Obama Demands raise Debt Limit

W doubled the debt IN GOOD TIMES! Of course it was a fraud and a bubble that burst. 80% PLUS of Obama's debt are due to W's irresposible tax rates, stupid wars, and helping the victims of the Pub economic meltdown. Change the channel- you're getting Pure Pubcrappe, for dupes only.

Negotiate spending cuts with the Dems, separate from paying the bills and fecking up the recovery with BS. The Dems are ready for real negotiations and compromise..

In the past, you know, politicians passed bills on merit, not demanding cuts at the same time to grandstand for the ignorant, brainwashed dupes your big lie propaganda has produced...
"Obama demands", huh?

Well guess what Oblamo? No one gives a sweet fuck in Hell what you demand. You know what i demand you do? You and Joe Biden step down as President & Vice President and a new election be held immediately.

How about that, Barackie?
Okay, what needs to be demanded back at obama is, all salaries and benefits need to stop for congress, senate, and obama till they can cut spending. Instead of stopping ss or military payments, stop welfare recipients payments. Make them, according to their ability to work in the private sector for the same pay they recieve from goverment. It will only take a week or two for them to figure out it would be better to actually be on a payroll, than the goverment dol. I mean why threaten the people that have paid into the system, and actually earn their money, but not mention the people that get free money, free housing, and free food from cradle to grave?

A. What exact spending cuts have Pubs actually suggested? I hear NONE. They want Dems to suggest them so they can blame them later. "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME) WON"T COMPROMISE.
B. Non disabled on welfare already work for their cash, at minimum wage- And have to apply for jobs, and there are almost none to get.
C. Thanks for the depression, and refusing jobs bills, funding for training and infrastucture repair, dupe.
D. Get the feck out of the way of the economy, power mad pubs and silly dupes.
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Damn. Is chuck Norris gay? Not that there is anything wrong with that but I thought the right sort if didn't condone that sort if thing.
"Obama demands", huh?

Well guess what Oblamo? No one gives a sweet fuck in Hell what you demand. You know what i demand you do? You and Joe Biden step down as President & Vice President and a new election be held immediately.

How about that, Barackie?

Yeah. The last time.obama demanded something he won the election....so we know he has no idea what who he is messing with. :)
In 2006 Obama said raising the debt ceiling is a sign of leadership failure now in 2013 he insist it must be raised so I ask was he lying in 2006 or admitting his leadership failure in 2013?
Libs swear Obama hasn't added one penny to our national debt....

Well no.

Seems Obama's added about a Trillion and Bush added around 4 Trillion.

So what do you think we should stop spending on? Old folks? Kids? Veterans?

Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

Its not a threat you fucking moron. If the government can't borrow more social security obligations cannot be met - unless you'd prefer we discharge the military and abandon national defense instead.

Are you so fucking stupid that you don't realize social security benefits and veterans checks have to come from somewhere?

Then maybe Obama should compromise, like he always promises he'll do, then backs out cause he really doesn't want compromise.
Libs swear Obama hasn't added one penny to our national debt....

Well no.

Seems Obama's added about a Trillion and Bush added around 4 Trillion.

So what do you think we should stop spending on? Old folks? Kids? Veterans?


Government, union payoffs, abortion clinics, PBS, cut public union benefits, salaries, cut all branches of government salaries, benefits, retirement and budgets... just a start..
Okay, what needs to be demanded back at obama is, all salaries and benefits need to stop for congress, senate, and obama till they can cut spending. Instead of stopping ss or military payments, stop welfare recipients payments. Make them, according to their ability to work in the private sector for the same pay they recieve from goverment. It will only take a week or two for them to figure out it would be better to actually be on a payroll, than the goverment dol. I mean why threaten the people that have paid into the system, and actually earn their money, but not mention the people that get free money, free housing, and free food from cradle to grave?

A. What exact spending cuts have Pubs actually suggested? I hear NONE. They want Dems to suggest them so they can blame them later. "No compromise, un-American Tea Party GOP" (TIME) WON"T COMPROMISE.
B. Non disabled on welfare already work for their cash, at minimum wage- And have to apply for jobs, and there are almost none to get.
C. Thanks for the depression, and refusing jobs bills, funding for training and infrastucture repair, dupe.
D. Get the feck out of the way of the economy, power mad pubs and silly dupes.

When has obama invited republicans to the white house to talk about spending cuts? Last I remember he told them to get in the back seat. You say people on welfare work or need to be looking for a job. Your talking about unemployment right? Not welfare. The depression your talking about started in 2007 when the democrats took over the house. Tell me how many budgets have been passed under obama?
Obama demands quick action to raise debt limit | US National Headlines | Comcast

President Barack Obama demanded on Monday that lawmakers raise the nation's $16.4 trillion federal debt limit quickly, warning that "Social Security benefits and veterans' checks will be delayed" if they don't and cautioning Republicans not to insist on cuts to government spending in exchange.

"They will not collect a ransom in exchange for not crashing the economy," he said at the 21st and final news conference of his first term. "The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip. And they better decide quickly because time is running short."

Obama the dicator "Demands" , we should demand he quits threaten the American people and quit bankrupting this Country.Spend and borrow-Spend and borrow, We now borrow 4 billion a day just to keep the lights on, Pure Insanity !

Its not a threat you fucking moron. If the government can't borrow more social security obligations cannot be met - unless you'd prefer we discharge the military and abandon national defense instead.

Are you so fucking stupid that you don't realize social security benefits and veterans checks have to come from somewhere?

One of the ways you can tell when a politician is lying, other than the obvious lips moving thing, is when he repeats something more than once because he knows it is unbelievable.
Libs swear Obama hasn't added one penny to our national debt....

Well no.

Seems Obama's added about a Trillion and Bush added around 4 Trillion.

So what do you think we should stop spending on? Old folks? Kids? Veterans?


Government, union payoffs, abortion clinics, PBS, cut public union benefits, salaries, cut all branches of government salaries, benefits, retirement and budgets... just a start..

Do not forget free phones,free medical,free food,free housing,generational welfare is sucide............Womb to tomb entitlements need to stop, quit giving entitlements to dirt bag freeloaders who are illegal.And stop the dam out of control spending-we now overspend to the tune of 4 billion a day.:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Declaring "we are not a deadbeat nation," President Obama warned on Monday that Social Security checks and veterans' benefits will be delayed if congressional Republicans fail to increase the government's borrowing authority in a looming showdown over the nation's debt and spending.

How about we delay his check, Obama makes me puke, what a scum bag.He would threaten some old people there $250.00 check a week check ,Beyond me how this menace got re elected...........

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VQxNixPQ60Y]Obama Flip Flops on Debt Ceiling - YouTube[/ame]

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