Obama blames "bad apple insurers" for canceled insurance plans


Gold Member
Jun 20, 2006
Obama doesn't seem to be saying that the insurance companies are "bad apples" for cancelling people's insurance policies. Rather, he seems to be saying that companies were "bad apples" for offering insurance polices to start with, that didn't conform to the standards Barack Obama thinks they should have conformed to... leading to Obamacare forcing them to be cancelled today.

Somehow this does not comfort me. How were these companies to know, five or ten or twenty years ago, that Barack Obama would come up with new "standards" far in the future, that said if a policy didn't cover treatment for mental health issues, or didn't cover maternity treatment for male policyholders, etc., it was somehow deficient or "not good enough"? Especially since millions of people wanted those policies and were happy to get them and pay for them?

Barack Obama seems to feel he is qualified to overrule the decisions people made about their own personal health care, and substitute his own judgement on what is good for them. Or maybe it's the Congress that he feels is qualified to overrule people's personal decisions.

Considering what he is now imposing on everyone whether they like it or not (polls have NEVER shown a majority of American people in favor of Obamacare), should we re-evaluate whether he is really that qualified, to decide for us what's the best health insurance for us?


Obama blames ?bad apple insurers? for canceled insurance plans

Obama blames ‘bad apple insurers’ for canceled insurance plans

By Aaron Blake
October 30 at 5:30 pm

Fact-checkers and journalists have ruled that Obama wasn't being truthful when he claimed that people who liked their insurance could keep it. Obama during a speech in Boston sought to cast the issue Wednesday as trying to weed out "bad apple insurers" who don't provide enough coverage.

"One of the things health reform was designed to do was to help not only the uninsured but also the under-insured," Obama said. "And there are a number of Americans, fewer than 5 percent of Americans, who've got cut-rate plans that don't offer real financial protection in the event of a serious illness or an accident.

"Remember, before the Affordable Care Act, these bad apple insurers had free rein every single year to limit the care that you received or used minor pre-existing conditions to jack up your premiums or bill you into bankruptcy."
US Army reporter asked Frank Zappa just who does he think will defend the country without the army? Zappa’s reply: “From what? The biggest threat to America today is it’s own federal government…. Will the Army protect anybody from the FBI? The IRS? The CIA? The Republican Party? The Democratic Party?....The biggest dangers we face today don’t even need to sneak past our billion dollar defense system….they issue the contracts for them.”
The Federal government may presently be our biggest enemy.

But it is not our only enemy.
Obama blames "bad apple insurers" for canceled insurance plans

Of course he does! Wouldn't expect anything else from our dear dodging leader. He plays the blame game to win.
Triple down baby! Blame the insurance companies for following laws and regulations.

The mojo ain't there anymore. People are just not going to believe him.

Nothing like a big whack to the monthly budget to get the attention of the average Joe. They look at their new insurance premiums and say "Shit, I could lease a BMW for that."

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