Obama can save Biden from being charged with a crime, but then he also exonerates Trump

I kind of like this, shows how two faced liberals are. We need to go back to the threads where these loons were wanting Trump to be prosecuted for legally having classified documents.
tramp knowingly took classified documents to Florida.
tramp knowingly took classified documents to Florida.
there is no proof of that. meanwhile xiden knowingly took very specific top secret information dealing with countries hunter was doing business with, hide them for 6 years…including moving them to nunneries locations, and even hiding some in folders he labeled personal
What a catch-22! Biden can be charged with crime for stealing classified documents when he was VP, and the only way he can excuse this if it Obama says he declassified them and allowed their removal. But then, Obama will in the process exonerate Trump for doing the same. How delicious.

(Of course, this won’t save Biden if it turns out he was using that classified info to enrich his own family via dealings with the Communists.)

What the f makes you think Obama has any interest in undertaking corrupt acts for Biden?

Just because your Cheeto God is a corrupt abuser of whatever official power he ever gets, doesn't mean everyone else is willing to sell out their integrity at a drop of a hat.

Biden is a sitting President and CAN'T be charged. But if he broke the law, he should face the consequences after he leaves office, just like Trump.
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The only real question is whether the documents had classification markings on them. That was the justification for the raid on Mar-a-Lago. They certainly did not ask Trump whether he had declassified the documents that he held. We know they found no evidence of a crime, by the fact that the DOJ/FBI/DNC has not indicted him.

Just as we understood about the documents at Mar-a-Lago, the power to classify and de-classify is the president's to use and delegate as he sees fit. There was no specified process that Obama/Biden needed to go through to de-classify the documents. If Obama says that he de-classified them, we have no way to contradict that. If Biden says that he de-classified them under authority delegated by Obama, no one but Obama could contradict that.

It is a mildly amusing example # 5,000,006 of Democrook hypocricy.
The only real question is whether the documents had classification markings on them. That was the justification for the raid on Mar-a-Lago.
No, justification for raiding Mar-a-Lago was persistent Trump's refusal to fully co-operate with NA requests and subpoenas for documents. FBI knew of specific documents Trump withheld and had reasonable suspicion obstruction is taking palce.

Here is a warrant to raid Trump, read it.

there is probable cause to believe that additional documents that contain classified NDI or that are Presidential records subject to record retention requirements currently remain at the PREMISES. There is also probable cause to believe that evidence of obstruction will be found at the PREMISES.

DOJ has no probable cause Biden is withholding or obstructing something. Nobody requested any documents from his lawyers, they voluntarily submitted what they've found and Biden is fully co-operating with the resulting investigation.
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I do believe that this is the road being taken by the democrats to eliminate any possibility for a Biden run
for the 2024 WH.
Any thoughts?
I'm sure that they don't want him to run. I doubt they need to go through this much effort to convince him not to run. They could just start referring to this as his "second term," when talking to him, asking who he will endorse in the last year of his second term, 2024, etc.

Either that, or Jeffery Epstein him. Blame Trump for his suicide, and make him a martyr.
No, justification for raiding Mar-a-Lago was persistent Trump's refusal to fully co-operate with NA requests and subpoenas for documents. FBI knew of specific documents Trump withheld.

Here is a warrant to raid Trump, read it.

there is probable cause to believe that additional documents that contain classified NDI or that are Presidential records subject to record retention requirements currently remain at the PREMISES. There is also probable cause to believe that evidence of obstruction will be found at the PREMISES.
DOJ has no probable cause Biden is withholding something, nobody requested any documents from his lawyers, they submitted what they found voluntarily.
That was the false justification.

We know it was false, because they have not indicted him after seven years of desperately seeking a crime.
I'm sure that they don't want him to run. I doubt they need to go through this much effort to convince him not to run. They could just start referring to this as his "second term," when talking to him, asking who he will endorse in the last year of his second term, 2024, etc.

Either that, or Jeffery Epstein him. Blame Trump for his suicide, and make him a martyr.

Or, they could just have him give a press conference without the pre-selection of reporters he calls on…..and simply answer questions without reading from a script someone else wrote.
What a catch-22! Biden can be charged with crime for stealing classified documents when he was VP, and the only way he can excuse this if it Obama says he declassified them and allowed their removal. But then, Obama will in the process exonerate Trump for doing the same. How delicious.

(Of course, this won’t save Biden if it turns out he was using that classified info to enrich his own family via dealings with the Communists.)

Don't underestimate he'll fuck it up.
Barrack H. Obama
Whether the documents were classified or not doesn't prevent Trump from being charged. He stole official records from the White House when leaving office. That is a felony under the Presidential Records Act. It doesn't matter whether the documents were classifed. All documents belonging to the White House are covered by this law.

Also, Trump's claims that he declassifed the documents are worthless. Saying something was declassifed isn't enough. The law requires that a certain protocol is followed to make it official. The President has the authority to order a document be declassified, but if his staff does not follow proper procedure and change the classification markings on those documents, than those documents are still classified. The markings on the documents determine it's official status. Any documents found on Trump's property that were still marked as classified were still legally classified.

Same with Biden. The documents he had were classified, since they were still marked as such. All that matters in his case is whether or not he intentionally kept them. The fact that they were still locked away in a secure office, instead of a unlocked broom closet like with Trump is a good start. If they can't prove that he knowingly kept them, negligence is the most they could charge him with, but I would highly doubt they would bother, it was his staff wo found and returned the documents.
What a catch-22! Biden can be charged with crime for stealing classified documents when he was VP, and the only way he can excuse this if it Obama says he declassified them and allowed their removal. But then, Obama will in the process exonerate Trump for doing the same. How delicious.

(Of course, this won’t save Biden if it turns out he was using that classified info to enrich his own family via dealings with the Communists.)

Look at you, gleefully jumping to conclusions, based on assumptions of facts not in evidence. And then you go straight to conspiracy theories. How very Republican of you!!! And stupid.

You said this was NOTHING when Trump did it, and yet Trump KNEW he was taking documents, lied about having them, refused to return them, and whined like a little bitch when the FBI served him with a legal search warrant.

You can't claim this was NOTHING when Trump did it, with intent and malice, and then demand Biden be impeached for cooperating with officials. That's the REAL double standard here.
Whether the documents were classified or not doesn't prevent Trump from being charged. He stole official records from the White House when leaving office. That is a felony under the Presidential Records Act. It doesn't matter whether the documents were classifed. All documents belonging to the White House are covered by this law.
I respectfully disagree with this with this argument. I believe that this something that you read or heard somewhere. I do not believe that you are referring to the original source document that is the text of the presidential records act which is here:

Read it through and you will see that it has no criminal penalties at all. It does state that presidential records are the property of of the public and not the personal property of the president. Any prosecution of a former president or other official for stealing copies of documents would have to rely on the value of the stolen property in determining the level of crime. Boxes and boxes of printed paper would actually be less valuable than blank paper usable for printing. It's value would be whatever a recycling center would pay for it. Old paper has long been used in the making of new paper, so there is some value:


Make the leap that Trump actually "stole" a complete ton and the value is still under one hundred dollars, which does not amout to a felony in any state.

Taking paper out of the White House on the way out is "theft" in the same way a Postal worker "steals" by not emptying their pockets of government pens and paper clips before going home.

I believe that you misunderstand the purpose and spirit of the PRA. It was passed after Nixon to ensure that presidential records be recognized as property of the taxpayers, and are not wrongfully destroyed or taken to hide them, or wrongfully sold for their information. It is not intended to ensure that no departing president ever keeps a copy of any piece of paper generated in the White House.

Suppose Trump had invited his cronies to gloat over the fact that he released the transcript of his call to Volodymyr Zelenskyy and sandbagged the Democrats who thought they could trash him based on false descriptions of it. Suppose he made copies of the transcripts, autographed them and gave them away. Of course that would not be a crime.

Also, Trump's claims that he declassifed the documents are worthless. Saying something was declassifed isn't enough. The law requires that a certain protocol is followed to make it official. The President has the authority to order a document be declassified, but if his staff does not follow proper procedure and change the classification markings on those documents, than those documents are still classified. The markings on the documents determine it's official status. Any documents found on Trump's property that were still marked as classified were still legally classified.
I disagree with this, but it has been hashed and rehashed, and the part in blue disproven many times.
Same with Biden. The documents he had were classified, since they were still marked as such. All that matters in his case is whether or not he intentionally kept them. The fact that they were still locked away in a secure office, instead of a unlocked broom closet like with Trump is a good start. If they can't prove that he knowingly kept them, negligence is the most they could charge him with, but I would highly doubt they would bother, it was his staff wo found and returned the documents.
Suffice to say, I don't think either Trump or Biden should or could be charged with a crime for being a former president or VP who took documents - classified or not - from the White House. Their is no credible evidence for the part in blue. Again, I think you are listening to or reading people say that, without seeing the evidence for yourself. Because their is none.

I blame Biden much more for hiding his Senatorial records in the wake of Tara Reade's accusation of sexual misconduct, which she claims would be backed up by the information that Biden is hidin'.
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What a catch-22! Biden can be charged with crime for stealing classified documents when he was VP, and the only way he can excuse this if it Obama says he declassified them and allowed their removal. But then, Obama will in the process exonerate Trump for doing the same. How delicious.

(Of course, this won’t save Biden if it turns out he was using that classified info to enrich his own family via dealings with the Communists.)

My God, how ridiculously stupid. Biden immediately returned the forgotten files. Trump hid 88 boxes and lied about them.
My God, how ridiculously stupid. Biden immediately returned the forgotten files. Trump hid 88 boxes and lied about them.
Haha immediately? They dated back to His time as VP, and Senator! At minimum 6 years and older! Haha

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