Obama Banned From Entering Russia. Hahaha

Okay, to review, PR means you can't buy success so easily.
Everything has to be done on a national level, so throwing a small amount of money at certain seats, doesn't exist with PR, you have to be able to appeal to people at that national level.

What does this mean for politicians? Well, individuals can't get rich for standing in a certain seat. They have to stand for a political party and do well within that party. That party then has to do well, and the money goes to the party, rather than the individual. Meaning it's less profitable for politicians.
This means those who are most likely to go into politics for the money, and spout crap, will struggle. Unless they make their own party and spout the crap, but people will be less willing to vote for it because they have more choice.

More choice means politicians have to care more what the voters thing. It's not like you have a Rep v. Dem and it depends on what sort of Rep and what sort of Dem you have and then they fight it out on a local level.

Also, take the Reps, a person who is very strong right wing will always vote Rep, because otherwise the Dems will win. Negative voting.

With PR they might vote Rep or they might vote for a party that's similar but stands on different policies.

In Germany the AfD took loads of CDU/CSU (equivalent of the Reps) votes, so the CDU/CSU needs to take a good long look at itself and change its views to be more in tune with the people.
In the US they just advertise with loads of money and expect people to vote for whatever crap they hand out.

Politicians change with PR. They have to be in tune with the votes.

The AfD in Germany appeared in 2013, had gained 12.6% of the votes by 2017. That's a HUGE RISE, the CDU/CSU were absolutely shitting themselves.
In the UK UKIP appeared in the early 1990s, by 2015 they'd gained 12.6% of the vote. But instead of 90 seats like the AfD, they had one. The Tories didn't really need to care much. They simply had a Brexit vote (which many of them wanted anyway) and carried on destroying the UK.
What you say may or may not have a certain level of truth to it. But here's the bottom line:

Quote from Rothschild (Founder of the Rothschild Banking Cartel):

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild international Banking Dynasty, once said, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."

Currently, every nation on earth is beholden to the Rothschild Banking family or one of it's affiliates. So it doesn't matter what form of government a nation adopts ... if they're owned by the bank, they're controlled by the bank.
No no. He was right.

Brandon didn’t do shit. Just as Putin knew.

And the proof is obvious. Putin went into the sovereign nation of Ukraine on Brandon’s watch.
If Trump won he would have pulled us out of NATO & Putin would have waltzed right thru Ukraine, dumbfuck.

And your butt buddy Trump would have sat back & done nothing.
What you say may or may not have a certain level of truth to it. But here's the bottom line:

Quote from Rothschild (Founder of the Rothschild Banking Cartel):

Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild international Banking Dynasty, once said, "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes the laws."

Currently, every nation on earth is beholden to the Rothschild Banking family or one of it's affiliates. So it doesn't matter what form of government a nation adopts ... if they're owned by the bank, they're controlled by the bank.

Well, there are levels of control. Germany is probably far less under their control. The US says "let's invade Iraq", FPTP UK says "OK, our troops want to die there too", Germany says "fuck off".
If you part of the lefty crowd then I don't need any links. What one thinks ... you all think. Like the Borg.

I’ve never argued that the cop did the wrong thing in shooting someone armed. I’ve argued a few times that shooting someone unarmed was justified.

The problem is you don’t actually know any Leftists. Or people not of your own beliefs. You try and fit people into a cookie cutter. Into the mold you created. This makes your image a cartoon. As if cats and mice followed a Tom and Jerry cartoon.
Well, there are levels of control. Germany is probably far less under their control. The US says "let's invade Iraq", FPTP UK says "OK, our troops want to die there too", Germany says "fuck off".
I'd love to see all nations free from debt and completely sovereign. I'm an American nationalist, and I want to see what's best for our nation. I'd like to see our industry come back to life. I'd like to see our borders secured. I'd like to be energy independent. I'd like to see our farmers and ranchers thrive and produce enough food to feed the entire world. I would like to see our education system focus on math, English and spelling, writing, the arts, the trades, self-sufficiency, civil discourse, honest debate, the pros, and cons of all the various ideologies, etc. America truly can be GREAT, but for some reason ... the idea of a "Great America" offends about 50% of our society. It's truly an odd phenomenon.
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I’ve never argued that the cop did the wrong thing in shooting someone armed. I’ve argued a few times that shooting someone unarmed was justified.

The problem is you don’t actually know any Leftists. Or people not of your own beliefs. You try and fit people into a cookie cutter. Into the mold you created. This makes your image a cartoon. As if cats and mice followed a Tom and Jerry cartoon.
How on earth do you know who I know or don't know? What sort of blanket, misrepresentation is that? I've known bunches of lefties. I was born and raised in California. I lived in northern New Jersey. I lived in Pheonix, AZ (Maricopa County). I've known and debated lots of leftists. Why don't you learn a few facts before making blanket judgements.
How on earth do you know who I know or don't know? What sort of blanket, misrepresentation is that? I've known bunches of lefties. I was born and raised in California. I lived in northern New Jersey. I lived in Pheonix, AZ (Maricopa County). I've known and debated lots of leftists. Why don't you learn a few facts before making blanket judgements.

When I asked what quotes of mine led you to believe something. I was told. By you. You didn’t need to look them up. You already knew what all leftists believed. My comments to you were thus supported by your statements.
Yep, must be because of all that "Russian collusion" they have all the evidence for they just can't show us...

You progbots are such useful rubes for the NWO
Trump and Putin's Russia did it in public Trump told them in a speech to go ahead and hack Hillary and friends and that's how he won the election. To mention all the Russian social media garbage that you can't tell from Maga Garbage.
If Trump won he would have pulled us out of NATO & Putin would have waltzed right thru Ukraine, dumbfuck.

And your butt buddy Trump would have sat back & done nothing.
STD clap is forever hostile to the truth; the clap is a proto-typical scumbag libtard.
I'd love to see all nations free from debt and completely sovereign. I'm an American nationalist, and I want to see what's best for our nation. I'd like to see our industry come back to life. I'd like to see our borders secured. I'd like to be energy independent. I'd like to see our farmers and ranchers thrive and produce enough food to feed the entire world. I would like to see our education system focus on math, English and spelling, writing, the arts, the trades, self-sufficiency, civil discourse, honest debate, the pros, and cons of all the various ideologies, etc. America truly can be GREAT, but for some reason ... the idea of a "Great America" offends about 50% of our society. It's truly an odd phenomenon.

The problem is that "Great America" doesn't just happen. It certainly doesn't happen just because someone says "this is what I want".

Different people have views of what a "great" country are. Some think "great" means a country that respects everyone, others think it means being strong
Your views are contradictory. You want everyone to be free of debt and completely sovereign, and yet you want the US to be strong, the two don't go together.
The US became a superpower at the expense of Latin America. It's still poor and that's due to more than a 100 years of US interference. Bush tried to take down Chavez in Venezuela, the US has been controlling Colombian politics for a long time, Mexico suffers because the US is on its border.

Civil discourse and honest debate aren't going to happen, because people don't want that. They want to be told what to think, they want to feel good. Tell them everything's great, they cheer (see Trump as a classic example), don't tell them the bad things and they won't feel bad.
Seth Rich died in a mugging gone bad. His family has asked you to stop spreading lies and conspiracy theories.
Yeah. Just like building 7 melted due to plane fuel. Stop buying the "official" story. It's rarely true.
We're you ever inside the world trade towers?
What difference would that make?

Building 7:

If Trump won he would have pulled us out of NATO & Putin would have waltzed right thru Ukraine, dumbfuck.

And your butt buddy Trump would have sat back & done nothing.
Even though IMO, Trump is a human scumbag - but he would not have given Putin the justification/reason to attack Ukraine in the first place, unlike senile and dumbstruck Biden.

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