Obama Crimes

AND, if mccain is a natural born citizen because of this law writen in 1790 then obama would be as well....
We don't know this at all. Much is still up in the air. You are ignoring all of the other questions from my first post. But I am not surprised.

Maybe you can try this one I posed to DiveCon (who ran away):

And if there is nothing to all this and your explanation solves the problem, why is Obama spending hundreds of thousands of dollars (and potentially millions), and forcing over a dozen states (so far) to defend his qualifications to be president in court battles, when it would only cost him twenty bucks to have his vault certificate of live birth opened for examination?
We don't know this at all. Much is still up in the air. You are ignoring all of the other questions from my first post. But I am not surprised.

Maybe you can try this one I posed to DiveCon (who ran away):

And if there is nothing to all this and your explanation solves the problem, why is Obama spending hundreds of thousands of dollars (and potentially millions), and forcing over a dozen states (so far) to defend his qualifications to be president in court battles, when it would only cost him twenty bucks to have his vault certificate of live birth opened for examination?
i did not run away
i dont give a shit about that question in the sense that the STATE of HAWAII has issued him a birth certificate
that tells me he was born in HAWAII
unless you have PROOF that it was a fraud

waiting for this proof, and hint: rumors online is NOT proof
It seems the Constitution has become nothing more than a roll of toilet paper these days.
Now there is an argument that Hillary Clinton may be constitutionally ineligible for Sec. of State due to the "Emoluments Clause"

The Liberals were up in arms when Bush was stepping on the Constitution (as was I). But now that Obama is doing it, it's okay. (Of course, they didn't mind when Bill Clinton did it, either. Go figure.)
i did not run away
i dont give a shit about that question in the sense that the STATE of HAWAII has issued him a birth certificate
that tells me he was born in HAWAII
unless you have PROOF that it was a fraud

waiting for this proof, and hint: rumors online is NOT proof
You are correct - rumors on the internet are not proof. But nevertheless there are legitimate questions as to Obama's citizenship that have yet to be answered and that he is determinedly resisting.

As I mentioned in my first post, to prevent the possibility that he could be blackmailed these questions must be answered.

you poor desperate motherfuckers sure are cute with your gnashing teeth and angry banter.
We don't know this at all. Much is still up in the air. You are ignoring all of the other questions from my first post. But I am not surprised.

Maybe you can try this one I posed to DiveCon (who ran away):

And if there is nothing to all this and your explanation solves the problem, why is Obama spending hundreds of thousands of dollars (and potentially millions), and forcing over a dozen states (so far) to defend his qualifications to be president in court battles, when it would only cost him twenty bucks to have his vault certificate of live birth opened for examination?

DO you have some sort of reputable proof that obama is spending hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars defending this....as you stated? i don't believe so, thus your question is unanswerable.

our fbi or justice dept or congress is respnsible for vetting the constitutional eligibility of our presidents....why did not one of them stop his candidacy?

what makes you question the State of Hawaii, verifying his birth....they hold his original birth certificate?

also, FACTCHECK.org showed a clip from a honolulu paper from august of 1961 showing an announcement of his birth....

DO YOU THINK that when obama was born in 1961 his grandmother and mother knew that obama would be running for president someday and conspired back in 1961 to FAKE his birth in hawaii?

i'm sorry that you wear your emotions on your coatsleeve and have seemed to left logic out of it! :eek:

if obama is not a natural born citizen, then mccain is not either....they both were born by american citizens, overseas.

if obama is not a natural born citizen, then mccain is not either....they both were born by american citizens, overseas.

that IS your contention, right? that obama was not born in hawaii, but to an American born citizen, overseas? same as mccain?
DO you have some sort of reputable proof that obama is spending hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars defending this....as you stated? i don't believe so, thus your question is unanswerable.

our fbi or justice dept or congress is respnsible for vetting the constitutional eligibility of our presidents....why did not one of them stop his candidacy?

what makes you question the State of Hawaii, verifying his birth....they hold his original birth certificate?

also, FACTCHECK.org showed a clip from a honolulu paper from august of 1961 showing an announcement of his birth....

DO YOU THINK that when obama was born in 1961 his grandmother and mother knew that obama would be running for president someday and conspired back in 1961 to FAKE his birth in hawaii?

i'm sorry that you wear your emotions on your coatsleeve and have seemed to left logic out of it! :eek:

if obama is not a natural born citizen, then mccain is not either....they both were born by american citizens, overseas.

Both his campaign and the DNC are fighting these law suits. Again you point to the minutae and ignore the questions I have asked about the overall implications. I am not going to go through all of the details, like a newspaper announcement which proves absolutely nothing. There is a ton of stuff on the internet if you care to look. It is not my job to teach you about all of the nuances of this issue. All of your objections so far have been entirely irrelevant to the overall issues of Obama's qualification, his desperate defense to keep anyone from seeing his vault certification of live birth (the only document that matters, unless of course Kenyan and/or Indonesian records are unsealed), and the potential of him being placed in a position to be blackmailed...
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that IS your contention, right? that obama was not born in hawaii, but to an American born citizen, overseas? same as mccain?
actually, for Obama it would be slightly different than for McCain, BOTH of McCains parents were US Citizens and he was born on a US Military base
Hilarious! You somehow think the two major political parties in the United States are different in some way. Here's a clue: they both want power. Therefore, they will do anything to keep that power. Did Hillary take a position in Obama's cabinet? Of course. Is John McCain a Neoconservative? Of course. Stop trusting the government so much. Pretty soon you'll be telling me that America invaded Iraq because of WMDs.

:clap2:exactly.anybody who thinks the two parties are different in any way and dont have the same agenda needs to get their head examined.Their both the SAME party.after all,its a known fact that Clinton has a long standing friendship with George Bush dating back to the 80's-just do a google search of clinton,bush and the Mena arkansas scandal.and of course LBJ and Dick Nixon were good buddies as well.
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actually, for Obama it would be slightly different than for McCain, BOTH of McCains parents were US Citizens and he was born on a US Military base

no, it is not different than what he claimed, which was that obama was not a natural born citizen according to the constitution....if he was not born in hawaii.

I showed him that in 1790, just 2 years after the constitutional convention, Congress passed a statute regarding the naturalization of citizens, but also in this law, defined a ''natural born citizen'' as one born on US soil ALONG WITH any child being born to an American born citizen, while overseas. 2 years later with George Washington as the President signing it.

CASE CLOSED on obama and mccain as far as i'm concerned, even though the constitution itself does not necessarily make that case....

Any child born on a USA base abroad IS NOT A CITIZEN because they were born on a usa facility, they are citizens of the usa IF one of their parents is an american born citizen...any foreign worker who delivered a child on an American base overseas DOES NOT give that child American, natural born or naturalized citizenship....the nationality of their parent(s) does.

THIS DIFFERS with anyone being born on US soil....they ARE natural born citizens, can run for the presidency of the usa, even if both parents are illegal immigrants in our country.

What I had shown him is that laws have been writen since the constitution that make both mccain who was born in panama and Obama, IF he was not born in Hawaii (AS HE WAS), ''natural born citizens''....

This does not come from the constitution, but on how a natural born citizen was later defined by Congress.

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no, it is not different than what he claimed, which was that obama was not a natural born citizen according to the constitution....if he was not born in hawaii.

I showed him that in 1790, just 2 years after the constitutional convention, Congress passed a statute regarding the naturalization of citizens, but also in this law, defined a ''natural born citizen'' as one born on US soil ALONG WITH any child being born to an American born citizen, while overseas. 2 years later with George Washington as the President signing it.

CASE CLOSED on obama and mccain as far as i'm concerned, even though the constitution itself does not necessarily make that case....

Any child born on a USA base abroad IS NOT A CITIZEN because they were born on a usa facility, they are citizens of the usa IF one of their parents is an american born citizen...any foreign worker who delivered a child on an American base overseas DOES NOT give that child American, natural born or naturalized citizenship....the nationality of their parent(s) does.

THIS DIFFERS with anyone being born on US soil....they ARE natural born citizens, can run for the presidency of the usa, even if both parents are illegal immigrants in our country.

What I had shown him is that laws have been writen since the constitution that make both mccain who was born in panama and Obama, IF he was not born in Hawaii (AS HE WAS), ''natural born citizens''....

This does not come from the constitution, but on how a natural born citizen was later defined by Congress.

sorry, it requires BOTH parents to be citizens for it to be automatic
both McCains parents were citizens, not so for Obama, but the state of HI says he was boren there, that settles it for me
but the law is that if BOTH parents are US citizens, then it really doesant matter WHERE they were born, they are natural born US Citizens
no, it is not different than what he claimed, which was that obama was not a natural born citizen according to the constitution....if he was not born in hawaii.

I showed him that in 1790, just 2 years after the constitutional convention, Congress passed a statute regarding the naturalization of citizens, but also in this law, defined a ''natural born citizen'' as one born on US soil ALONG WITH any child being born to an American born citizen, while overseas. 2 years later with George Washington as the President signing it.

CASE CLOSED on obama and mccain as far as i'm concerned, even though the constitution itself does not necessarily make that case....

Any child born on a USA base abroad IS NOT A CITIZEN because they were born on a usa facility, they are citizens of the usa IF one of their parents is an american born citizen...any foreign worker who delivered a child on an American base overseas DOES NOT give that child American, natural born or naturalized citizenship....the nationality of their parent(s) does.

THIS DIFFERS with anyone being born on US soil....they ARE natural born citizens, can run for the presidency of the usa, even if both parents are illegal immigrants in our country.

What I had shown him is that laws have been writen since the constitution that make both mccain who was born in panama and Obama, IF he was not born in Hawaii (AS HE WAS), ''natural born citizens''....

This does not come from the constitution, but on how a natural born citizen was later defined by Congress.


Just saying:

Pontiac's Revenge - WSJ.com

Squirrel's Delight
Our item yesterday on Philip Berg's silly lawsuit against President-elect Obama prompts a reader to call to our attention the following press release from the 9/11 "truther" outfit UnansweredQuestions.org (quoting verbatim, bracketed material in original):

(Lafayette Hill, Pennsylvania - 01/04/07)--Philip J. Berg, Esquire, [Berg is a former Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania; former candidate for Governor and U.S. Senate; an attorney with offices in Montgomery County, PA and an active practice in Philadelphia, PA, who prior hereto has filed a RICO lawsuit against Bush and others for the events of 9/11 and plans to re-file shortly] announced today that he was issuing a call for world leaders to arrest and try Bush and Cheney for the global crimes of 9/11/01.

Philip J. Berg, Esquire stated in a letter to the nations throughout the world:
"It is time for the nations of the world to come forth and take the leadership because of the failure of the United States Government and the States where crimes were committed on 09/11/01, where no thorough investigation and indictments occurred, to investigate, arrest and prosecute the people responsible for the murders on 9/11/01, specifically including George W. Bush and Richard Cheney. "

Berg continued there is overwhelming evidence that:
"Bush and his cronies made 9/11 happen or let it happen. And, if they let it happen, then they made it happen. Either way, they are responsible; and more important, they have completely and unequivocally covered-it-up!"
We've certainly had our worries about Obama, but in an odd way it's comforting that he attracts the same sort of attention from conspiracy nuts that his predecessor does.
sorry, it requires BOTH parents to be citizens for it to be automatic
both McCains parents were citizens, not so for Obama, but the state of HI says he was boren there, that settles it for me
but the law is that if BOTH parents are US citizens, then it really doesant matter WHERE they were born, they are natural born US Citizens

really? i don't believe so....

if what you are saying is true then any american soldier who married a foreigner and had a child while overseas, his child would not be a natural born us citizen automatically, and that's simply not the case dive.
really? i don't believe so....

if what you are saying is true then any american soldier who married a foreigner and had a child while overseas, his child would not be a natural born us citizen automatically, and that's simply not the case dive.
that actually IS the case
they wouldnt be natural born
but they would be citizens
1934 Act of May 24, 1934, Section 1, 48 Stat. 797.

"Any child hereafter born out of the limits and jurisdiction of the United States, whose father or mother or both at the time of birth of such child is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States: but the rights of citizenship shall not descend to any such child unless the citizen father or citizen mother, as the case may be, has resided in the United States previous to the birth of such child

No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-five Years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States.

"All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the Jurisdiction thereof, are Citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. . ." Amendment XIV, section 1.

In the United States, a person is considered to be born a citizen either due to place of birth within U.S. territorial jurisdiction (jus soli) or through descent from a U.S. citizen (jus sanguinis), or through some combination of those two elements.
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actually, for Obama it would be slightly different than for McCain, BOTH of McCains parents were US Citizens and he was born on a US Military base

It would also be different in the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii which became the 50th state in 1959. Therefore Obama has natural born citizenship status by territorial jurisdiction (jus soli) or through descent from a U.S. citizen (jus sanguinis) Either one of these conditions declare Obama as a natural born citizen of the US, he has both of them.
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sorry, it requires BOTH parents to be citizens for it to be automatic
both McCains parents were citizens, not so for Obama, but the state of HI says he was boren there, that settles it for me
but the law is that if BOTH parents are US citizens, then it really doesant matter WHERE they were born, they are natural born US Citizens

It would also be different in the fact that Obama was born in Hawaii which became the 50th state in 1959. Therefore Obama has natural born citizenship status by territorial jurisdiction (jus soli) or through descent from a U.S. citizen (jus sanguinis) Either one of these conditions declare Obama as a natural born citizen of the US, he has both of them.

no shit moron
that actually IS the case
they wouldnt be natural born
but they would be citizens

Man you are one stupid chickenhawk.. Only 1 parent needs to be a citizen for the child to recieve natural born citizen status.. read up before you open your dumbass mouth and enter your foot.

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