Obama approval rating at 50%!

Well but that poll may be an outlier. He has moved up some in the polls but he is also slipping back down -- check the gallup daily tracking polls where he moved up but has fallen way back down (51% dissapproval). So while i think the bump he is getting isnt totally imagined - it is very minor, is subsiding and nowehre what the WAPO poll says.

BTW if you accept this poll on Obama approval do you also accept its findings on his immigration action? Strong majority say it should be blocked which also seem to run counter to a lot of other polls. I wouldnt put too much in this poll
When you libs said Obama was at 48% Reuters had him at 32%.

Who are we to believe?

BTW, does anyone know what Obama program improved growth in the economy?


Just after becoming president, Obama reversed Bush & Republicans destructive regulations that forced the USA to fall behind other countries on ground breaking research & development advancing technology.

Under Obama boundary setback regulations were soon lifted for EcoPad Oil Drillers. This caused US oil production to stop falling as it had under the Republicans, and skyrocket the US back into the worlds largest oil producing country.
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This morning on Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough said that every where he goes, if he brings up Jeb Bush people boo.

But I really, really hope that Jeb runs. The more those clowns waste time and money tearing into each other, the more time Hillary has to pad her warchest for the Fall.

I'm cool with it.

Can't remember where now, but I also heard that Jeb Bush is being booed .

But, yes, I also hope they all run. The more the merrier and watching them shred each other really shows how little cohesiveness there is in the GOP.

Serious comment:

Look at this graphic and really think about each one of these clowns.

Pretty scary that this is the best they have to offer.

When you libs said Obama was at 48% Reuters had him at 32%.

Who are we to believe?

BTW, does anyone know what Obama program improved growth in the economy?


Oh, if you want to hold Obama down......use the Rasmussen polls.....they're always lower....to give you hope.

Obama's stupid policies give me that. Ever notice that nothing he submits to congress ever makes it into law, save the sequester, and even he refuses to own up to that abortion.
You said: Obama's stupid policies

What policies are those?
This morning on Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough said that every where he goes, if he brings up Jeb Bush people boo.

But I really, really hope that Jeb runs. The more those clowns waste time and money tearing into each other, the more time Hillary has to pad her warchest for the Fall.

I'm cool with it.

Can't remember where now, but I also heard that Jeb Bush is being booed .

But, yes, I also hope they all run. The more the merrier and watching them shred each other really shows how little cohesiveness there is in the GOP.

Serious comment:

Look at this graphic and really think about each one of these clowns.

Pretty scary that this is the best they have to offer.

Golly, a cartoon. What more could we expect?
When you libs said Obama was at 48% Reuters had him at 32%.

Who are we to believe?

BTW, does anyone know what Obama program improved growth in the economy?


Oh, if you want to hold Obama down......use the Rasmussen polls.....they're always lower....to give you hope.

Obama's stupid policies give me that. Ever notice that nothing he submits to congress ever makes it into law, save the sequester, and even he refuses to own up to that abortion.
Dipshit said: Ever notice that nothing he submits to congress ever makes it into law

Signed Legislation The White House
When you libs said Obama was at 48% Reuters had him at 32%.

Who are we to believe?

BTW, does anyone know what Obama program improved growth in the economy?


Oh, if you want to hold Obama down......use the Rasmussen polls.....they're always lower....to give you hope.

Obama's stupid policies give me that. Ever notice that nothing he submits to congress ever makes it into law, save the sequester, and even he refuses to own up to that abortion.

:D - You need to take your head out of that place......didn't realize just how uninformed you really are.....and this most important one, which was passed in spite of much obtuseness from the right......

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA),[1][2] commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or "Obamacare",[3] is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act,[4] it represents the most significant regulatory overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage ofMedicare and Medicaid in 1965

Bills Signed into Law by Obama

also, realize that Republicans in Congress can be credited for any quagmire......

and now......please list all the bills that Republicans have passed that have improved American middle-class lives' (and I don't mean tax cuts for the rich)

Why did you bring up the Albatross that hangs around the Democrat Party's neck?

You must be a glutton for punishment.
President Obama is back at 50 approval. Here 8217 s how. - The Washington Post
The gains are pretty even across the board, but the biggest are among Democrats (10 points), moderates (10), Hispanics (22), and even white evangelical Christians (10), who generally tilt heavily toward the GOP. Obama also has gained 19 points among adults younger than 30.

Thank you our 2-term, African American President :salute:

Simply amazing, to say the least. Approval of what?
Remember Obama said he was on the ballot in 2014, how'd that work out?
Most voters stayed home but the drooling racist FOX News fossils turned out heavy. You know, the kind of idiots that have no idea that Obama broke Clinton`s record of 51 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector. That too will be on the ballot in 2016:)
it depends on who is doing the poll apparently.....on the pbs the other day they were talking about polls.....they had 5 different ones on Obama,they ranged from 37% to 53% .....the avg of all 5 was 44%....
Thank you our 2-term, African American President :salute:

Yes, that is his only qualification...

P.S. The military salute is a nice touch. Marine corpse, perhaps?
The Democrat party is a coalition of all the despicable greedy special interest groups in America and there are a large number of those bastards.
Remember Obama said he was on the ballot in 2014, how'd that work out?
Most voters stayed home but the drooling racist FOX News fossils turned out heavy. You know, the kind of idiots that have no idea that Obama broke Clinton`s record of 51 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector. That too will be on the ballot in 2016:)

Obama's breaking lots of records: most people unemployed, out of the work force, in poverty, on food stamps, record debt and deficits.

Remember Bensten's "illusions of prosperity" quote? Obama's got that in spades!

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