Obama approval rating down 7 points in the last week.

2014 is staring at you and laughing. Keep up the scare tactics Obama!

The american people side with Obama on the sequester just like they did with the fiscal cliff.

The american people know the fascist right is deadset on destroying the nation at all costs to protects their corporate cronies.

Keep it up, I look forward for the democrats to take the house back in 2014 :up:

The stock market hit a new high - sequestration is already proving to be a real problem. If things keep going this way they may want to cut some more.:badgrin:

The stock market keeps going up because the Fed keeps pumping cheap money into the system. You should heed Warren Buffett's cautioning that the stock market is on a "hair trigger" right now. If investors get a whiff of the Fed starting to tighten up the money supply...and at some point they have to since they've accumulated over 3 trillion in bonds they've bought up...Buffett rightly predicts that the market will crash and crash hard.
Only one problem with your wishful thinking, Black...

By 2014 we'll be seeing the true costs and effects of ObamaCare kicking in and when the American people get a taste of how badly that legislation is going to effect health care costs and services in this country they aren't going to rushing out to vote more progressives into office.

The way ObamaCare was designed to roll out was all about getting Barry reelected. Or did you think parts of that legislation taking effect AFTER the election was simply a coincidence? Democrats that voted for what was supposedly a health care "reform" bill to lower costs are going to have to answer for that vote when costs go up and the quality of care plummets.

Oh yeah. And when they get a load of what the ACA is gonna cost em they will be screaming.

All those idiots who re-elected this moron sealed the ACA into law. We are stuck now and I for one am not looking forward to what its going to cost.

Twenty one tax increases in the ACA. It will be anything but affordable and the voters stuck us with it. To bad that only those that voted for Barry and the idiot Dems who passed this POS aren't the only ones who have to pay for it. Jesus. What fucking idiots.
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If the media wasn't in the tank for him I wonder what his polling numbers would look like?
2014 is staring at you and laughing. Keep up the scare tactics Obama!

The american people side with Obama on the sequester just like they did with the fiscal cliff.

The american people know the fascist right is deadset on destroying the nation at all costs to protects their corporate cronies.

Keep it up, I look forward for the democrats to take the house back in 2014 :up:

You make it sound like 100% of the "American People" support Obama... In fact Obama lost 4 million voters for the Democrat party last election. In fact Republicans made up lost ground on Democrats last election, 2% of lost ground. As I said, just as it did under Bush the tide turns in your second term. People (Democrats) have reached the point of not caring, now these people want results... Next will be a huge slip in support, just like Bush experienced.

Of course not all do, but the majority do. The GOP's approval is like 19% right now. The american people are sick and tired of the GOP playing games to tank the economy all in the name to defend their cronies.

The GOP's childish antics cost them direly in 2012 and will again in 2014 unless they get their heads out of their asses.
I dont care about the polls. Especially since he can do whatever the heck he wants with zero accountability to the people.
The american people side with Obama on the sequester just like they did with the fiscal cliff.

The american people know the fascist right is deadset on destroying the nation at all costs to protects their corporate cronies.

Keep it up, I look forward for the democrats to take the house back in 2014 :up:

You make it sound like 100% of the "American People" support Obama... In fact Obama lost 4 million voters for the Democrat party last election. In fact Republicans made up lost ground on Democrats last election, 2% of lost ground. As I said, just as it did under Bush the tide turns in your second term. People (Democrats) have reached the point of not caring, now these people want results... Next will be a huge slip in support, just like Bush experienced.

Of course not all do, but the majority do. The GOP's approval is like 19% right now. The american people are sick and tired of the GOP playing games to tank the economy all in the name to defend their cronies.

The GOP's childish antics cost them direly in 2012 and will again in 2014 unless they get their heads out of their asses.
If the American people can't accept a paltry cut that isn't even really a cut, then we are far gone as a nation.
It's very annoying that Progressives keep pointing at the stock market as to why things are getting better when 40 billion is getting dumped on the bitch every month.

And remember that when the DOW hit 14k under Bush, it just meant that the rich was getting richer and no was indication of the overall economy.
Oh dear....that could jeopardize his re-election hopes.

2014 is staring at you and laughing. Keep up the scare tactics Obama!

The american people side with Obama on the sequester just like they did with the fiscal cliff.

The american people know the fascist right is deadset on destroying the nation at all costs to protects their corporate cronies.

Keep it up, I look forward for the democrats to take the house back in 2014 :up:

After the doom and gllom failed to appear after the sequester took effect, i doubt Americans are siding with Obama anymore. The press sure as hell isn't falling for his shit.

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