Obama/Democrat Immigration Nightmare: Admissions Of Syrians, Somalis Ahead Of Last Year's Pace


Gold Member
Dec 10, 2016
Shocking, Obama actually boasts about 'goals' and 'targets' on allowing more people in from nations known to be Terror-Havens. It's madness. Pray Donald Trump ends this nightmare and saves our country. The Democrats have left him a destroyed nightmare Immigration System. It'll take a miraculous herculean effort on his part to rebuild it.

Through the first 11 weeks of fiscal year 2017, the United States welcomed 23,428 individuals as “refugees,” according to the Refugee Processing Center. At this rate, the U.S. will resettle roughly 110,580 this fiscal year, which would exceed President Obama’s target of 110.000.

Contrast that with last year, when the U.S. welcomed only 13,786 “refugees” through the first 11 weeks of FY 2016. The country would end up welcoming 84,995 by fiscal year’s end.

Leo Hohmann, a veteran journalist and news editor, sees this as part of a “concerted effort” by the Obama administration to admit as many as possible before Donald Trump becomes president.

“Get them here before Trump takes office on Jan. 20, because you don’t know exactly what Trump will do with regard to this controversial program,” is how Hohmann summarized the current administration’s attitude. “The left is in panic mode because this program has run on autopilot for 35 years, and now for the first time we have a president who has expressed an interest in taking a hard, critical look at how it is run and the effects it’s had on our cities, states and country.”

‘Refugee’ resettlement accelerates in Obama’s final months
Enemy of the State

'Nuff said

Yeah, his use of the terms 'Goals' and 'Targets' really is shocking. Why does he have such 'Goals' and 'Targets?' The American People don't want that. They never asked for it. More Syrians and Somalis? Why? Those are very dangerous well known Terror-Haven nations.

We should actually halt all Immigration from those nations. We should do the same with other nations like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan. I just can't believe these are Obama's 'Goals' and 'Targets.' It's madness. Hopefully Trump will dramatically change these policies. We need big changes to our dismantled Immigration System. .
The Democratic party owns every crime they commit, like Obamacare Dem's will beg us to get rid of them after we hold their feet to the fire on this.
Very few Americans support Obama's 'Goals/Targets' for bringing in thousands from Terror-Haven nations like Syria and Somalia. Obama/Democrats have dismantled our Immigration System. Can Trump rebuild it? God let's hope so.

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