Obama approval rating at 50%!

Remember Obama said he was on the ballot in 2014, how'd that work out?
Most voters stayed home but the drooling racist FOX News fossils turned out heavy. You know, the kind of idiots that have no idea that Obama broke Clinton`s record of 51 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector. That too will be on the ballot in 2016:)

Obama's breaking lots of records: most people unemployed, out of the work force, in poverty, on food stamps, record debt and deficits.

Remember Bensten's "illusions of prosperity" quote? Obama's got that in spades!
I left the workforce when I was 60 because I don`t need a job. Do you think I should be forced to look for one anyway?
pollfAiL.......last week he was at 37%.:2up:
This week he promised tax cuts for the middle class - he's been taking away from working Americans for so long it's time to give something back - although based on his track record - I'll just assume it's another obamalie .
When you libs said Obama was at 48% Reuters had him at 32%.

Who are we to believe?

BTW, does anyone know what Obama program improved growth in the economy?


Oh, if you want to hold Obama down......use the Rasmussen polls.....they're always lower....to give you hope.

Obama's stupid policies give me that. Ever notice that nothing he submits to congress ever makes it into law, save the sequester, and even he refuses to own up to that abortion.

:D - You need to take your head out of that place......didn't realize just how uninformed you really are.....and this most important one, which was passed in spite of much obtuseness from the right......

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA),[1][2] commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or "Obamacare",[3] is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act,[4] it represents the most significant regulatory overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage ofMedicare and Medicaid in 1965

Bills Signed into Law by Obama

also, realize that Republicans in Congress can be credited for any quagmire......

and now......please list all the bills that Republicans have passed that have improved American middle-class lives' (and I don't mean tax cuts for the rich)

Why did you bring up the Albatross that hangs around the Democrat Party's neck?

You must be a glutton for punishment.

Mertex said: please list all the bills that Republicans have passed that have improved American middle-class lives' (and I don't mean tax cuts for the rich)

Dipshit said:
Why did you bring up the Albatross that hangs around the Democrat Party's neck?

You must be a glutton for punishment


So, according to Dipshit, doing anything good for the American people is an "albatross". Seems the majority of Republicans feel exactly the say way. No wonder every one of their policies fail.
pollfAiL.......last week he was at 37%.:2up:
This week he promised tax cuts for the middle class - he's been taking away from working Americans for so long it's time to give something back - although based on his track record - I'll just assume it's another obamalie .
How can you give something you know has to go through congress?

Oh, I get it. You were pulling that out your butt.
When you libs said Obama was at 48% Reuters had him at 32%.

Who are we to believe?

BTW, does anyone know what Obama program improved growth in the economy?


Oh, if you want to hold Obama down......use the Rasmussen polls.....they're always lower....to give you hope.

Obama's stupid policies give me that. Ever notice that nothing he submits to congress ever makes it into law, save the sequester, and even he refuses to own up to that abortion.

:D - You need to take your head out of that place......didn't realize just how uninformed you really are.....and this most important one, which was passed in spite of much obtuseness from the right......

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA),[1][2] commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or "Obamacare",[3] is a United States federal statute signed into law by President Barack Obama on March 23, 2010. Together with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act,[4] it represents the most significant regulatory overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage ofMedicare and Medicaid in 1965

Bills Signed into Law by Obama

also, realize that Republicans in Congress can be credited for any quagmire......

and now......please list all the bills that Republicans have passed that have improved American middle-class lives' (and I don't mean tax cuts for the rich)

Why did you bring up the Albatross that hangs around the Democrat Party's neck?

You must be a glutton for punishment.

So, I guess you don't have a list? Bwahahah.....not even one? How about Roe v Wade....?
Of course the Hussein is going to use his last two years as a political suicide bomber, he knows his time is up and he will do as much damage as possible before his exit. Just like the Dems of 2006 did in Congress, passing Obamacare knowing it would destroy their political careers.

"the Hussein".

Wow. This is how far many on the Right have sunk. Wow.

Lol, yea, using his middle name is a crime for progs. If using his own name is so low, blame his parents not me.
Dipshit said: Ever notice that nothing he submits to congress ever makes it into law

Signed Legislation The White House
That must be why he makes his own law, like a dictator.

That's why Republican/Conservatives are known as hypocrites and liars......George W. Bush signed more Executive Orders than Obama has, so why don't you consider him a dictator? Or, maybe you didn't really know that.....so many conservatives are so uninformed....:(

President Obama has signed 195 Executive Orders to date during his Administration. The 1461 has included a Free Download of the Official Executive Orders as they become available in the Federal Registry.

This list is complete and current to January 6, 2015. The list was originally started here on the 1461 on January 25 2009.

the 1461 President Obama s Executive Orders

George W. Bush made 284 executive orders. The most of any year was his first year in office when he signed 54.
AnswerParty How many executive orders did George W. Bush sign
The GOP should run Romney, if they want to lose again. That said, still ages till 2016.

They probably will.....they're under the misguided belief that Romney has somehow become more popular. You know the old saying...."third time's a charm"?
Remember Obama said he was on the ballot in 2014, how'd that work out?
Most voters stayed home but the drooling racist FOX News fossils turned out heavy. You know, the kind of idiots that have no idea that Obama broke Clinton`s record of 51 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector. That too will be on the ballot in 2016:)

Obama's breaking lots of records: most people unemployed, out of the work force, in poverty, on food stamps, record debt and deficits.

Remember Bensten's "illusions of prosperity" quote? Obama's got that in spades!

Here's another one with his head stuck in the Faux News bubble...........:)
The Democrat party is a coalition of all the despicable greedy special interest groups in America and there are a large number of those bastards.
so are the Republicans....

Ooh, that's a good one! (Unlike Democrats, most Republicans are not motivated by what they can get from the government.)
are we talking about individuals or special interests groups?....you know what i was talking about....so comment on that....
The GOP should run Romney, if they want to lose again. That said, still ages till 2016.

They probably will.....they're under the misguided belief that Romney has somehow become more popular. You know the old saying...."third time's a charm"?
If they run Romney, they will energize the Democratic base too, which is the opposite of what any Republican party that wants to win should want.
So..... Is the Lying Cocksucker in Chief running for a 3rd Term?

Remember Obama said he was on the ballot in 2014, how'd that work out?
Most voters stayed home but the drooling racist FOX News fossils turned out heavy. You know, the kind of idiots that have no idea that Obama broke Clinton`s record of 51 consecutive months of job growth in the private sector. That too will be on the ballot in 2016:)

Obama's breaking lots of records: most people unemployed, out of the work force, in poverty, on food stamps, record debt and deficits.

Remember Bensten's "illusions of prosperity" quote? Obama's got that in spades!

Here's another one with his head stuck in the Faux News bubble...........:)

I watch Fox News every time you get laid, which is to say never

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