Obama Campaign Concedes Their 5 Trillion Attack Is Not True


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q0g8COdYcU0&feature=player_embedded]Obama Campaign Concedes Their 5 Trillion Attack Is Not True - YouTube[/ame]

So Obama is the one who is the liar.. Who knew :badgrin:
That seems to be the case according to what the media proffers, Lovebears, but not among people I know.

I watched the video from start to finish. The Obama spokesperson's last thing said was the five trillion was true.

I don't think she was telling the truth, and I'm sick of the Democrat people sending brainwashed college grads fresh out of college claiming it's true when it isn't in the least bit true.
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Why do people believe in one economic model instead of looking for what works??? Printing money out of thin air to spend on nothing=failure.
That is the way too many politicos, including Obama, work. Create a strawman, and then when the person you made the strawman up about denies your strawman, you call him a liar.

LIBERAL: All Tea Partiers want to send black people back to Africa.

TEA PARTIER: I do not want to send black people back to Africa.


UNCONSERVATIVE: People who are opposed to Voter ID don't believe fraud occurs and want illegals to vote.

OPPONENT: I don't believe either one of those things.


OBAMA: Mitt Romney promises 5 trillion dollars in tax cuts.


OBAMA: Liar!

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The Romney tax plan is:

1. $4.8 trillion in lower revenues
2. ???
3. Revenue neutrality

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
I love how the Romney campaign refuses to provide the numbers, and the source of the numbers - loophole closings et al -

that they use to get their 'revenue neutral' claim, and then,

they turn around and accuse the analysts of being inaccurate because they're not using the numbers that Romney won't give them.

It's beautiful!!!!!!!!!!

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