Obama Banned From Entering Russia. Hahaha

Yet he's winning, and he's not even using everything he could be using. I'm not his number one fan, but I do like him more than Zelensky and his blackmail victim, Biden (why else would Biden be sending so many billions of dollars to him unless Zelensky had something on him?).

What kind of genius would shut down his 3 billion dollar pipeline to punish the European market for his gas?

We spent enough money and blood on Korea, and there's still a North Korea. I would have given South Korea an ultimatum: Either overthrow North Korea and unify the country, or don't expect any more support from Uncle Sugar.

The fact that you support American proxy wars in other countries has been noted, you warmongering Neo-Con bitch. Ain't it nice when you get to send the young ones to die, so you can sit on your ass and play armchair general?
I find it amusing that Obama, Stephen Colbert, and another 488 Americans have been banned from entering Russia. Good for Putin! Now, if we could just ban the same group from entering America, we'd all be better off.

"In response to a new round of U.S. sanctions, Russia announced Friday that it was banning 500 Americans from entering the country, including former President Barack Obama and comedian Stephen Colbert.

The list released by the Russian Foreign Ministry did not specify complaints against each individual.

However, the ministry said the offenses included people who spread Russophobia, supplied Ukraine with arms and were “directly involved in the persecution of dissidents in the wake of the so-called ‘storm of the Capitol.'”
They found out he was a faggot and Russia don't like faggots.
What kind of genius would shut down his 3 billion dollar pipeline to punish the European market for his gas?

The same kind of "genius" who would shut down an American pipeline like the XL, auction off our oil reserves to the communist Chinese, and punish Americans for wanting to be energy dominant. I have as little respect for Biden as I do Putin.

Except Putin doesn't want to confiscate my guns, so there's that.
The same kind of "genius" who would shut down an American pipeline like the XL, auction off our oil reserves to the communist Chinese, and punish Americans for wanting to be energy dominant. I have as little respect for Biden as I do Putin.

Except Putin doesn't want to confiscate my guns, so there's that.

Keystone XL only benefits Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands. There's no benefit to US consumers or taxpayers. After 11 years you should know that.
True. The system, as intended, was the best mankind could hope for. Amoral, corrupt, and very flawed men and women have exploited the system for their own, self-centered purposes and have turned what could have and should have been a good thing into a governmental, Frankenstein's monster.

The system was a product of its time. Now, 200 something years later, it's still a product of the 18th Century. The Founders put an amendment process in to stop this, but the voters, the politicians can't be bothered.... They like the monster.
The system was a product of its time. Now, 200 something years later, it's still a product of the 18th Century. The Founders put an amendment process in to stop this, but the voters, the politicians can't be bothered.... They like the monster.
It wouldn't matter, though, what system of government they attempt to create for the 21st Century because the same corrupt, power-hungry, control freaks would be in charge, so the result would be the same. More for them and less for the common man.
Keystone XL only benefits Chinese owners of Canadian tarsands. There's no benefit to US consumers or taxpayers. After 11 years you should know that.

You've already tried to make that point and every time, you've been debunked. You've already been caught lying about your birthplace, heritage, childhood, and where you grew up. What makes you think anyone should allow you an ounce of credibility?
You've already tried to make that point and every time, you've been debunked. You've already been caught lying about your birthplace, heritage, childhood, and where you grew up. What makes you think anyone should allow you an ounce of credibility?

I grew up in the Middle East.

Stay stupid, but after 11 years you should know something about Keystone XL pipeline and Nordstream2.
I grew up in the Middle East.

Stay stupid, but after 11 years you should know something about Keystone XL pipeline and Nordstream2.
What team were (are) you on: Al-Qaeda or the Muslim Brotherhood?
I find it amusing that Obama, Stephen Colbert, and another 488 Americans have been banned from entering Russia. Good for Putin! Now, if we could just ban the same group from entering America, we'd all be better off.

"In response to a new round of U.S. sanctions, Russia announced Friday that it was banning 500 Americans from entering the country, including former President Barack Obama and comedian Stephen Colbert.

The list released by the Russian Foreign Ministry did not specify complaints against each individual.

However, the ministry said the offenses included people who spread Russophobia, supplied Ukraine with arms and were “directly involved in the persecution of dissidents in the wake of the so-called ‘storm of the Capitol.'”
If you are siding with Putin, you are a wackjob ir a Russobot. Which is it?
It wouldn't matter, though, what system of government they attempt to create for the 21st Century because the same corrupt, power-hungry, control freaks would be in charge, so the result would be the same. More for them and less for the common man.

But it would matter.

In Germany the cost of their federal election was lower than the cost of one Senate race in the US.

It's difficult to spend money on PR to make success.
With FPTP you can influence the outcome with a small difference.

One was 551 votes, one 660 votes.

In PR this wouldn't matter. Your vote gets put into a national pool.

Take the UK General Election in the UK. The Tories won by 150 seats, but only gained less than 1,000 votes more than the two left wing parties.

I'll finish this post later, I gotta go out.

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