Obama approval rating at 50%!

So..... Is the Lying Cocksucker in Chief running for a 3rd Term?


I think "O" hasn't been a good president. I thought "W" also wasn't a good president. I disagreed with many of their decisions, vehemently.
But all this hate? Morons?
What does that make you, other than immature with anger issues?
So..... Is the Lying Cocksucker in Chief running for a 3rd Term?


I think "O" hasn't been a good president. I thought "W" also wasn't a good president. I disagreed with many of their decisions, vehemently.
But all this hate? Morons?
What does that make you, other than immature with anger issues?
It's just the usual. They vote the professional politicians into office, then complain until the next election, then the cycle starts all over. This has been going on for decades. Yet, voters continue to do the same thing, and expect a different result. Go figure. Same song, just a different tune. Same players, just different jerseys.
The word is his approval rating is up due to low gas prices. I can't wait for Obama to take credit for the low gas prices tonight and piss off his oil hating freak liberal base. :laugh:
So..... Is the Lying Cocksucker in Chief running for a 3rd Term?


I think "O" hasn't been a good president. I thought "W" also wasn't a good president. I disagreed with many of their decisions, vehemently.
But all this hate? Morons?
What does that make you, other than immature with anger issues?

No anger. I just calls them as they is.

obama is a lying cocksucker. Period.

He lied over and over about the ACA. He lied about the IRS. He lied about Benghazi. He lied about troops on the ground in Iraq, he lied about Syria, he lied about ISIS, he lied..... The man (I use the term advisedly) is a LYING COCKSUCKER!

And I don't mean he makes promises he can't keep, I mean he is a bald-faced fucking LIAR.

BTW; Didja hear? (prolly not if you follow the DISGUSTING FILTH in the LSM) But Yemen, which the Lying Cocksucker in Chief called a 'Success Story' as recently as September....?

They just got overrun and we need to evacuate our Embassy.

The man is a piece of shit. Not just a bad president. I mean, he is a piece of shit as a human being. A true, honest to God scumbag

No anger. Just calls 'em as they is
It's just the usual. They vote the professional politicians into office, then complain until the next election, then the cycle starts all over. This has been going on for decades. Yet, voters continue to do the same thing, and expect a different result. Go figure. Same song, just a different tune. Same players, just different jerseys.

Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time and a lot of money to run for ANY Office.

Even Town Council.

How do you do it? How do you find the time to campaign, to schmooze, to fund-raise, kiss babies and charm old ladies?

Only certain people can do it. Either the wealthy (many Republicans) or crooks bankrolled by a corrupt organization (Unions, the Mob, the DNC) -- Every dimocrap

So that's what we get. Republicans who too often aren't in touch with regular people or dimocraps who are, literally, the scum of the earth.

I'll go with out-of-touch Republicans who, at least, mean well.

dimocraps are just scum.

Which is why they have an advantage. They don't have rules, ethics, morals, honor or care for The People at all. The only thing they care about is power.... The power that comes from elective Office. It's all they (the DNC) want
Dipshit said: Ever notice that nothing he submits to congress ever makes it into law

Signed Legislation The White House
That must be why he makes his own law, like a dictator.

That's why Republican/Conservatives are known as hypocrites and liars......George W. Bush signed more Executive Orders than Obama has, so why don't you consider him a dictator? Or, maybe you didn't really know that.....so many conservatives are so uninformed....:(

President Obama has signed 195 Executive Orders to date during his Administration. The 1461 has included a Free Download of the Official Executive Orders as they become available in the Federal Registry.

This list is complete and current to January 6, 2015. The list was originally started here on the 1461 on January 25 2009.

the 1461 President Obama s Executive Orders

George W. Bush made 284 executive orders. The most of any year was his first year in office when he signed 54.
AnswerParty How many executive orders did George W. Bush sign
It's different. Bush was white.
It's just the usual. They vote the professional politicians into office, then complain until the next election, then the cycle starts all over. This has been going on for decades. Yet, voters continue to do the same thing, and expect a different result. Go figure. Same song, just a different tune. Same players, just different jerseys.

Unfortunately, it takes a lot of time and a lot of money to run for ANY Office.

Even Town Council.

How do you do it? How do you find the time to campaign, to schmooze, to fund-raise, kiss babies and charm old ladies?

Only certain people can do it. Either the wealthy (many Republicans) or crooks bankrolled by a corrupt organization (Unions, the Mob, the DNC) -- Every dimocrap

So that's what we get. Republicans who too often aren't in touch with regular people or dimocraps who are, literally, the scum of the earth.

I'll go with out-of-touch Republicans who, at least, mean well.

dimocraps are just scum.

Which is why they have an advantage. They don't have rules, ethics, morals, honor or care for The People at all. The only thing they care about is power.... The power that comes from elective Office. It's all they (the DNC) want
They all play "politics as usual", they're all bought and paid for, they're all controlled by Lobbyists, they all owe many favors by the time they're sworn into office, they all have egos, they're all self-serving, they all want power and influence, they all want to climb the political ladder at all cost, once elected to office, they all exert their will, and not the will of the people, they're all corrupt, they're all a part of "The Washington Brotherhood", and all of them will do whatever it takes to get re-elected to office.

Honesty and politics mix like water and oil. Whether one votes for the lesser of two evils, or votes because of their allegiance to a particular party, a vote for a professional politician does the same amount of damage, no difference. And what's even worse, is to vote to re-elect one of them to office. If the light doesn't come on the first time around, then obviously there's a short circuit in the wiring.
Oh, man. What a bummer. Dancing and jigging about as Obama sank in the polls...gleefully starting topics to point out his flagging numbers...

And now his numbers are rising.

That's GOTTA hurt. :badgrin:
you have to wonder if any pollster were being threatened by "The Powers That Be" if they released the real approval numbers of 34%.
Well, they better get started passing those bills for Mom, Apple Pie, and the American way, because all they have so far is right wing crap.
They've only controlled the senate for a few days. Apple pie bills will be on their way.
Let's not forget trying and FAILING to Repeal/Replace the Affordable Health Care over 50+times, that would include the epic face palm Government Shut Down. Oh, and also trying to Ban Abortion while not wanting the Government to be involved in Health Care.
Are you talking about the government shutdown prior to the republican's mid-term shellacking of obama and his policies and the democrat congress and senate?
Obama hits 50 approval rating in poll

WOW! The poor GOP....just when they think they got things going and have a leg up on 2016, the economy takes off, Ebola disappears, and Obama becomes popular....POOR GOP....:alcoholic:


Silly, silly Orgasmic ObamaBots... all ten of 'em still on their feet...
LOL ya the ass kicking the dems got means nothing,depends on what poll your looking at the numbers are all over the place.

Obama and his policies were rejected in a big way,ya he's hitting em out of the park daily. Real problem for the GOP,and you would think after the better part of 8 years the economy should be doing better than it is.

So, let me ask you the same question that Rubio avoided....How does the GOP get 270 EV in 2016, when the Dems start with 246? Tell me.....or just go away.
I find it insanely arrogant of you people with your assumptions that the states with large urban centers are Blue in perpetuity.

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