Obama declares ‘turning point’ for US military

Every time Obama uses the words "as your Commander-in-Chief" I want to puke.
I have a great deal of difficulty taking seriously, anything that Obumble says, in connection with the US military.

Something tells me that our people in uniform are anxiously awaiting January 20, 2017, in much the same way that most of their fellow citizens seem to be.

Hell, I'd trust Billary more as CiC than I'd trust Obumble - and I don't want her in office either.

Well, I must admit I never know if he's being honest or accurate, but I sure agree with the sentiment.

Does he plan on dropping in leaflets from the sky too....to our enemies??!!!:funnyface::funnyface:

People say he was born in Kenya.......but I disagree. Far more likely it was Disney.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Good I'd be happy to see it, but we have too many war mongers in Congress along with AIPAC who wants us fighting international wars for Israel, it is probably a pipe dream.
Obama tells the military to their faces that soon we won't be needing them.

Russia is expanding ... China is increasing military spending ... ISIS is expanding their attacks all over the world ... and what does our agitator in chief want to do?

Draw back the military to weaker than pre-WW2 levels.

Makes sense if you're a friend of our enemies.

Our only option is to buy guns, food, water, and ammo. Get ready and wait it out till Jan 2017.
Obama tells the military to their faces that soon we won't be needing them.

Russia is expanding ... China is increasing military spending ... ISIS is expanding their attacks all over the world ... and what does our agitator in chief want to do?

Draw back the military to weaker than pre-WW2 levels.

Makes sense if you're a friend of our enemies.

Our only option is to buy guns, food, water, and ammo. Get ready and wait it out till Jan 2017.
Have you ever posted anything that wasn`t chock full of lies? How many nukes did we have pre-WW 2 btw? It`s so embarrassing living in a country full of lying chickenshits. BOO!
Disarming America: The U.S. has announced plans to place 50 nuclear missiles in storage as part of its commitment to the New START Treaty signed with Russia, ignoring Moscow's violation of another arms treaty.

The Pentagon announced Tuesday the United States' Strategic Force Structure designed "to comply with the New START Treaty," as a Defense Department press release notes. It means that 50 Minuteman III missiles — out of a current force of 450 — will be removed from their silos and stored away.

The silos will be kept "warm," that is, available for future use and for re-insertion of the missiles.

But it is doubtful that an administration that has as its goal a world without nuclear weapons and that promised the Russians "flexibility" in the gutting of U.S. missile defense would ever even contemplate such a move. The missiles are gone.

The Air Force now deploys three ICBM wings on its bases in Wyoming (Francis E. Warren), North Dakota (Minot), and Montana (Malmstrom). Each operates 150 ICBMs, with a squadron consisting of 50. The Obama administration proposes getting rid of one of those squadrons.

The remaining 400 deployed ICBMs would be the lowest number since 1962, according to a history of the ICBM force written by Hans Kristensen of the Federation of American Scientists.

He says that the U.S. had 203 deployed ICBMs in 1962, at the time of the Cuban missile crisis, with the force expanding rapidly to 597 the following year and topping 1,000 in 1966.

The question is why. The New START Treaty was designed for a bipolar world that no longer exists. It ignores China's rapidly growing and increasingly deadly military and missile force as well as threats from an unstable North Korea and a soon-to-be-nuclear Iran.

The president has said he dreams of a world without nuclear weapons, but so far it seems to mean only a world without U.S. nukes.

Meanwhile, Russia is taking the other route, making sure that its arsenal is updated and ready. It recently had its strategic forces carry out a large-scale military drill that included the test-launch of two land-based ICBMs and two submarine-launched ballistic missiles.

Russia has also been testing the Yars-M ballistic missile, a weapon with a range prohibited by the 1987 Intermediate-range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty.

The INF prohibits America and Russia from developing, testing or possessing ballistic or cruise missiles with ranges of 500 to 5,500 kilometers.

Obama To Reduce Minuteman III ICBM Force By 50 - Investors.com

Fuck You.
I don't trust anything the man says anymore....
Can't wait for his time as President to end.
Obama tells the military to their faces that soon we won't be needing them.

Russia is expanding ... China is increasing military spending ... ISIS is expanding their attacks all over the world ... and what does our agitator in chief want to do?

Draw back the military to weaker than pre-WW2 levels.

Makes sense if you're a friend of our enemies.

Our only option is to buy guns, food, water, and ammo. Get ready and wait it out till Jan 2017.
Have you ever posted anything that wasn`t chock full of lies? How many nukes did we have pre-WW 2 btw? It`s so embarrassing living in a country full of lying chickenshits. BOO!

Nukes didn't exist before WW2 you fucking idiot. Instead we used chemical weapons or conventional forces. That is what I was talking about.
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According to reports, he is going to keep 10,000 troops in until 2016, then withdraw them all.
Welcome another Iraq- Isis style setup.

on another note, have a nephew that was just commissioned as an officer and still hasn't gotten any orders
Why don't we just withdraw membership from the U.N. Shutter the building. They can take up residence elsewhere.

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