Obama cranks it up - your thoughts?

If the economy continues to pick up steam....as it appears ready to do....he's going to usher in a nice 2016 for his successor and a much bluer congress.

Unlike his predecessor, he'll be a keynote speaker at the 2016 DNC convention.

Interesting watching Obama using executive authority to put the pedal to the metal on issues he knows the Republicans oppose, and evidently he's not through.

This, in the face of the 2014 elections.

Do you think he's hurting Democrats by essentially ignoring the sweeping Republican victories, or are the results of a sparsely-voted mid-term election not representative of a mandate?

Looks like Obama has made up his mind on that question.


He is hurting Democrats because no reasonable person is comfortable with his blatant disregard for the Constitution and our system of Government.
If the economy continues to pick up steam....as it appears ready to do....he's going to usher in a nice 2016 for his successor and a much bluer congress.

Unlike his predecessor, he'll be a keynote speaker at the 2016 DNC convention.

Since your crystal ball is so good....can you tell me tomorrows lotto numbers? Thanks in advance. :D
If the economy continues to pick up steam....as it appears ready to do....he's going to usher in a nice 2016 for his successor and a much bluer congress.

Unlike his predecessor, he'll be a keynote speaker at the 2016 DNC convention.

Since your crystal ball is so good....can you tell me tomorrows lotto numbers? Thanks in advance. :D

While I am very willing to admit that I could be wrong about what is to come....I marvel at your unwillingness to admit that you are wrong about what has already happened.
He is hurting Democrats because no reasonable person is comfortable with his blatant disregard for the Constitution and our system of Government.

Yawn, guy, most reasonable persons can't even name the three branches of government.

He's brilliantly playing you guys against yourself. Does the GOP do what the Chamber of Commerce wants and go along with amnesty, or do they play up to the Bubba-Rednecks and alienate hispanics?
Yeah when a Republican President pulls the same crap Obama is doing now the left will be the ones screaming about a lawless President and the right will be the ones looking the other way.

Let's get a Republican President and see

I the mean time, Obama will use his executive powers unless Congress shows some balls to pass some legislation
You may get your wish sooner than you think for a Republican President. Since Harry Reid will not be in charge to kill every piece of legislation that is passed by the House we will now see if the President actually has the balls to back up all his talk about being bipartisan and compromising.

Have the Republicans magically gotten 60 votes in the Senate?

Where do you think those bills will go?
So your claiming the Democrats are the party of no? Maybe the new Senate Majority leader will change the rules so 60 votes to pass legislation will no longer be needed you would be good with that right?
Think hobby lobby, think Gruber

Okay, Hobby Lobby was a very limited case about one part of the law applied to only a certain kind of company.

Here's the thing. MOST employers want their female employees to use birth control. They don't want to chuck out money for 12 weeks of leave, hire a temp, and then find out she's going to stay at home now, anyway.
I have lived thought Eisenhower to Obama. Obama is easily the worst of the bunch. He doesn't understand America, and I can tell by his stance, especially on immigration. And the health care issue, it cost some of us our jobs. I can tell what an out of touch creep Obama is because of these two issues, but especially, the people that voted for this man. Shame on you fools. We won't get fooled again.
I have lived thought Eisenhower to Obama. Obama is easily the worst of the bunch. He doesn't understand America, and I can tell by his stance, especially on immigration. And the health care issue, it cost some of us our jobs. I can tell what an out of touch creep Obama is because of these two issues, but especially, the people that voted for this man. Shame on you fools. We won't get fooled again.

You mean he doesn't understand why America is a racist society with a bunch of stupid white people who vote against their own economic interests, yeah, I guess I can get where that's hard to understand.

The health care issue. We spend more than any country in the world, health crises cause 62% of bankruptcies, we have the lowest life expectancy and the highest infant mortality rates in the industrialized world.

Yup, what a horrible guy Obama was, tryign to fix that mess.
The.Supremes are going to rip Obama apart, the ones that.know, got a feeling
We have the highest infant mortality in the world because of abortions dumb fuck

Interesting watching Obama using executive authority to put the pedal to the metal on issues he knows the Republicans oppose, and evidently he's not through.

This, in the face of the 2014 elections.

Do you think he's hurting Democrats by essentially ignoring the sweeping Republican victories, or are the results of a sparsely-voted mid-term election not representative of a mandate?

Looks like Obama has made up his mind on that question.

He's a seriously rotten asshole. Instead of trying to work with the opposition he's trying to piss them off.

I think he really, really, really hates Congressional Republicans. Not conservative or right-leaning moderate civilians per se, just those politicians who have made his life miserable for the last six years. He's gonna take these next two years and shove them straight up the GOP's ass. Kind of a win-win - do things his way and piss off the GOP.


It is one f...ed up system that allows the president to act like a dictator. I say impeach him now for the killing of four Americans, on 16 year old. Biden won't even know he is president.

Interesting watching Obama using executive authority to put the pedal to the metal on issues he knows the Republicans oppose, and evidently he's not through.

This, in the face of the 2014 elections.

Do you think he's hurting Democrats by essentially ignoring the sweeping Republican victories, or are the results of a sparsely-voted mid-term election not representative of a mandate?

Looks like Obama has made up his mind on that question.


I think he is putting the pedal to the metal on issues that AMERICA opposes. Who in the hell in America supports flooding our borders and giving those who sneak across amnesty? Not the majority by a long shot. Who supports snubbing the Cuban refugees? No one I know.

he said before the elections that it was a mandate, he lost, but not being a man he can't accept his loss. Impeachment is the only answer.

What the liberal left wingers who will back him no matter what don't realize that those who didn't vote were voting, basically present just a Obama did for many years. Not voting is a vote and it is a vote against Obama. The reason they didn't vote is because they can not bring themselves to vote for someone other then a democrat, so they don't vote.

Republicans now control 32 states. Time for a constitutional convention to limit out of control Presidents. But they won't do it because they see 2016 coming and they are no better then Obama.
The storm will come in July and Obamas legacy is dead

Yeah when a Republican President pulls the same crap Obama is doing now the left will be the ones screaming about a lawless President and the right will be the ones looking the other way.

Let's get a Republican President and see

I the mean time, Obama will use his executive powers unless Congress shows some balls to pass some legislation
You may get your wish sooner than you think for a Republican President. Since Harry Reid will not be in charge to kill every piece of legislation that is passed by the House we will now see if the President actually has the balls to back up all his talk about being bipartisan and compromising.

Have the Republicans magically gotten 60 votes in the Senate?

Where do you think those bills will go?
So your claiming the Democrats are the party of no? Maybe the new Senate Majority leader will change the rules so 60 votes to pass legislation will no longer be needed you would be good with that right?

I would encourage the Republicans to end Filibuster once and for all

Think they got the balls?

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