Obama Could Learn From Hitler

While the expansion of the autobahn happened under Hitler's watch and beyond, construction had begun long before he took office. He does not get credit for the autobahn.

German Myth 8 - Hitler's Autobahn?

If Obama used Hitler's method of employment, he would first have to do away with many of the modern equipment and force people to build things the hard way. That would extend the time the jobs took and temporarily make the economy better. Of course, finding people these days who want to work the old fashioned way would be a neat trick. I am trying to imagine the life-long government dependents doing hard labor all day long. Won't happen. I also can't imagine the preppies who were drawing $120,000 a year taking labor jobs for much less. Many wouldn't even take a cut in pay to do similar work. One turned down an $85,000 job because it was considerably less than his previous salary.

In the day when people expected to work to put food on the table, they would take any job. That is not the case these days and people are better at waiting for their monthly stipend from government.

Obamacare killed jobs and Obama refuses to repeal it. Many jobs have been permanently lost and others are on shaky ground. I think Obama prefers dependents who need him and the Dems. He even removed the work requirement from welfare, so able-bodied recipients do not have to actively look for work in order to receive aid.

Why do some forever try to look for the good in Hitler? He didn't even create the jobs, an expert he appointed did. Hitler just took credit for things he wasn't smart enough to accomplish. The only thing he gets full credit for is the Holocaust.
We don't need to look at history's greatest villain to know what our economy needs, ie an infrastructure jobs act, or that today's brainwashed, mindlessly ideological TP GOP won't invest in the USA or do anything to help Obama and thus the country...
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Socio-political thinkers unfettered by submission to the power of the pejorative are the only ones you see on this board that have the ability to engage in analytical thinking of any significance.

Such labels as racist, fascist, communist, and reductionist have no power over us.

If you are interested in exploring the important issues of the day without the limiting fear of words or labels, then consider yourself someone who can make a difference.

The function of language is twofold: to facilitate communication, understanding, and thought, or to prevent it. Truth seekers make no attempt either to be politically correct, or to offend, nor do we use language to prevent communication, understanding, and thought.

The moron's emotional responses on this board to the ideas and comments found in the posts of truth seekers are solely your own....deal wid it chumps.

In the meantime try and stick to the topic of this thread......how Adolph Hitler solved Germany's unemployment probem and could Obama learn something from how that was accomplished?

I think it time Obama's team brought in people that can think outside the box of constraints imposed upon them by political correctness. Desperate times call for desperte measures.....the longer the problem of unemployment festers the greater the desperation will grow and the more radical the solution must be.

I guess I'll have to assume you purposefully disqualified yourself from the "Socio-political thinkers". That's very tricky.

It has been answered. No. It would not be appropriate to outlaw opposing political parties. Nor would it be appropriate to purge the ranks of the remaining party of by killing those who are viewed as a threat. Nothing to be learned. We'll have to do something else. Although I suppose in theory if one were to follow in Hitler's' footsteps solving the unemployment problem would be minor, Just disenfranchise and entire group of people. Steal all their possessions and then work them to death as slave laborers. Outlaw unions and build an even bigger war machine.....jobs for everyone.
Hitler's treatment of the Jews had nothing to do with the economic miracle he accomplished in 3 short years.

What Hitler actually did to bring Germany out of the Great Depression......

Hitler introduced a number of measures that pulled Germany out of the Great Depression before any other major industrial power.

Firstly, an economic expert, President of the Reichsbank Hjalmar Schacht, was put in charge of the economy (none of the leading Nazis knew much about economics) as Minister of Economics.He decided to implement Keynesian economics on a massive scale.

He thus began a large Public Works program to reduce unemployment. The main manifestation of this was the building of the autobahns, the German motorway network.Work on the autobahns was deliberately made labour intensive, with as few heavy machines used as possible, in order to prolong the construction time.This meant more jobs were provided over a longer period of time.

Secondly, all materials needed for the Public Works program was ordered from German companies and factories, and not just the big corporations. Small and medium sized businesses, as well as big business, were given generous government contracts, enabling them to hire more workers to meet the orders, thus reducing unemployment even further.All German companies were also offered cheap government loans so they could modernize their machinery, shopfloors, and other equipment.Again, this provided more jobs as the companies ordered new machinery and equipment.

As for agriculture, farmers were also offered cheap government loans to buy fertilizers, tractors, livestock and everything necessary to modernize their farms and increase agricultural production.Once again, these materials and manufactures were purchased from German companies, meaning more jobs for Germans.

All this was paid for with MEFO Bills, a government credit note redeemable 5 years after its issue to the company or borrower; thus, anyone taking up the loans or contracts had,of necessity, to order what they wanted from German companies, which were ordered to accept MEFO Bills as payment.

All this reduced German unemployment to virtually zero by the beginning of 1936. The commensurate reduction in government expenditure on welfare payments as unemployment fell boosted government finances, as did the rapid increase in tax revenues as the number of those in employment rose.

All these things combined to get Germany out of the Great Depression. Rearmament WAS NOT a major factor in this - rearmament didn't begin on a wide scale under the Nazis until well into 1936, when the German economy was already out of depression,and was strong and healthy.

By far the best book on the German economy in the 1930s is Richard Overy 'The Nazi Economy' - readable, relatively short, and well researched.

Hitler began rearming in 1933 and made it public in 1935.

Let me put it this way. The only way to effect such changes would be if the President (made dictator) outlawed all political partied but Democrats. Then he'd have to kill or imprison all the democrats who opposed him. Perhaps then he could disenfranchise the Mormons and steal all their wealth, put them to work in death camp. Outlaw unions and start huge government work programs......I bet three years would be enough.
Let me put it this way. The only way to effect such changes would be if the President (made dictator) outlawed all political partied but Democrats. Then he'd have to kill or imprison all the democrats who opposed him. Perhaps then he could disenfranchise the Mormons and steal all their wealth, put them to work in death camp. Outlaw unions and start huge government work programs......I bet three years would be enough.

Would you PLEASE stop handing ideas to The One who might lack sufficient imagination to think all that through?

''Obamacare killed jobs and Obama refuses to repeal it. Many jobs have been permanently lost and others are on shaky ground. I think Obama prefers dependents who need him and the Dems. He even removed the work requirement from welfare, so able-bodied recipients do not have to actively look for work in order to receive aid.''

The hell it did, and the hell he did, hater dupe. Change the channel...
While the expansion of the autobahn happened under Hitler's watch and beyond, construction had begun long before he took office. He does not get credit for the autobahn.

German Myth 8 - Hitler's Autobahn?

If Obama used Hitler's method of employment, he would first have to do away with many of the modern equipment and force people to build things the hard way. That would extend the time the jobs took and temporarily make the economy better. Of course, finding people these days who want to work the old fashioned way would be a neat trick. I am trying to imagine the life-long government dependents doing hard labor all day long. Won't happen. I also can't imagine the preppies who were drawing $120,000 a year taking labor jobs for much less. Many wouldn't even take a cut in pay to do similar work. One turned down an $85,000 job because it was considerably less than his previous salary.

In the day when people expected to work to put food on the table, they would take any job. That is not the case these days and people are better at waiting for their monthly stipend from government.

Obamacare killed jobs and Obama refuses to repeal it. Many jobs have been permanently lost and others are on shaky ground. I think Obama prefers dependents who need him and the Dems. He even removed the work requirement from welfare, so able-bodied recipients do not have to actively look for work in order to receive aid.

Why do some forever try to look for the good in Hitler? He didn't even create the jobs, an expert he appointed did. Hitler just took credit for things he wasn't smart enough to accomplish. The only thing he gets full credit for is the Holocaust.
The History of The Autobahn

The idea for the construction of the autobahn was first conceived in the late 1920s during the days of the Weimar Republic, but the construction was slow, and most projected sections did not progress much beyond the planning stage due to economic problems and a lack of political support. One project was the private initiative HaFraBa which planned a "car only road" crossing Germany from Hamburg in the North via central Frankfurt am Main to Basel in Switzerland. Parts of the HaFraBa were completed in the late 1930s and early 1940s, but construction eventually was halted by World War II. The first road of this kind was completed in 1932 between Cologne and Bonn and opened by Konrad Adenauer (Lord Mayor of Cologne and future Chancellor of West Germany) on 6 August 1932.[4] The road is currently the Bundesautobahn 555.[5][6][7][8] This road was not yet called Autobahn, but instead was known as a Kraftfahrstraße ("motor vehicle road").

Just days after the 1933 Nazi takeover, Adolf Hitler enthusiastically embraced an ambitious autobahn construction project and appointed Fritz Todt, the Inspector General of German Road Construction, to lead the project. By 1936, 130,000 workers were directly employed in construction, as well as an additional 270,000 in the supply chain for construction equipment, steel, concrete, signage, maintenance equipment, etc. In rural areas, new camps to house the workers were built near construction sites
The democrats refusal to accept that obama is a fraud, totally incompetent and to boot....has absolutely no leadership qualities....by blaming the republicans is ridiculous.

Obama spent trillions saving the Wall Street Bankers and other elitists....he he could just as easily ...maybe even more easily and with much more grass roots support spent that money on public works projects and re-industrializing America.

America traditionally was known as a pragmatic people......the democrats have lost sight of pragmatism and cling to their ideology despite the destructive nature of it.

No better example of that than what you see on this board.......democrats condemning Hitler and all he did......having no ability to distinguish between the good and the evil....a pragmatic person would be able to discern what could be adopted from Hitler's economic success and what should be discarded...just because Obama might wish to adopt some of Hitler's economic programs would not mean he would have to become a nazi or start persecuting jews or declare war on Poland.....time for people to get real and to get back to pragmatism.
Obama's utterings today poignantly drive home the reality that there are forms of impotence that Viagra cannot correct.
Obama blames his shortcomings on racist white folk.

Is this the sort of President people really want?

Now, of course it is understandable why Obama would make such a outrageous claim.....he understands what sort of people make up his political base......leftists with an agenda of extreme racial consciousness....prepared to destroy America in order to change it to fit their ideology.
Obama Could Learn From Hitler
What can Obama learn from someone who was responsible for WWII and the Holocaust? Failure.

Hitler ran up debt to such an extent that he forbade the German government from passing budgets so as not to arouse the angst of the German people because his fiscal path was not sustainable.

The economist Maynard Keynes, whom liberals follow today, declared that Hitler had proven his economic theories before he had a chance to declare them, and added that a totalitarian government was the most ideal government to implement his economic theories. Of course, this was before everyone realized he was a blood sucking genocidal Satan worshipping thug.

Hitler created a collectivist money machine to empower the army and give money to the average German worker. He did this by stealing from Jews and then shipping them off to death camps, invading countries and looting their wealth, and simply printing money out of thin air. The reason that Hitler mandated that everyone have health insurance and oppressed the top 4% of the wealthy in Germany with taxes, was not because he cared about the average German. It was because he wanted to make sure that there were no insurrections in a society that was war weary and engaged in genocide. Essentially Hitler bought off the German people to look the other way when it came to world conquest and genocide.

Having said all that, who is learning from who? Is Obama learning from Hitler or vice versa? I'd say that collectivists all pretty much do things the same way. They centralize power, create world conquering armies, and then loot the world through inflationary tactics and simple tax and theft.

Hitler was the most progressive leader in human history up to that point. He heavily taxed the top 4% of the wealthy in Germany, he enacted the first environmental legislation in Europe to protect certain animals and plants, he forbade dams on the Rhine to be built to generate hydroelectric power because of the feared environmental impact, and he passed some of the harshest animal rights legislation up to that time. If he had died before WW2 broke out, he would have gone down in world history as the greatest progressive in world history.

The dirty little secret here is that Hitler was on a fiscal suicide mission because it was all unsustainable. Essentially, he was burning all his bridges by such a path. It was either world conquest or complete fiscal collapse.

My only question is, what is Obama doing? He says that the current fiscal path is not sustainable, and rules over a government that refuses to pass budgets as well, but does not flinch. We know why Hitler was doing it, but why is Obama doing it?

I look at the US military with troops in over 100 countries around the world and I ask myself, what is there to conquer? Then I look at trouble spots like Iraq, Iran, Libya, and Syria and I see there are but a few more countries to take out to make the conquest complete. The US has essentially done what Hitler had dreamed of doing, which is taking over the world, so what then is the goal?

And before anyone thinks that the US is morally superior to the Nazi regime because they don't engage in genocide, tell that to the 50 million unborn who have died at the hands of the progressives, not to mention the millions that have died in their wars abroad since the turn of the 20th century.
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Obama blames his shortcomings on racist white folk.

Is this the sort of President people really want?

Now, of course it is understandable why Obama would make such a outrageous claim.....he understands what sort of people make up his political base......leftists with an agenda of extreme racial consciousness....prepared to destroy America in order to change it to fit their ideology.

Everyone acts in the same way, out of self interest. People simply believe that by electing those who wish to redistribute money, they will be getting some of the loot.

Similarly, capitalism works in much the same fashion. People think that if they have the freedom to buy and sell as they please, they will be better off for it financially.

What I don't understand is why people believe President Peanut when he says things like that he can provide medical coverage for 30 million more Americans and reduce insurance premiums at the same time while allowing everyone to keep their same medical plans and doctors. (Shrug) I guess people really are just that stupid.
The democrats refusal to accept that obama is a fraud, totally incompetent and to boot....has absolutely no leadership qualities....by blaming the republicans is ridiculous.

Obama spent trillions saving the Wall Street Bankers and other elitists....he he could just as easily ...maybe even more easily and with much more grass roots support spent that money on public works projects and re-industrializing America.

America traditionally was known as a pragmatic people......the democrats have lost sight of pragmatism and cling to their ideology despite the destructive nature of it.

No better example of that than what you see on this board.......democrats condemning Hitler and all he did......having no ability to distinguish between the good and the evil....a pragmatic person would be able to discern what could be adopted from Hitler's economic success and what should be discarded...just because Obama might wish to adopt some of Hitler's economic programs would not mean he would have to become a nazi or start persecuting jews or declare war on Poland.....time for people to get real and to get back to pragmatism.

Actually, brainwashed dingbat, Bush saved his Wall St cronies with TARP, while Obama saved Detroit and Main St with UE, tax cuts, INFRASTRUCTURE jobs etc. Hitler spent so much in debt and Jewish money on infrastructure and war jobs and spending that the only way out was war of conquest, which was of course his goal all along. WHERE THE HELL DO YOU GET ALL YOUR bs, Beck or what. ABSOLUTE RW IDIOCY...
Hitler created a collectivist money machine to empower the army and give money to the average German worker. He did this by stealing from Jews and then shipping them off to death camps, invading countries and looting their wealth, and simply printing money out of thin air.

So, this is different from the hyperinflation before Hitler? How about today in the United States, what is backing our currency today, other than the thin air?

Didn't Abe Lincoln adopt the Greenbacks to break free of the Banksters? Otto von Bismarck certainly took note of Abe Lincoln. Surely Hitler also read Bismark's literature, so is Abe Lincoln raw evil since Hitler copied him in some respect?
''What I don't understand is why people believe President Peanut when he says things like that he can provide medical coverage for 30 million more Americans and reduce insurance premiums at the same time while allowing everyone to keep their same medical plans and doctors. (Shrug) I guess people really are just that stupid.''

Actually, you're just that brainwashed. Everyone was already paying for their health care, just in the stupidest, most expensive way possible. Insurers broke that promise, but everyone will get better care anyway- no more cutoffs or 300k dollar bills...dupe.
Hitler created a collectivist money machine to empower the army and give money to the average German worker. He did this by stealing from Jews and then shipping them off to death camps, invading countries and looting their wealth, and simply printing money out of thin air.

So, this is different from the hyperinflation before Hitler? How about today in the United States, what is backing our currency today, other than the thin air?

Didn't Abe Lincoln adopt the Greenbacks to break free of the Banksters? Otto von Bismarck certainly took note of Abe Lincoln. Surely Hitler also read Bismark's literature, so is Abe Lincoln raw evil since Hitler copied him in some respect?

Hitler detested the gold standard, and with good reason. Hitler wanted to print more money than he had gold. After all, he had a world to conquer.

Before the US went off the gold standard, thanks to Nixon, political leaders tried to actually balance budgets. But alas, with the massive entitlement of LBJ and a war the US could not afford in Vietnam, it became too much and abandoned ship. Now they will destroy the Republic with debt.
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While the expansion of the autobahn happened under Hitler's watch and beyond, construction had begun long before he took office. He does not get credit for the autobahn.

German Myth 8 - Hitler's Autobahn?

If Obama used Hitler's method of employment, he would first have to do away with many of the modern equipment and force people to build things the hard way. That would extend the time the jobs took and temporarily make the economy better. Of course, finding people these days who want to work the old fashioned way would be a neat trick. I am trying to imagine the life-long government dependents doing hard labor all day long. Won't happen. I also can't imagine the preppies who were drawing $120,000 a year taking labor jobs for much less. Many wouldn't even take a cut in pay to do similar work. One turned down an $85,000 job because it was considerably less than his previous salary.

In the day when people expected to work to put food on the table, they would take any job. That is not the case these days and people are better at waiting for their monthly stipend from government.

Obamacare killed jobs and Obama refuses to repeal it. Many jobs have been permanently lost and others are on shaky ground. I think Obama prefers dependents who need him and the Dems. He even removed the work requirement from welfare, so able-bodied recipients do not have to actively look for work in order to receive aid.

Why do some forever try to look for the good in Hitler? He didn't even create the jobs, an expert he appointed did. Hitler just took credit for things he wasn't smart enough to accomplish. The only thing he gets full credit for is the Holocaust.

Nope! He doesn't even get credit for that! That was the work of Heydrich. Hitler is responsible for the war and that's just about all.
''What I don't understand is why people believe President Peanut when he says things like that he can provide medical coverage for 30 million more Americans and reduce insurance premiums at the same time while allowing everyone to keep their same medical plans and doctors. (Shrug) I guess people really are just that stupid.''

Actually, you're just that brainwashed. Everyone was already paying for their health care, just in the stupidest, most expensive way possible. Insurers broke that promise, but everyone will get better care anyway- no more cutoffs or 300k dollar bills...dupe.

Try telling that to people who had their premiums doubled while their coverage changed for the worse and/or lost their doctor dufuss.
The LAST Pub Great Depression gave rise to Hitler and Japanese militarists. Thank god this time Obama and social democrats across the modern world were there FAST to avert that again- just Jihadists- only cost 5 trillion- GREATJOB, GREEDY IDIOT PUBS AND SILLY HATER DUPES...
I guess I'll have to assume you purposefully disqualified yourself from the "Socio-political thinkers". That's very tricky.

It has been answered. No. It would not be appropriate to outlaw opposing political parties. Nor would it be appropriate to purge the ranks of the remaining party of by killing those who are viewed as a threat. Nothing to be learned. We'll have to do something else. Although I suppose in theory if one were to follow in Hitler's' footsteps solving the unemployment problem would be minor, Just disenfranchise and entire group of people. Steal all their possessions and then work them to death as slave laborers. Outlaw unions and build an even bigger war machine.....jobs for everyone.
Hitler's treatment of the Jews had nothing to do with the economic miracle he accomplished in 3 short years.

What Hitler actually did to bring Germany out of the Great Depression......

Hitler introduced a number of measures that pulled Germany out of the Great Depression before any other major industrial power.

Firstly, an economic expert, President of the Reichsbank Hjalmar Schacht, was put in charge of the economy (none of the leading Nazis knew much about economics) as Minister of Economics.He decided to implement Keynesian economics on a massive scale.

He thus began a large Public Works program to reduce unemployment. The main manifestation of this was the building of the autobahns, the German motorway network.Work on the autobahns was deliberately made labour intensive, with as few heavy machines used as possible, in order to prolong the construction time.This meant more jobs were provided over a longer period of time.

Secondly, all materials needed for the Public Works program was ordered from German companies and factories, and not just the big corporations. Small and medium sized businesses, as well as big business, were given generous government contracts, enabling them to hire more workers to meet the orders, thus reducing unemployment even further.All German companies were also offered cheap government loans so they could modernize their machinery, shopfloors, and other equipment.Again, this provided more jobs as the companies ordered new machinery and equipment.

As for agriculture, farmers were also offered cheap government loans to buy fertilizers, tractors, livestock and everything necessary to modernize their farms and increase agricultural production.Once again, these materials and manufactures were purchased from German companies, meaning more jobs for Germans.

All this was paid for with MEFO Bills, a government credit note redeemable 5 years after its issue to the company or borrower; thus, anyone taking up the loans or contracts had,of necessity, to order what they wanted from German companies, which were ordered to accept MEFO Bills as payment.

All this reduced German unemployment to virtually zero by the beginning of 1936. The commensurate reduction in government expenditure on welfare payments as unemployment fell boosted government finances, as did the rapid increase in tax revenues as the number of those in employment rose.

All these things combined to get Germany out of the Great Depression. Rearmament WAS NOT a major factor in this - rearmament didn't begin on a wide scale under the Nazis until well into 1936, when the German economy was already out of depression,and was strong and healthy.

By far the best book on the German economy in the 1930s is Richard Overy 'The Nazi Economy' - readable, relatively short, and well researched.

Hitler began rearming in 1933 and made it public in 1935.

Let me put it this way. The only way to effect such changes would be if the President (made dictator) outlawed all political partied but Democrats. Then he'd have to kill or imprison all the democrats who opposed him. Perhaps then he could disenfranchise the Mormons and steal all their wealth, put them to work in death camp. Outlaw unions and start huge government work programs......I bet three years would be enough.

Nope, the German High Command (OKH, Oberkommando des Heeres) had begun the rearmament process in the early to middle 1920's. They had started working on the blitzkrieg strategy in Russia around 1927-28 while they were helping the Soviets build modern tank production facilities.

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