Obama didn't kill Osama Bin Ladan. Period!


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
Obama didn't kill Osama Bin Ladan. Period!
Let's all be sure to remember this benchmark the next time someone tries to blame Obama for something someone else did.

I'm sure Obama would be happy to know that you guys are not going to hold him accountable for anything that happens on his watch that he did not actually do himself. That must be a huge load off his shoulders.
"President Obama made the right call to give the green light to the mission. But he did it in a way that he could shift the blame if things went wrong. Typical Obama. And typical of him to claim full credit for it, when he didn’t do anything but give a vague nod, while putting his top military officials at risk of taking the hit in case of a bad turn."

American Power: What 'Gutsy Call'? Obama Didn't Make 'Operational Decision' to Kill Osama bin Laden

Not since Desert One have those kinds of decisions been given a "vague nod". How you think he could have escaped the same fate as Carter, is beyond me. FAIL!
Of course, if Bush had gotten OBL, he would have been the epitome of decorum and not gloated at all.


Don't mess with Texas! Eh eh eh eh
Correct. His order allowed SEAL TEAM 6 to kill bin Laden, and I credit Obama with giving the order to go ahead.

That's it? Orders a common dolt could give are what we commend our President for? Even when he was prepared to blame another if it was a failure. Okay. You vote for that guy.
Of course, if Bush had gotten OBL, he would have been the epitome of decorum and not gloated at all.


Don't mess with Texas! Eh eh eh eh

Bush did more than Obama did. But no President really "got" him.
Obama didn't kill Osama Bin Ladan. Period!
Let's all be sure to remember this benchmark the next time someone tries to blame Obama for something someone else did.

I'm sure Obama would be happy to know that you guys are not going to hold him accountable for anything that happens on his watch that he did not actually do himself. That must be a huge load off his shoulders.

Lets all be sure to remember this benchmark the next time Obama tries to blame someone else for something he did.
Just made a minority decision, very risky, that that panty waist stuffed shirt Romney never would have, idiot dupe.

He wouldn't have blamed someone else for it's failure I'm sure, but that's about it.
It feels like shards of glass in your stomach, doesn't it. That Bush didn't get OBL and Obama did. It's just killing you.

You don't give a fuck this is a huge victory for America and an important achievement for the thousands of people who died on 9/11. No. Fuck that. This is about the Kenyan Muslim in the White House getting all the glory. It drives you guys batshit nuts.

You people need some serious perspective adjustment. I can't stand Obama, but I greatly appreciate that OBL is dead and gone. I don't care who did it. I am just glad its done, and you should be, too.

And the man in the White House, whoever it is, deserves the credit. Your cheap sore loser attitudes are pathetic.
Neo-cons bellyached for YEARS about an order that Clinton did not give when our troops had OBL in their sights in the late 90s. And because of that, they blamed Clinton for 9/11.

FOR YEARS! All over the goddam net and radio.

So now you think you can be all two-faced now and say an order to kill OBL does not get the President any credit for the killing of OBL?

Fuck your fucking hypocrisy. You fuckers are fucking up the GOP. Seriously. Fuck the lot of you, you fucking hypocritical un-American assholes if you can't even be decent enough to give a man his due.

The real story is that Bush fucking failed. Period.
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You do realize, franco, that "poverty" in the U.S. is better than normal wages almost everywhere else in the world, right? That's because of corporate greed. Which is a million times better than government greed and lazy greed.
The CIA and military killed UBL, Obamination was just sitting in the White House when the opportunity happened.

It took years of gathering intelligence from captured terrorists that were broken down at GITMO. GITMO.....you know the place you liberals hate.

Seeing liberals drape themselves in the US Flag after fighting the CIA and US military for decades shows that they are nothing but scum, scum that takes credit from the work of other people.
The CIA and military killed UBL, Obamination was just sitting in the White House when the opportunity happened.

It took years of gathering intelligence from captured terrorists that were broken down at GITMO. GITMO.....you know the place you liberals hate.

Seeing liberals drape themselves in the US Flag after fighting the CIA and US military for decades shows that they are nothing but scum, scum that takes credit from the work of other people.

obama was on the golf course when it happened.

Obama played golf as US special forces prepared to kill bin Laden – Telegraph Blogs

What you are thinking of, is the phony photo op after the mission was over when obama pretended to be riveted by monitors showing the mission as it happened.
Neo-cons bellyached for YEARS about an order that Clinton did not give when our troops had OBL in their sights in the late 90s. And because of that, they blamed Clinton for 9/11.

FOR YEARS! All over the goddam net and radio.

So now you think you can be all two-faced now and say an order to kill OBL does not get the President any credit for the killing of OBL?

Fuck your fucking hypocrisy. You fuckers are fucking up the GOP. Seriously. Fuck the lot of you, you fucking hypocritical un-American assholes if you can't even be decent enough to give a man his due.

The real story is that Bush fucking failed. Period.

It's not that he doesn't deserve some credit but it's funny to me he blames Bush for everything bad he's done, yet Obama is the first to take credit for something that Bush would be actually responsible for. The hypocrisy must be killing you.
It feels like shards of glass in your stomach, doesn't it. That Bush didn't get OBL and Obama did. It's just killing you.

You don't give a fuck this is a huge victory for America and an important achievement for the thousands of people who died on 9/11. No. Fuck that. This is about the Kenyan Muslim in the White House getting all the glory. It drives you guys batshit nuts.

You people need some serious perspective adjustment. I can't stand Obama, but I greatly appreciate that OBL is dead and gone. I don't care who did it. I am just glad its done, and you should be, too.

And the man in the White House, whoever it is, deserves the credit. Your cheap sore loser attitudes are pathetic.

I suspect it feels like shards of disrespect to the heroes of SEAL 6. But being military, they are used to being used as a political football... pity that people do that but that's the way it is. Sick freaks who credit politicians with the guts of our military.... shame on them.

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