Obama: "Crimea referendum violates Law" - But Banker appointed leader does NOT - WOW!


VIP Member
Nov 17, 2013
Obama is the expert to tell us that referendum for Crimea to join Russia violates law[1], but their new government led by a banker that was never elected IS accepted by the US establishment left and right and by US establishment media. [2]

[3] And the third link shows what kind of New unelected government it actually is in Ukraine - as an armed gunman demands documents from the police in clearly provocative way, using curse words every few seconds, an elderly woman who tries to stand up for the policeman asks the gunmen - "show us YOUR documents, who are you" - the gunman refuse to show their documents or answer her question and continues to provoke the policeman. But you did not hear this from your Obama or your so called free western media did you?



[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P2eethmgJdI&feature=player_embedded]?????? ???! ?????????? ? ????????. ??????? ? ???????. - YouTube[/ame]​
THIS is the kind of government Zionist run MSM is advocating for
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Springtime for Pootin' and Russia,,
Winter for Ukraine and independence,
Goosesteps are on the march again,,,
Bombs falling from the skies again.....
The American Revolution violated international law. obama just thinks that President Putin just has bad lawyers.

obama just can't get his head around a nationalist. Anyone who acts only for their own country is a nationalist and therefore just like Hitler.

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