Obama didn't know

For English Press 1, For White Hispanic Press 2, For Kenyan Press 3, For Jive,Press 4. For Males, Press 5, For Females Press 6, For Confused Gender Press 7 and For Dead Callers, Press 666.
When are people going to wake up? He. Doesn't. Care. His NPD prevents him from giving a shit about anyone but himself. Not kidding. Just look at his attitude/reaction/lack of empathy in his garden speech the other day. Why, he even stopped from helping the fainting woman to turn around and make a 'joke', rather than making sure she was moved away and safe from falling before then making his 'joke'. It is always, always about obama.

[The website, she said, is a tool for people who are "tech savvy," and HHS never anticipated that everyone would want to use website.
wtF???? What year do they think this is?? This coming from the same administration that was so hip and savvy campaigning in 2008, using all media devices to reach the young people ... the very same young people who they need to sign up for this pos in order for it 'work'???? This is total and utter bullshit, 100%.
When are people going to wake up? He. Doesn't. Care. His NPD prevents him from giving a shit about anyone but himself. Not kidding. Just look at his attitude/reaction/lack of empathy in his garden speech the other day. Why, he even stopped from helping the fainting woman to turn around and make a 'joke', rather than making sure she was moved away and safe from falling before then making his 'joke'. It is always, always about obama.

[The website, she said, is a tool for people who are "tech savvy," and HHS never anticipated that everyone would want to use website.
wtF???? What year do they think this is?? This coming from the same administration that was so hip and savvy campaigning in 2008, using all media devices to reach the young people ... the very same young people who they need to sign up for this pos in order for it 'work'???? This is total and utter bullshit, 100%.

I guess Odumbo didn't get the memo that Al Gore invented the internet years ago

What I am sure he and many others consider to be his biggest accomplishment, positive accomplishment, to date and he didn't know...

I find that very hard, if not impossible, to believe...

If true, it speaks volumes...

If not true, it speaks volumes...

Sebelius and how many others will fall on their swords before this is over?

Over three years for development, millions of dollars, reportedly four to six days for testing (something experts have said should have taken six months, at least), all in an effort to bring President Obama's signature issue to fruition and he didn't know anything... Again...
Obamacare is just the defining symbol of his presidency and Obama didn't bother to call anyone to ask them if the system was working properly before they unleashed it on us.

why would he

he has not been held accountable for anything thus far

in his presidency

why should this be any different
Obamacare is just the defining symbol of his presidency and Obama didn't bother to call anyone to ask them if the system was working properly before they unleashed it on us.

The 'system' in it's totality is working just fine.

The website is the problem. And that's the tiger by the toe you folks think you got him on.

But there's more than one way to sign up.

800-318-2596 - That's the phone number.

You can also take a walk to one of the offices.

Visit LocalHelp.HealthCare.gov to find help in your area. You can search by city and state or zip code to see a list of local organizations with contact information, office hours, and types of help offered, such as non-English language support, Medicaid or CHIP, and Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP).
How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada, who has done this countless times, who are experts at creating/running single payer systems (that barry, always thinking ahead eh?) ... and this is what they produce? And obama didn't know? They didn't think so many people would use the website to sign up? They blamed it on volume, something that more servers would easily fix?

I'm having a very hard time swallowing this. Something is just 'off' with all of it. These people who are too stupid to test a massive website for more than six days? And the company implementing the system didn't say 'hey, we need to test this for months to work out the kinks'? Come on. Something is up with all of this.
Obamacare is just the defining symbol of his presidency and Obama didn't bother to call anyone to ask them if the system was working properly before they unleashed it on us.

The 'system' in it's totality is working just fine.

The website is the problem. And that's the tiger by the toe you folks think you got him on.

But there's more than one way to sign up.

800-318-2596 - That's the phone number.

You can also take a walk to one of the offices.

Visit LocalHelp.HealthCare.gov to find help in your area. You can search by city and state or zip code to see a list of local organizations with contact information, office hours, and types of help offered, such as non-English language support, Medicaid or CHIP, and Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP).

Or pay the $95 tax on your 2014 Federal Tax return.
How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada, who has done this countless times, who are experts at creating/running single payer systems (that barry, always thinking ahead eh?) ... and this is what they produce? And obama didn't know? They didn't think so many people would use the website to sign up? They blamed it on volume, something that more servers would easily fix?

I'm having a very hard time swallowing this. Something is just 'off' with all of it. These people who are too stupid to test a massive website for more than six days? And the company implementing the system didn't say 'hey, we need to test this for months to work out the kinks'? Come on. Something is up with all of this.

How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada

not only non American

but a no bid contract ta boot

another thing the lefty sheeple used to despise
Obamacare is just the defining symbol of his presidency and Obama didn't bother to call anyone to ask them if the system was working properly before they unleashed it on us.

The 'system' in it's totality is working just fine.

The website is the problem. And that's the tiger by the toe you folks think you got him on.

But there's more than one way to sign up.

800-318-2596 - That's the phone number.

You can also take a walk to one of the offices.

Visit LocalHelp.HealthCare.gov to find help in your area. You can search by city and state or zip code to see a list of local organizations with contact information, office hours, and types of help offered, such as non-English language support, Medicaid or CHIP, and Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP).

Or pay the $95 tax on your 2014 Federal Tax return.

95 dollars OR 1 percent of your income

whichever is greater
Obamacare is just the defining symbol of his presidency and Obama didn't bother to call anyone to ask them if the system was working properly before they unleashed it on us.

The 'system' in it's totality is working just fine.

The website is the problem. And that's the tiger by the toe you folks think you got him on.

But there's more than one way to sign up.

800-318-2596 - That's the phone number.

You can also take a walk to one of the offices.

Visit LocalHelp.HealthCare.gov to find help in your area. You can search by city and state or zip code to see a list of local organizations with contact information, office hours, and types of help offered, such as non-English language support, Medicaid or CHIP, and Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP).

If you call the number or go to an office to sign up for insurance, how do you think the helper person is going to get you signed up? They are going to try and access the website that doesn't work.

How do you know the system is working just fine? No one has even received benefits from it yet. At best, a small number of people have been able to sign up.

Why don't you address the OP? If obama didn't know ... you have nothing to say about that; if he did know it was not ready for prime time but he gave the go ahead anyway ... you have nothing to say about that.
How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada, who has done this countless times, who are experts at creating/running single payer systems (that barry, always thinking ahead eh?) ... and this is what they produce? And obama didn't know? They didn't think so many people would use the website to sign up? They blamed it on volume, something that more servers would easily fix?

I'm having a very hard time swallowing this. Something is just 'off' with all of it. These people who are too stupid to test a massive website for more than six days? And the company implementing the system didn't say 'hey, we need to test this for months to work out the kinks'? Come on. Something is up with all of this.

How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada

not only non American

but a no bid contract ta boot

another thing the lefty sheeple used to despise
Michigan is not in Canada.

Teal Media
How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada, who has done this countless times, who are experts at creating/running single payer systems (that barry, always thinking ahead eh?) ... and this is what they produce? And obama didn't know? They didn't think so many people would use the website to sign up? They blamed it on volume, something that more servers would easily fix?

I'm having a very hard time swallowing this. Something is just 'off' with all of it. These people who are too stupid to test a massive website for more than six days? And the company implementing the system didn't say 'hey, we need to test this for months to work out the kinks'? Come on. Something is up with all of this.

How in the world can this be so fucked up? Millions dumped into creating this system by a (non-American) company that is touted as being the best IT company in Canada

not only non American

but a no bid contract ta boot

another thing the lefty sheeple used to despise
Michigan is not in Canada.

Teal Media

CGI Conseillers en Gestion et Informatique

is a Canadian company

and it was a no bid contract

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