Obama/Biden 30 months of unemployment over 9% trump. 5 MONTHS during pandemic

Is there anything this man can’t do?

The man got unemployment under 9% in five months it took Obama Biden 30 months to achieve this wow!

The Republican President left Obama with a recession.
And Obama didn't mishandle a pandemic.
Trump mishandled the pandemic.

Democrats had the house under bush.. that created 10% unemployment

No. The House didn’t create 10% unemployment. The free market built an unsustainable debt bubble in an unregulated financial environment and that caused 10% unemployment.

Aren’t they the law makers? Lol

They are. And?


You’re not terribly smart, are you?

Stick to the topic.. thank you

You raised the topic of what caused the 2008 financial crisis, blaming it on the Democratic controlled House, which is a very easy flag to indicate you don’t actually know anything about the topic, therefore I was trying to educate you about it.

For the record, I've tried this many times, and I finally gave up a while back.

These people are more than happy to fully accept the terribly incomplete and comically distorted version of what caused the Meltdown that has been provided to them, primarily by talk radio, in their sub-reality.

They have no motivation to learn what actually happened, despite the abundance of information available to them. They don't need to know, and they have been stripped of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had.
Obama did the OPPOSITE of stimulating growth, and one big reason was O'BummerCare. We'd have seen some recovery under a monkey. At least Govt. was doing all the spending right, trust me, I was there. Govt., especially anything welfare is counter-productive. Way to go Muslim POTUS Obama.

That said, it's still Obama's ecomoney. He's the best ever, and so black.
To say that Trump is a genius for overseeing a reduction in the unemployment rate when it was his response to the virus that caused it in the first place is...well...bullshit

You mean like Obama's employment rate that didn't include those no longer looking for work and many of them going on public assistance(food stamps)?

Full shutdown wouldn't have been necessary if Trump had done his job. Instead, we got golfing, tweeting, pep rallies, and weekends at Mar-A-Lago, And you want me to be impressed that unemployment is down to 9% in a situation he largely created? LOL. You guys have lost it. The economic carnage could have largely been avoided if we had a competent response team in the White House. Sorry, Trump owns this one.

Trump didn't create the unemployment. He didn't want to shut down the country but the left did, especially once they saw it could benefit them policitcally. Now they are using the economic fallout of the shutdown they are STILL practicing in some states as a political tool to fool the weak minded.

But thank you for the tacit admission that the basis of the Republican platform, deregulation and lack of regulation, led to the biggest financial crisis in generations

Ah, the good ole' left-wing media mind-meld. I will explain below in my response to Mac, who evidently gets his mis-information from the same sources as you.

These people are more than happy to fully accept the terribly incomplete and comically distorted version of what caused the Meltdown that has been provided to them, primarily by talk radio, in their sub-reality.

They have no motivation to learn what actually happened, despite the abundance of information available to them. They don't need to know, and they have been stripped of any intellectual curiosity they may have once had.

Do some research on CFMA. Clinton supported it as did the Democrats in Congress. Either they were too stupid to comprehend what was in the bill or they were complicit.

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