Obama-Biden Lubrication Working! GOP-Like Greece Not Working!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
The September unemployment situation report was better than expected. The Household Survey showed gains in the labor force, and employment, like expected. The Establishment survey was up--private sector mostly--137,000 of those new payrolls.

Employment Situation Summary

Like in Greece, Republican-advoctated disppearance of employment, and default on soverein debt, created the loss of government jobs.

The compare and contrast is on! Obama-Biden want to better than China. GOP wants to worse than Greece!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
The September unemployment situation report was better than expected. The Household Survey showed gains in the labor force, and employment, like expected. The Establishment survey was up--private sector mostly--137,000 of those new payrolls.

Employment Situation Summary

Like in Greece, Republican-advoctated disppearance of employment, and default on soverein debt, created the loss of government jobs.

The compare and contrast is on! Obama-Biden want to better than China. GOP wants to worse than Greece!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

Unemployment Stuck at 9.1 Percent in September; 103,000 Jobs Added, 200,000 lost - ABC News

:eusa_eh: So no job growth and steady unemployment is good news?
Yeap that economy killing debt ceiling stunt really worked out well for the right huh?
The September unemployment situation report was better than expected. The Household Survey showed gains in the labor force, and employment, like expected. The Establishment survey was up--private sector mostly--137,000 of those new payrolls.

Employment Situation Summary

Like in Greece, Republican-advoctated disppearance of employment, and default on soverein debt, created the loss of government jobs.

The compare and contrast is on! Obama-Biden want to better than China. GOP wants to worse than Greece!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

Unemployment Stuck at 9.1 Percent in September; 103,000 Jobs Added, 200,000 lost - ABC News

:eusa_eh: So no job growth and steady unemployment is good news?

Better then expected news.

In any case..it's good news. August numbers were revised as well.
The September unemployment situation report was better than expected. The Household Survey showed gains in the labor force, and employment, like expected. The Establishment survey was up--private sector mostly--137,000 of those new payrolls.

Employment Situation Summary

Like in Greece, Republican-advoctated disppearance of employment, and default on soverein debt, created the loss of government jobs.

The compare and contrast is on! Obama-Biden want to better than China. GOP wants to worse than Greece!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

Unemployment Stuck at 9.1 Percent in September; 103,000 Jobs Added, 200,000 lost - ABC News

:eusa_eh: So no job growth and steady unemployment is good news?

Better then expect news.

In any case..it's good news.

If unemployment went down to 9% or we created more than zero net new jobs I would totally agree with you.

However, we lost more jobs and the percent unemployed did not go down so I call this bad news. Yeah it could have been worse but it still isn't good.
The September unemployment situation report was better than expected. The Household Survey showed gains in the labor force, and employment, like expected. The Establishment survey was up--private sector mostly--137,000 of those new payrolls.

Employment Situation Summary

Like in Greece, Republican-advoctated disppearance of employment, and default on soverein debt, created the loss of government jobs.

The compare and contrast is on! Obama-Biden want to better than China. GOP wants to worse than Greece!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"

The Greeks were pushed into these crazy loans to upgrade their military. That's what happened.

Greece’s Military Procurement through 2007 and Beyond | Balkanalysis

Better then expect news.

In any case..it's good news.

If unemployment went down to 9% or we created more than zero net new jobs I would totally agree with you.

However, we lost more jobs and the percent unemployed did not go down so I call this bad news. Yeah it could have been worse but it still isn't good.

Well since so many are looking for a collapse in employment numbers due to government inaction...it hasn't taken place.

I'm in the mind that the stimulus was far to small and in any case the economy is going to need a lot of tweaking before it gets humming again. Standing flat footed and not addressing the problems..is basically a big problem.

Considering we have so much infrastructure in disrepair, there is growing need for new green tech, our transportation, telecommunications and energy grids are in sore need of upgrades...this is the perfect time to get it done.

South Korea has had wireless communications available on their subways for almost a decade. SOUTH KOREA! And New York, just now, wired 30 stops. And that's a major victory.


Better then expect news.

In any case..it's good news.

If unemployment went down to 9% or we created more than zero net new jobs I would totally agree with you.

However, we lost more jobs and the percent unemployed did not go down so I call this bad news. Yeah it could have been worse but it still isn't good.

So, where are all the new "net" jobs created by the wealthy, I mean, "job creators" since the GOP forced Obama to extend the Bush era tax cuts for them?
Dis, dat, de udder ting.
Blah, blah, blah; yadda, yadda, yadda.​

NOTHING is going to change until we have taxes fair through simplicity accompanied by a budget that is balanced by law.

The first place to end the corruption is in the tax code. Next comes campaign financing reform and / or term limits. Steve Jobs was right when he said that the thing that makes life work is death.

Punishing the wealthy now is no more the answer than punishing the working class was in 2003.

The first rule of accounting is to stop the bleeding. Second rule is to move on in a direction that makes sense.

Fair taxes, a budget balanced by law and then build an responsible free-market economy your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.
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Better then expect news.

In any case..it's good news.

If unemployment went down to 9% or we created more than zero net new jobs I would totally agree with you.

However, we lost more jobs and the percent unemployed did not go down so I call this bad news. Yeah it could have been worse but it still isn't good.

So, where are all the new "net" jobs created by the wealthy, I mean, "job creators" since the GOP forced Obama to extend the Bush era tax cuts for them?

GOP forced? They forced Barry to say no time to raise taxes in such economic conditions? Geez, I knew the clown had a lot of negatives but a pushover too? Who knew?
Better then expect news.

In any case..it's good news.

If unemployment went down to 9% or we created more than zero net new jobs I would totally agree with you.

However, we lost more jobs and the percent unemployed did not go down so I call this bad news. Yeah it could have been worse but it still isn't good.

So, where are all the new "net" jobs created by the wealthy, I mean, "job creators" since the GOP forced Obama to extend the Bush era tax cuts for them?


The senate dems blocked the GOPs bills that would have helped.

Also the dems control the senate and the white house so no one on the right in the govt can "force" them to do anything.

Don't get all hackish on me dude! Lets stay on topic ;).
Dis, dat, de udder ting.
Blah, blah, blah; yadda, yadda, yadda.​

NOTHING is going to change until we have taxes fair through simplicity accompanied by a budget that is balanced by law.

The first place to end the corruption is in the tax code. Next comes campaign financing reform and / or term limits. Steve Jobs was right when he said that the thing that makes life work is death.

Punishing the wealthy now is no more the answer than punishing the working class was in 2003.

The first rule of accounting is to stop the bleeding. Second rule is to move on in a direction that makes sense.

Fair taxes, a budget balanced by law and then build an responsible free-market economy your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.

What nation ever had a "balanced budget" requirement? I think there is only one other nation on earth with a debt ceiling. And they don't even pay attention to it.

Government is NOT a business. And if it was..we'd be in trouble. Lots of it.

Government has to deal with emergencies like disease outbreaks, natural disasters, war, crime and a myriad of other challenges there are absolutely no "profit" in. That's why it exists. Trying to hamstring a robust approach to dealing with challenges will lead to big trouble.

But that also has cost. And that has to be paid. By all of us.
If unemployment went down to 9% or we created more than zero net new jobs I would totally agree with you.

However, we lost more jobs and the percent unemployed did not go down so I call this bad news. Yeah it could have been worse but it still isn't good.

So, where are all the new "net" jobs created by the wealthy, I mean, "job creators" since the GOP forced Obama to extend the Bush era tax cuts for them?


The senate dems blocked the GOPs bills that would have helped.

Also the dems control the senate and the white house so no one on the right in the govt can "force" them to do anything.

Don't get all hackish on me dude! Lets stay on topic ;).

Which bills would those be, specifically? The GOP (Cantor, Boehner) stated they would NOT work on any additional legislation until Obama extended the Bush era tax cuts for the wealthy, I mean "job creators"....yes?
Dis, dat, de udder ting.
Blah, blah, blah; yadda, yadda, yadda.​

NOTHING is going to change until we have taxes fair through simplicity accompanied by a budget that is balanced by law.

The first place to end the corruption is in the tax code. Next comes campaign financing reform and / or term limits. Steve Jobs was right when he said that the thing that makes life work is death.

Punishing the wealthy now is no more the answer than punishing the working class was in 2003.

The first rule of accounting is to stop the bleeding. Second rule is to move on in a direction that makes sense.

Fair taxes, a budget balanced by law and then build an responsible free-market economy your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.

What nation ever had a "balanced budget" requirement? I think there is only one other nation on earth with a debt ceiling. And they don't even pay attention to it.

Government is NOT a business. And if it was..we'd be in trouble. Lots of it.

Government has to deal with emergencies like disease outbreaks, natural disasters, war, crime and a myriad of other challenges there are absolutely no "profit" in. That's why it exists. Trying to hamstring a robust approach to dealing with challenges will lead to big trouble.

But that also has cost. And that has to be paid. By all of us.

What should this figure be?

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

A Trillion? 2 Trillion? What?
If unemployment went down to 9% or we created more than zero net new jobs I would totally agree with you.

However, we lost more jobs and the percent unemployed did not go down so I call this bad news. Yeah it could have been worse but it still isn't good.

So, where are all the new "net" jobs created by the wealthy, I mean, "job creators" since the GOP forced Obama to extend the Bush era tax cuts for them?


The senate dems blocked the GOPs bills that would have helped.

Also the dems control the senate and the white house so no one on the right in the govt can "force" them to do anything.

Don't get all hackish on me dude! Lets stay on topic ;).

And what "bills" were those? Bush got nearly everything he wanted except SSI "reform".

Bankruptcy laws were changed..and they bashed the average joe while keeping corporations "protected".

Overtime rules were changed to favor corporations.

Bush reversed a whole mess of Clinton environmental protection laws including ones concerning logging...and snowmobiles in parks.

Regulatory agencies were defunded and told not to do their jobs.

There were tax holidays for oversea's profits.

In short..business and the wealthy had a field day during the Bush administration. And to thank the government for "getting out of the way"..the merged like crazy, sent manufacturing overseas, gave themselves huge bonuses, figured out schemes to hide profit and make mo' money and basically eviserated employment in this country.

The gravy train has got to stop. We don't need more Kabillionaires.
Dis, dat, de udder ting.
Blah, blah, blah; yadda, yadda, yadda.​

NOTHING is going to change until we have taxes fair through simplicity accompanied by a budget that is balanced by law.

The first place to end the corruption is in the tax code. Next comes campaign financing reform and / or term limits. Steve Jobs was right when he said that the thing that makes life work is death.

Punishing the wealthy now is no more the answer than punishing the working class was in 2003.

The first rule of accounting is to stop the bleeding. Second rule is to move on in a direction that makes sense.

Fair taxes, a budget balanced by law and then build an responsible free-market economy your kids can drive to the stars.

:smoke: It ain't rocket science, y'all.

What nation ever had a "balanced budget" requirement? I think there is only one other nation on earth with a debt ceiling. And they don't even pay attention to it.

Government is NOT a business. And if it was..we'd be in trouble. Lots of it.

Government has to deal with emergencies like disease outbreaks, natural disasters, war, crime and a myriad of other challenges there are absolutely no "profit" in. That's why it exists. Trying to hamstring a robust approach to dealing with challenges will lead to big trouble.

But that also has cost. And that has to be paid. By all of us.

What should this figure be?

Government - Interest Expense on the Debt Outstanding

A Trillion? 2 Trillion? What?

I dunno.

First time in history we had a tax cut while starting 2 full shootin' wars.

That's gotta be paid for..

War Bonds?

Think Big Oil will buy in?

The SEC under Bush refused to impliment the broker rules for nearly 7 years allowing the banks to hire and whoever they wanted and train them just enough to sell the toxic shit and not enough to understand the toxic shit they were selling

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