a huge false assumption,you don't even know who the nominees are,yet you have a Dem in the lead.Rather stupid and incomplete.

That is based upon Hilary being the nominee and all of the states that consistently went for Clinton and Obama.
Yet no factoring the last midterms,which were a direct reflection on Obama policies. Thinking 2016 is still 2012 and later is not very realistic.

I'm afraid that those midterms didn't mean nearly as much as you so desperately want them to mean.
Be afraid,.....Very afraid.
The attack on liberal politics and policies is under way.
Only 50% now huh? That's fantastic. Now only half of America thinks he's a complete moron. I bet for the SECOND time in her life Michelle is proud to be an American.......awww who the fuck believes that? She hates this country more than he does.
Well when you make huge assumptions like the dems starting with a lead,that a huge false assumption,you don't even know who the nominees are,yet you have a Dem in the lead.Rather stupid and incomplete.

Do you pay any attention to any news outlet besides fox news?

It doesn't appear so or you would know what The Blue Wall is. It's been debated as far back as 2009. It's 18 states that have a total of 248 electoral votes. Those 18 states always votes Democratic. I'm proud to say that my state is one of them. The last time my state's electoral votes went to a gop candidate was 30 years ago.

You can read about it in this USA Today article:

Democrats dominate electoral college with 'Blue Wall' of states

Or if you don't like USA Today just click this link and you can have your pick of any article your little heart desires.

the blue wall politics - Bing
A lot of people like him now that he's powerless. Of course this poll was conducted by a communist MSM hate organ. I wonder why ABC, NBC, CBS, & CNN think people, other than useful idiots and the great unwashed mob, trust their pre-ordained outcome polls. They're all BS.

My Gosh! You must watch FOX 24/7.....I expect your cerebral gray matter is being greatly reduced after each brainwashing session....
So you got nothing thats ok making assumptions once again,I don't watch Fox,but you sure do LOL

You called ABC, NBC, CBS, & CNN out as playing to idiots. Not much left, unless you are watching Al Jazeera America......:badgrin:

You RW loons just crack me up!:banana:

What' ABC news got.. like 10 viewers these days?

Put 6 more zeros on that number and you'll be much closer to the honest numbers.

Actually ABC news is rated the second highest in network news for week ending January 5th. That's the most recent I could find.

They had 9,881,000 viewers. That's nearly 10 million people.

Number one was NBC with 10,667,000 viewers. That's over 10 and a half million viewers.

The third rated was CBS with 8,656,000.

Evening News Ratings: Week of Jan. 5 | TVNewser

On fox's best day they get 3 million viewers but on a normal day they get around 2.5 million.

fox wishes they had the number of viewers the 3 networks have.
A lot of people like him now that he's powerless. Of course this poll was conducted by a communist MSM hate organ. I wonder why ABC, NBC, CBS, & CNN think people, other than useful idiots and the great unwashed mob, trust their pre-ordained outcome polls. They're all BS.

My Gosh! You must watch FOX 24/7.....I expect your cerebral gray matter is being greatly reduced after each brainwashing session....
So you got nothing thats ok making assumptions once again,I don't watch Fox,but you sure do LOL

You called ABC, NBC, CBS, & CNN out as playing to idiots. Not much left, unless you are watching Al Jazeera America......:badgrin:

You RW loons just crack me up!:banana:

What' ABC news got.. like 10 viewers these days?
Network By the Numbers State of the Media

over 7 million...
once again proving how worthless you are
All of the list at the site.

It will be Obama’s first speech in front of the Republican Congress.
The RNC released these numbers before the big show:

As Obama Prepares To Paint A Rosy Picture Of His Presidency, A Look At The Numbers He Won’t Mention
$18.1 Trillion:

Total Debt Under Obama As Of January 14, 2014. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$10.6 Trillion:

Total Debt When Obama Became President On January 20, 2009. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/9/15)
$7.5 Trillion:

Amount Added To The National Debt Despite Obama’s 2010 State Of The Union Declaration That He Would Not Leave “A Mountain Of Debt.” (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15; President Barack Obama, Remarks On The State Of The Union, Washington, D.C., 1/27/10)
$4 Trillion:

Amount Of Debt That Obama Once Called “Irresponsible” And “Unpatriotic.”(Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Fargo, ND, 7/3/08)
$1.8 Trillion:

Cost Of ObamaCare’s Coverage Provisions Through 2024. (CBO, 4/14/14)
$1.3 Trillion:

Total Student Debt Held By Americans. (Federal Reserve Board Of Governors, Accessed 1/14/15)
$869.3 Billion:

Total Taxes In ObamaCare. (JCT, 6/15/12; CBO, 4/14/14)
$95 Billion:

Cost Of New Regulations Added Since Obama Became President. (American Action Forum, 1/6/15)
$60 Billion:

Cost Of Obama’s Community College Tuition Plan Over Ten Years. ( TheAssociated Press, 1/9/15)
$3.4 Billion:

Average Amount Of Debt Added Daily Since Obama Became President. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$3.4 Billion:

How Much The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Contribute To GDP According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14)
46.5 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Receiving Food Stamps In FY 2014.(Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
13 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Who Have Joined The Food Stamp Program Since FY 2009. (Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
7 Million:

Number Of Americans Who Will No Longer Have Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Due To ObamaCare. (Congressional Budget Office, 4/14/14)
5.5 Million:

Americans Who Have Fallen Into Poverty Since Obama Became President.(U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15)
2.3 Million:

Americans Who Are Only Marginally Attached To The Labor Force. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Construction Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of People Who Left The Labor Force Between November AndDecember Of 2014. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Current Debt Per Capita Under Obama. (U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15;U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of Jobs The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Support Over Two Years According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14

all of it here:
RNC Releases Obama 8217 s SOTU by the Numbers The Gateway Pundit
All of the list at the site.

It will be Obama’s first speech in front of the Republican Congress.
The RNC released these numbers before the big show:

As Obama Prepares To Paint A Rosy Picture Of His Presidency, A Look At The Numbers He Won’t Mention
$18.1 Trillion:

Total Debt Under Obama As Of January 14, 2014. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$10.6 Trillion:

Total Debt When Obama Became President On January 20, 2009. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/9/15)
$7.5 Trillion:

Amount Added To The National Debt Despite Obama’s 2010 State Of The Union Declaration That He Would Not Leave “A Mountain Of Debt.” (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15; President Barack Obama, Remarks On The State Of The Union, Washington, D.C., 1/27/10)
$4 Trillion:

Amount Of Debt That Obama Once Called “Irresponsible” And “Unpatriotic.”(Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Fargo, ND, 7/3/08)
$1.8 Trillion:

Cost Of ObamaCare’s Coverage Provisions Through 2024. (CBO, 4/14/14)
$1.3 Trillion:

Total Student Debt Held By Americans. (Federal Reserve Board Of Governors, Accessed 1/14/15)
$869.3 Billion:

Total Taxes In ObamaCare. (JCT, 6/15/12; CBO, 4/14/14)
$95 Billion:

Cost Of New Regulations Added Since Obama Became President. (American Action Forum, 1/6/15)
$60 Billion:

Cost Of Obama’s Community College Tuition Plan Over Ten Years. ( TheAssociated Press, 1/9/15)
$3.4 Billion:

Average Amount Of Debt Added Daily Since Obama Became President. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$3.4 Billion:

How Much The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Contribute To GDP According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14)
46.5 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Receiving Food Stamps In FY 2014.(Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
13 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Who Have Joined The Food Stamp Program Since FY 2009. (Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
7 Million:

Number Of Americans Who Will No Longer Have Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Due To ObamaCare. (Congressional Budget Office, 4/14/14)
5.5 Million:

Americans Who Have Fallen Into Poverty Since Obama Became President.(U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15)
2.3 Million:

Americans Who Are Only Marginally Attached To The Labor Force. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Construction Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of People Who Left The Labor Force Between November AndDecember Of 2014. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Current Debt Per Capita Under Obama. (U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15;U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of Jobs The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Support Over Two Years According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14

all of it here:
RNC Releases Obama 8217 s SOTU by the Numbers The Gateway Pundit

Yup, it will take several Presidencies to dig out of the hole that W dug.....and even a few more if, God Forbid, the GOP actually nominates someone half sane who wins the WH. He will have us all relive the bad old days of W again...

"Which country to attack first? Questions...Questions..."
All of the list at the site.

It will be Obama’s first speech in front of the Republican Congress.
The RNC released these numbers before the big show:

As Obama Prepares To Paint A Rosy Picture Of His Presidency, A Look At The Numbers He Won’t Mention
$18.1 Trillion:

Total Debt Under Obama As Of January 14, 2014. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$10.6 Trillion:

Total Debt When Obama Became President On January 20, 2009. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/9/15)
$7.5 Trillion:

Amount Added To The National Debt Despite Obama’s 2010 State Of The Union Declaration That He Would Not Leave “A Mountain Of Debt.” (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15; President Barack Obama, Remarks On The State Of The Union, Washington, D.C., 1/27/10)
$4 Trillion:

Amount Of Debt That Obama Once Called “Irresponsible” And “Unpatriotic.”(Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Fargo, ND, 7/3/08)
$1.8 Trillion:

Cost Of ObamaCare’s Coverage Provisions Through 2024. (CBO, 4/14/14)
$1.3 Trillion:

Total Student Debt Held By Americans. (Federal Reserve Board Of Governors, Accessed 1/14/15)
$869.3 Billion:

Total Taxes In ObamaCare. (JCT, 6/15/12; CBO, 4/14/14)
$95 Billion:

Cost Of New Regulations Added Since Obama Became President. (American Action Forum, 1/6/15)
$60 Billion:

Cost Of Obama’s Community College Tuition Plan Over Ten Years. ( TheAssociated Press, 1/9/15)
$3.4 Billion:

Average Amount Of Debt Added Daily Since Obama Became President. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$3.4 Billion:

How Much The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Contribute To GDP According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14)
46.5 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Receiving Food Stamps In FY 2014.(Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
13 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Who Have Joined The Food Stamp Program Since FY 2009. (Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
7 Million:

Number Of Americans Who Will No Longer Have Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Due To ObamaCare. (Congressional Budget Office, 4/14/14)
5.5 Million:

Americans Who Have Fallen Into Poverty Since Obama Became President.(U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15)
2.3 Million:

Americans Who Are Only Marginally Attached To The Labor Force. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Construction Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of People Who Left The Labor Force Between November AndDecember Of 2014. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Current Debt Per Capita Under Obama. (U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15;U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of Jobs The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Support Over Two Years According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14

all of it here:
RNC Releases Obama 8217 s SOTU by the Numbers The Gateway Pundit

Yup, it will take several Presidencies to dig out of the hole that W dug.....and even a few more if, God Forbid, the GOP actually nominates someone half sane who wins the WH. He will have us all relive the bad old days of W again...

"Which country to attack first? Questions...Questions..."

wow, sheep doesn't come close to describing you
now what? do we all orgasm on the count of three, All heil Obama while clicking our jack boots together ?
i remember you in a thread where his ratings where at 42% and you literal blew your load because it dropped. Now its gone up and you try to play it off as nothing.if you where not so fucking stupid i might feel sorry for you.
All of the list at the site.

It will be Obama’s first speech in front of the Republican Congress.
The RNC released these numbers before the big show:

As Obama Prepares To Paint A Rosy Picture Of His Presidency, A Look At The Numbers He Won’t Mention
$18.1 Trillion:

Total Debt Under Obama As Of January 14, 2014. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$10.6 Trillion:

Total Debt When Obama Became President On January 20, 2009. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/9/15)
$7.5 Trillion:

Amount Added To The National Debt Despite Obama’s 2010 State Of The Union Declaration That He Would Not Leave “A Mountain Of Debt.” (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15; President Barack Obama, Remarks On The State Of The Union, Washington, D.C., 1/27/10)
$4 Trillion:

Amount Of Debt That Obama Once Called “Irresponsible” And “Unpatriotic.”(Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Fargo, ND, 7/3/08)
$1.8 Trillion:

Cost Of ObamaCare’s Coverage Provisions Through 2024. (CBO, 4/14/14)
$1.3 Trillion:

Total Student Debt Held By Americans. (Federal Reserve Board Of Governors, Accessed 1/14/15)
$869.3 Billion:

Total Taxes In ObamaCare. (JCT, 6/15/12; CBO, 4/14/14)
$95 Billion:

Cost Of New Regulations Added Since Obama Became President. (American Action Forum, 1/6/15)
$60 Billion:

Cost Of Obama’s Community College Tuition Plan Over Ten Years. ( TheAssociated Press, 1/9/15)
$3.4 Billion:

Average Amount Of Debt Added Daily Since Obama Became President. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$3.4 Billion:

How Much The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Contribute To GDP According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14)
46.5 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Receiving Food Stamps In FY 2014.(Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
13 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Who Have Joined The Food Stamp Program Since FY 2009. (Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
7 Million:

Number Of Americans Who Will No Longer Have Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Due To ObamaCare. (Congressional Budget Office, 4/14/14)
5.5 Million:

Americans Who Have Fallen Into Poverty Since Obama Became President.(U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15)
2.3 Million:

Americans Who Are Only Marginally Attached To The Labor Force. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Construction Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of People Who Left The Labor Force Between November AndDecember Of 2014. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Current Debt Per Capita Under Obama. (U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15;U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of Jobs The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Support Over Two Years According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14

all of it here:
RNC Releases Obama 8217 s SOTU by the Numbers The Gateway Pundit

Yup, it will take several Presidencies to dig out of the hole that W dug.....and even a few more if, God Forbid, the GOP actually nominates someone half sane who wins the WH. He will have us all relive the bad old days of W again...

"Which country to attack first? Questions...Questions..."

wow, sheep doesn't come close to describing you
i know, unlike you sheep serve a purpose...but once again steph is pulling the insults because she thinks someone is towing the party line, all the while thats all she does routine.
All of the list at the site.

It will be Obama’s first speech in front of the Republican Congress.
The RNC released these numbers before the big show:

As Obama Prepares To Paint A Rosy Picture Of His Presidency, A Look At The Numbers He Won’t Mention
$18.1 Trillion:

Total Debt Under Obama As Of January 14, 2014. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$10.6 Trillion:

Total Debt When Obama Became President On January 20, 2009. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/9/15)
$7.5 Trillion:

Amount Added To The National Debt Despite Obama’s 2010 State Of The Union Declaration That He Would Not Leave “A Mountain Of Debt.” (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15; President Barack Obama, Remarks On The State Of The Union, Washington, D.C., 1/27/10)
$4 Trillion:

Amount Of Debt That Obama Once Called “Irresponsible” And “Unpatriotic.”(Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Fargo, ND, 7/3/08)
$1.8 Trillion:

Cost Of ObamaCare’s Coverage Provisions Through 2024. (CBO, 4/14/14)
$1.3 Trillion:

Total Student Debt Held By Americans. (Federal Reserve Board Of Governors, Accessed 1/14/15)
$869.3 Billion:

Total Taxes In ObamaCare. (JCT, 6/15/12; CBO, 4/14/14)
$95 Billion:

Cost Of New Regulations Added Since Obama Became President. (American Action Forum, 1/6/15)
$60 Billion:

Cost Of Obama’s Community College Tuition Plan Over Ten Years. ( TheAssociated Press, 1/9/15)
$3.4 Billion:

Average Amount Of Debt Added Daily Since Obama Became President. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$3.4 Billion:

How Much The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Contribute To GDP According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14)
46.5 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Receiving Food Stamps In FY 2014.(Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
13 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Who Have Joined The Food Stamp Program Since FY 2009. (Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
7 Million:

Number Of Americans Who Will No Longer Have Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Due To ObamaCare. (Congressional Budget Office, 4/14/14)
5.5 Million:

Americans Who Have Fallen Into Poverty Since Obama Became President.(U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15)
2.3 Million:

Americans Who Are Only Marginally Attached To The Labor Force. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Construction Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of People Who Left The Labor Force Between November AndDecember Of 2014. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Current Debt Per Capita Under Obama. (U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15;U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of Jobs The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Support Over Two Years According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14

all of it here:
RNC Releases Obama 8217 s SOTU by the Numbers The Gateway Pundit

Yup, it will take several Presidencies to dig out of the hole that W dug.....and even a few more if, God Forbid, the GOP actually nominates someone half sane who wins the WH. He will have us all relive the bad old days of W again...

"Which country to attack first? Questions...Questions..."

wow, sheep doesn't come close to describing you
i know, unlike you sheep serve a purpose...but once again steph is pulling the insults because she thinks someone is towing the party line, all the while thats all she does routine.

You gotta overlook Steph...she is "frustrated"
Dipshit said: Ever notice that nothing he submits to congress ever makes it into law

Signed Legislation The White House
That must be why he makes his own law, like a dictator.

That's why Republican/Conservatives are known as hypocrites and liars......George W. Bush signed more Executive Orders than Obama has, so why don't you consider him a dictator? Or, maybe you didn't really know that.....so many conservatives are so uninformed....:(

President Obama has signed 195 Executive Orders to date during his Administration. The 1461 has included a Free Download of the Official Executive Orders as they become available in the Federal Registry.

This list is complete and current to January 6, 2015. The list was originally started here on the 1461 on January 25 2009.

the 1461 President Obama s Executive Orders

George W. Bush made 284 executive orders. The most of any year was his first year in office when he signed 54.
AnswerParty How many executive orders did George W. Bush sign
Bet ya didn't know context matters.

Obama issues executive orders by another name
WASHINGTON — President Obama has issued a form of executive action known as the presidential memorandum more often than any other president in history — using it to take unilateral action even as he has signed fewer executive orders.

When these two forms of directives are taken together, Obama is on track to take more high-level executive actions than any president since Harry Truman battled the "Do Nothing Congress" almost seven decades ago, according to a USA TODAY review of presidential documents.

Obama has issued executive orders to give federal employees the day after Christmas off, to impose economic sanctions and to determine how national secrets are classified. He's used presidential memoranda to make policy on gun control, immigration and labor regulations. Tuesday, he used a memorandum to declare Bristol Bay, Alaska, off-limits to oil and gas exploration.
All of the list at the site.

It will be Obama’s first speech in front of the Republican Congress.
The RNC released these numbers before the big show:

As Obama Prepares To Paint A Rosy Picture Of His Presidency, A Look At The Numbers He Won’t Mention
$18.1 Trillion:

Total Debt Under Obama As Of January 14, 2014. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$10.6 Trillion:

Total Debt When Obama Became President On January 20, 2009. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/9/15)
$7.5 Trillion:

Amount Added To The National Debt Despite Obama’s 2010 State Of The Union Declaration That He Would Not Leave “A Mountain Of Debt.” (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15; President Barack Obama, Remarks On The State Of The Union, Washington, D.C., 1/27/10)
$4 Trillion:

Amount Of Debt That Obama Once Called “Irresponsible” And “Unpatriotic.”(Sen. Barack Obama, Remarks At A Campaign Event, Fargo, ND, 7/3/08)
$1.8 Trillion:

Cost Of ObamaCare’s Coverage Provisions Through 2024. (CBO, 4/14/14)
$1.3 Trillion:

Total Student Debt Held By Americans. (Federal Reserve Board Of Governors, Accessed 1/14/15)
$869.3 Billion:

Total Taxes In ObamaCare. (JCT, 6/15/12; CBO, 4/14/14)
$95 Billion:

Cost Of New Regulations Added Since Obama Became President. (American Action Forum, 1/6/15)
$60 Billion:

Cost Of Obama’s Community College Tuition Plan Over Ten Years. ( TheAssociated Press, 1/9/15)
$3.4 Billion:

Average Amount Of Debt Added Daily Since Obama Became President. (U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)
$3.4 Billion:

How Much The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Contribute To GDP According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14)
46.5 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Receiving Food Stamps In FY 2014.(Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
13 Million:

Average Number Of Americans Who Have Joined The Food Stamp Program Since FY 2009. (Department Of Agriculture, Accessed 1/14/15)
7 Million:

Number Of Americans Who Will No Longer Have Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance Due To ObamaCare. (Congressional Budget Office, 4/14/14)
5.5 Million:

Americans Who Have Fallen Into Poverty Since Obama Became President.(U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15)
2.3 Million:

Americans Who Are Only Marginally Attached To The Labor Force. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Construction Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since Obama Became President. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of People Who Left The Labor Force Between November AndDecember Of 2014. (Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed 1/14/15)

Current Debt Per Capita Under Obama. (U.S. Census Bureau, Accessed 1/14/15;U.S. Treasury Department, Accessed 1/14/15)

Number Of Jobs The Construction Of The Keystone Pipeline Would Support Over Two Years According To A State Department Review. (United States Department Of State, 1/14

all of it here:
RNC Releases Obama 8217 s SOTU by the Numbers The Gateway Pundit

Yup, it will take several Presidencies to dig out of the hole that W dug.....and even a few more if, God Forbid, the GOP actually nominates someone half sane who wins the WH. He will have us all relive the bad old days of W again...

"Which country to attack first? Questions...Questions..."

wow, sheep doesn't come close to describing you
i know, unlike you sheep serve a purpose...but once again steph is pulling the insults because she thinks someone is towing the party line, all the while thats all she does routine.

You gotta overlook Steph...she is "frustrated"

Hardly, I'm getting my jollies watching you spin yourself into a pretzel all for ONE man who think of himself as our, Dear leader.

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