Obama Called Fluke but Said Nothing to Tornado Victims

What do these three have in common?

Cindi Sheehan
Lauren Valle
Sandra Fluke

All are leftwing activists used by the democrats for a designed purpose.
Kind, caring, compassionate Obama calls abortion activist to offer his condolences over being called a slut....and ignores tornado victims. His priorities are clear - Politics first, nation second.

(Quote from some right-wing blog)

Obama Called Fluke but Said Nothing to Tornado Victims | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier



A White House release says Obama was briefed by FEMA director Craig Fugate before the call, and pledged the emergency response agency is poised to provide assistance to state recovery efforts if necessary. The president offered condolences to the victims of the storms and acknowledged it may be days before the full extent of damage is known.

So, he sent condolences, called the state leaders, and most importantly, told them that he was ready to send all the aid they needed.

Wow, what an asshole! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You know, I bet those storm victims sure would have appreciated a personal phone call... You know, instead of federal aid.

Yeah, you know, when I lose my house, I'd definitely want a call from the president... instead of food and shelter for my family.
"Mommy" little Susie said, "I don't care about our house and all my friends being dead, I just want a call from the President, and that will make everything all better."

"I know little Susie", her mom replied, " After all, we don't really need a meal and a place to stay the night, we just need to have some government official call us and try to cheer us up with some empty rhetoric in our time of need."
What do these three have in common?

Cindi Sheehan
Lauren Valle
Sandra Fluke

All are leftwing activists used by the democrats for a designed purpose.

You don't really think that women are simply to be used, do you? They have their own agenda and their own story... they set it and stick to it.

Don't just accuse the women of simply being used.
Will he call any of the Bible thumping grease spots?

Sickening Cruelty: Libtalker Mocks Tornado Victims - YouTube

Yet none of us is calling for his sponsors to drop him
He called the GOVERNORS of the states wherein the tragedies occurred. Should he call the thousands that suffered because of hundred tornadoes?

I am NOT an Obama sponsor.
He could make a public statement. But he would only be pretending to care.
See, this is why Bush failed with Katrina...

Like these dumb-asses, he apparently thought that the phone-call and the photo-op was more important to the victims than the federal aid.

Now I understand.
Kind, caring, compassionate Obama calls abortion activist to offer his condolences over being called a slut....and ignores tornado victims. His priorities are clear - Politics first, nation second.

(Quote from some right-wing blog)

Obama Called Fluke but Said Nothing to Tornado Victims | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier


Obama Calls Governors of Storm-Ravaged States - ABC News

A White House release says Obama was briefed by FEMA director Craig Fugate before the call, and pledged the emergency response agency is poised to provide assistance to state recovery efforts if necessary. The president offered condolences to the victims of the storms and acknowledged it may be days before the full extent of damage is known.

So, he sent condolences, called the state leaders, and most importantly, told them that he was ready to send all the aid they needed.

Wow, what an asshole! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

You know, I bet those storm victims sure would have appreciated a personal phone call... You know, instead of federal aid.

Yeah, you know, when I lose my house, I'd definitely want a call from the president... instead of food and shelter for my family.

uh huh, like bush could have gotten away with the 3rd handed hey I feel your pain, you guys seriously......you called the tune, now listen to the music.


WASHINGTON — President Bush has shown that he can be empathetic, sensitive and decisive. But those qualities eluded him for days after Hurricane Katrina, and the lapse could become a defining moment of his White House tenure.

USATODAY.com - A compassionate Bush was absent right after Katrina
According to the White House, Obama spoke with the Governors of Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio, States most affected, to offer federal aid and conveyed his condolences to the families of all the victims.

Also, President Obama called Andy Fetchik, Principal of Chardon High School....to express his condolences following the shooting that took place Monday morning. The President told Principal Fetchik that he was heartbroken by the shooting and asked how the principal and the school community were holding up during these difficult days. The President told Principal Fetchik that he and the First Lady are keeping the entire Chardon High School Community in their thoughts and prayers.

Now why don't all of you ignorant right wingers take a flying leap.


Obama offers help after the tornadoes in the U.S., that are still causing victims

President Obama calls Chardon High principal, expresses condolences | cleveland.com
kind, caring, compassionate obama calls abortion activist to offer his condolences over being called a slut....and ignores tornado victims. His priorities are clear - politics first, nation second.

president obama friday took time out of his day to make a politically motivated call a georgetown law student who had been insulted by rush limbaugh, but he failed to utter a single public statement or make any calls – as far as we know – related to the tornadoes raging the same day across the midwest.

The tornadoes have so far killed at least 39 people. The georgetown law student had her feelings hurt.

The student, a “reproductive rights” activist named sandra fluke, was called a slut and and a prostitute by limbaugh over her support for forcing religious institutions to cover birth control.

By phoning fluke, obama was helping steer controversy over the obamacare birth control coverage mandate away from a discussion damaging to the president about forcing leaders of religious institutions to violate their conscience, and instead toward a battle over women’s health rights.

But as he worked on his political objectives, obama passed up several opportunities to mention the tornadoes, failing to appear at the white house and saying nothing about the storms during remarks friday afternoon to a “conservation conference” at the department of the interior.

He didn’t even release a written statement, though he managed to put out a “notice of continuation of the national emergency with respect to the situation in zimbabwe.”

obama called fluke but said nothing to tornado victims | the blog on obama: White house dossier


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